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an idiot does what they are told and thinks themselves smarter for it.

explains why all the geniuses at CERN quit to work at mcdonalds
Hey OP, what's your theory on why phones haven't overtaken real cameras yet? What still needs to be done to achieve it?
they did though
you are just coping
Phone is much more complex than photocamera.
Its lens design is phenomenal, since phones are so thin, and yet some have respectable size sensors. This means that all lenses in the camera of the phone have to be aspherical, futhermore some phones do have periscope system in them.
Designated camera is much simpler as it uses less aspherical elements, since all your aberrations can be corrected with normal spherical lenses since space and weight requirements are not as strict, and arguably glass is better than plastic.

Not to mention that everything in photo is an accessory that can apply to a phone too.
Light, tripod, charger, spare batteries in form of powerbank, external mic, and even SD cards (if its not an iphone or you have dongle to read those)
True, especially as prices creep up these days flagship phones are offering more compelling quality over an old, used, and outdated camera and perhaps a couple cheap crusty lenses for the same price.

Not to mention you can edit/post/stream all your photos/videos right from your phone. No ilc middleman!
5d classic still mogs this shit

I dont even want 6 gorillion swipe down style controls. Can I get a camera with exactly 4 settings all right there? Shutter aperture ISO focus. You don't need more

And the simplicity of a large sensor. No processing pipelines. No multi exposure. No modes. Just read out and voila, photo.
They have? I guess there's no point in shilling on an irrelevant board then.
Nothing simple about 3 cameras with untold dozens of hidden swipe out, tap, pinch, and press hold options running on the computational power of IBM's deep blue just to take photos that look like this

And then some over complicated cloud subscription account/software sync bullshit just to get the photos anywhere but a text message or a social media post
Ironically the machine on the right is far more complex than all of the machinery on the left combined
Can someone here help OP find his dad? Does anyone know the name of the last liquor store he robbed?
>Simplicity is when I also include a huge touchscreen, an 8+ core processor, a phone, a wifi radio, a music player, my banking information and social media accounts into a camera. Also it's 100x worse at being a camera
love threads like this

killing two birds with one stone: telling absolute truths and getting retards mad

captcha: gaza
I hope OP doesn't have to resort to samefagging just to get any response at all.
he already did. when retards get btfo they try and “reset” the argument by not-him-but agreeing with themselves. see: >>4325057
Lol, he even posted the word "gaza" in a desperate attempt for attention. INB4 he tries to "reset" in another thread.
explain how "high end" phones are all tending towards multiple separate cameras plus stuff like larger sensors and optical zooming.
Arguably, this is a simpler solution to real zoom lens.
nothing simple about the technology clusterfuck and the resulting smeared photos stored in some sql db thing that, on apple devices, can not be SIMPLY moved like any other data ie: sd card.

i admire simplicity. not a device that feeds photos to apple for AI analysis (its to stahp cp guize honest) and makes me use itunes for a confusing transfer process that needs special configuration not to erase files on one device or another.
Multiple prime lenses + variable sensor size per lens for max range
What's simpler
>there is a lens in front of a sensor called a 16-50
>it zooms
>a single sensor readout = a photo
>the photo goes on the sd card
>if you want your photo you take it off the sd card

>there's a BIG sensor for the 24mm
>and then a smaller sensor for the 16mm
>and a smaller sensor for the 35-50
>a primitive AI tries to guess the number of photos to take to combine to create an HDR photo and then paints over blurry details
>the result is then sent back to home base for AI analysis
>if you want your photo please make a dropbox account or install itunes or...
Moral of the thread:
A genius admires simplicity, but they know more so they see simplicity in other places, while a normie could be convinced the most complex machine on earth were the simplest if it were encased in a silver rectangle without any buttons

geniuses already knew this, hence the trolling, and hence the iphone exists as the ultimate normie duping machine. did you know the UI was actually redesigned to be mildly addictive?
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Wooden box with a lens on it bros, we fucking won

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the only good rebuttal so far though still missing the point
Bunch of obvious linux losers in here going on about backend behind-the-scenes detail
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I... agree
>so backend
>How do i turn off the smearing and hdr? How do i plug my iphone in and just copy paste the photos?
>linux loser: *compooter rambling* Aand thath why smartthones are te bethtpfffff
The only rebuttal you need:
Phone photo look like shit
Touchscreen suck to use
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>Bunch of obvious linux losers in here going on about backend behind-the-scenes detail
In other words, geniuses appreciating simplicity

You could learn how to grind your own lens, build a shutter, assemble a view camera, and manufacture an emulsion before you could fully understand how apple's a17 chip works. Dedicated cameras are so much simpler you'd be handcrafting M4 clones and spooling homemade B&W film in your garage before you finished that task.

There's also ideological purity - the simplicity of doing less stuff.

