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New 'toss
it's over
Saladtoss has a .95 batting average, but he misses occasionally. Life goes on
a photographer must have fucked his gf
>Check out this canvas I painted

>You mean a BRUSH painted.
I don't get it. A phone is not a machine.
>retard makes retarded commentary
>act shocked

Was OP really shocked?
It's a canvas, Mario! I painted it myself!
Not new though
Is film more real and genuine than digital?
how will clicktographers ever recover?
In film, enough photons hitting a grain of silver halide in short enough time change its properties so it can be later developed to a speck of silver as analogue of light that hit the grain. Real physical change proportional to light.
In digital sensor photons hitting a photosensitive pixel integrate a charge which is amplified and measured. Real information about light hitting the pixel.
Take your pick.
are you failing to grasp the point of the image? Film is even worse as you don't have nearly the capability to put your own creative vision into the image. It is simply a mechanical capture
something about the fuckable mouths of his characters
Please go on...
Photography bros...
It's over.
I'm selling all my cameras today.
bros can we actually create anything if we always need mediums and tools to do it? is there anything we can do ourselves? does childbirth count?
File: amogus.jpg (118 KB, 1280x1071)
118 KB
118 KB JPG
that flash is looking kinda sus
Dance and song are the only true mediums
Murican right-wing memes have become as dumb as left-wing memes. Pathetic.
Your stil can clap your hands and stamp your feets to make music.
Photography isn't art imo. It's documentation. Is a news report art?
Dance isn’t art. It’s just a biological ritual the brain convinces itself it values bc it rewards mating rituals with dopamine bc they lead to sex & procreation. Otherwise dance is just a lot of pointless & unnecessary moving around, establishing, discovering, saying & accomplishing nothing & getting nowhere.
/qa/ lost
>moving a brush for hours
>pressing a shutter button
yeah it's absolutely the same. you're totally an artist, anon. don't let anyone tell you anything else
Ironic considering he makes his comics with a computer program.
a digital photo is not real until it was printed at least once. until then it's just a configuration of electrons being passed from one satanic hell machine to another. have you ever tried touching an electron? you can't. because electrons are not real.
I guess dance and music are how homosexuals procreate.
Lick a 9 V battery to see how real they are
>electrons being passed from one satanic hell machine to another
Shut you computer off and never ever touch something that runs on electricity again.
>mongoloids believing in electrons
Brooooo, so true.
Close but it’s actually blood orgies. After we sacrifice a few pathetic white slaves and lynch the catholic leadership, we invite the Jews, the queers, the intellectuals, the writers, the artists, the architects, the designers, the lawyers and all the flaming lefty politicians and all the closeted right wingers over and the clothes come off and everybody gets in a big bi orgy using their blood as anal lube.

You dumb fuckin hicks have no idea what your daughters get up to at college.
Very sus
>is there anything we can do ourselves?
Fecal fingerpainting
>unnecessary moving around
Ambulation alternates the polarity of the body, whose piezoelectric properties stimulate biological regeneration and growth.
this is the only way to take photos as a real artist
you mean this in an endgy snarky way but ironically you're right. photography is not art. never will be. it's like standing at the assembly line in some factory and calling yourself an "inventor" lol
Photography *can* be art, but that's like the creme-da-la-creme of photography. Most of us are more like archivists if anything. We're preserving moments; capturing instances in life be them repeating or singular and keeping them for later.

We're also just generic faggots with an expensive hobby, but at least we're not /k/
>be me
>both a /k/unt into longrange/prs shooting
>and now photography
My wallet is a battered spouse.
>never buy anything I can't afford with cash outright however
>Never bought anything without the cash

You my sir are a certified(TM) smart individual. Plenty of dickheads leverage themselves up with debt; you doin fine.

Hows the .30-06 prices these days
those hobbies are as cheap as they come when you're a grown man with disposable income
stop kvetching about a gun costing $900 or whatever or a camera body $2500. that's small change compared to really expensive hobbies
what he said

anyone into cars flying boating or horses laughs at your reasonably priced thrifty hobbies
30-06 isn't bad right now, but 30-30? Holy fuck it's almost 2bucks a round right now where I am.
I just wanna shoot my levergat man
>comparing boats and cars to cameras or guns
You're both retarded.
>muh expensive hobbies
Do tell, what camera body and lens do you guys have, cars, and boats?
Do you even own a house?
I did have a boat, worst financial decision I made, do miss her though.
I'm financially well off to enjoy all my hobbies with wiggle room for buying a 2nd house next year, but using boats/cars as a measure of wealth is retarded. Land is significantly more important.
Based mauser enjoyer, my buddy reloads his 8mm.
land isnt a hobby retardo

you can't be a land enthusiast
Absolutely is when it comes to livestock and smallscale farming, dumbass.
Answer the question, do you own a house? A boat? What cars?

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