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>how do i plug my iphone in
Lol you don't have an iPhone, do you?
If you did you would just Airdrop the files to your Mac (like I do, daily!)
photographers like you get the rope
tell me about your $9000 leicafaggot camera that is not able to record videos
Nice try AI-chan, I'm not buying into your $1.5k skinner box just so you can steal my likeness for your sick training purposes.
more cameras need to have video removed or deprioritized. respect women and minorities btw.
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Fuck minimalism, love maximalism
>A genius admires simplicity
Plug it in and put the photos where you want them
>An idiot admires complexity
Google how to set up airdrop
Google where does airdrop put my files
Google does airdrop send full quality images or compress
Google how to send raw files shot in halide via airdrop
Dont forget, you have to buy a mac for it to even work, otherwise enjoy fucking with itunes

vs. just plug it in and put the photos where you want them
>turn on x100vi
>take photo
>plug camera into usb port (everything has a usb port) = can just grab the photo and do whatever i want with it
a genius admires simpliity

>which camera app to get around hdr?
>now how to get photo somewhere
>oh you dont use that app? let me install another one just to share the whole photo
>fine i guess i'll text you an imessage compressed one
>oh you have android
>can you install telegram
>actually wired mag told me not to be friends with you bye
>how do i get this on my computer
>oh i dont need a computer
>computers are useful but the tech blog told me i dont need one
>but if i need one i will have to buy a mac
>itunes is confusing
an idiot admires complexity
you gotta print that shit man or get an instant camera. nothing more simple to enjoy than a print
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>bought foolji
>a genius
it's a camera, shoots pictures yippee
Lol who buys an iphone and not a mac
I bet you dont have an apple watch either lmfao
>revamp everything to become a walking apple ad so your camera can work good
Not so shrimple now is it? Krill yourself
Go play with lincucks or whatever
Meanwhile I will be productive
>i will be productive right after i purchase my productivity subscription from tim cock
>ahhhhh shit i'm still not getting anything done
>i know, my workflow just needs a few more apple products and oh wait this doesnt work back into iterm hahaha google how do i use this again?
Many such cases with every mac user I know
Yes you've already proven you do not own Apple products
Enjoy your sour grapes, lol
>sour grapes
>implying apple is inaccessible
no one buys this anymore. just pay attention to everything on this page lol
its just dumb junk for dumb people
t. poorfag
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Apple has an official picture of you buying a new macbook on credit! its so over for itoddlers
>minimum payments for life windows btfo
the only rich applefags are the ones who bought the stock lmfao (like me, for instance). long stupidity, bros. long stupidity.

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>0% interest
you just keep finding ways to tell me you are poor haha
Don't tell me you're so poor you see 0% interest and imagine the possibilities of having a whopping $2000 to leverage. JFC these poors.
>-sent from my trailer park
Do you shoot slide film? Because that is some mighty strong projection you got right there
Rather than projecting, I'm drawing from what I know about my cousin

So my net worth is about 1,250,000
This guy, my cousin, his net worth is probably in the negative. He has everything on credit. And somehow, he has 5 motorcycles. 3 are wrecked beyond his capability to repair, and he can not afford to repair them. He won't take them to the shop. But he just financed a new macbook. And he actually has two carreras. One is broken.

And this guy does not even have a double wide. He DID, but he downgraded so he could have a garage.

he's who I think of when 4channers consoom and call themselves rich
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I wish I was lying.
>call themselves rich
yeah no one did that but you lmfao
Projectus Maximus

Just work harder for the things you want and save your money if you are too poor / bad with finances to qualify for 0% financing
Don't worry, you'll get there!
It's not sprint, it's a marathon
great thread
Apple is for poorfags. I'm sorry you have to cope over this, but it's for poorfags. Poor people buy apple. It's just what they do. All of the lower class, all of the sub-90 IQ score retards, the people who struggled to get a GED or didn't even get one, all of the worthless potheads, drug addicts, and criminals rolling around in clapped out caddies whenever they weren't in jail, a 1 bedroom apartment, or a single wide trailer, all saw apples advertising on the bar TV and some shit "studies (surveys) show apple users are loaded and handsome" articles in wired (totally real and not paid off btw) while they were waiting at the child support office, and they thought
"yknow i should get me that shit so people know i aint all that bad"
And so they all bought apple. Constantly. Apple responded. They made the SE. They went from "THE iPhone" to multiple iphones targeting different price points. They started their own financing biz. And apple rolled in irresponsible poorfag cash. Every cletus, jamal, and jose in the $30k and under income bracket financed an iphone and a macbook air.

Now whenever you flash the fruit in public most people who see it assume you're a broke bitch trying to hide it. Just like when people see a used mid-2ks cadillac. You're old, or you're poor! Then you come here and accuse people who own $13k gaming PCs, live in mcmansions, and post snapshits with $10k camera setups that don't make them a dime (and they don't care), and say
>you guys must be too poor for a mac
And we're like nah. And you just repeat it. And repeat it. And repeat it. "Coping poor, keep coping, poor poor poor"
But no matter how much you say it, the poor won't unstick from you until you ditch the smartphone and laptop equivalent of a used cadillac. I'm sorry. That's just how it is.

Apple is for poorfags. And I derive a lot of satisfaction from telling you, because I sorta miss interrupting apple sois flashing my bank balance IRL where they couldn't "c-c-trl plus i!" cope.
with how many bugs and build quality issues apple's been plagued with since jobs died i'd compare it to a used buick myself

android's a used cadillac. it gets nice new things before the used buick.
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No an idiot admires a companies cuckoldry like yourself having a walking slave machine that constantly sends data back to Apple with all your info and data. Oh and all the separate "apps" you have to download for a even more of a gimped look.

A genius admires specialty, not a cuck of all trades

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