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Considering the newly announced Pentax 17 is an overpriced toy camera failure what are some alternatives in the half-frame gear world for half the price?
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this fugly thing

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I'd buy a half-frame nikon slr that was compatible with dx lenses
Buy a working pen f before YouTube comes out with the “this camera costs HALF the new Pentax and does so much more!” Videos. Can’t really think of many other half frame cameras that weren’t full auto, zone focusing snapshit boxes. Maybe a Yashica samurai or Konica recorder for the quirky factor.
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Minolta Repo for 1/5 of the price
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I got this and two chaikas as well as a spare chaika lens to convert for my digital camera
10th of the price btw
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The Pronea as a half frame camera would have been awesome.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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>muh canonikon garbage
Those two companies originating from Japan are a stable of photography as much as Arri is with the motion picture industry. I wish Mitchell or Bell and Howell could have something 'Merica with cameras, but they alas don't. Everything with photography or filmography is Anime now, of course I'm joking like a guy you'd meet at a bar. ;P
Don't shoot film if you're poor and need half frame.
Plus style points
Kyocera Samurai X3.0 and the Konica Recorder
there was a guy i think in the film thread, he taped the top half of the gate? (between the shutter and film) to get some cool panoramic shots, after you shoot the roll you move the tape to the other side and get some cool results.
not sure if im brave enough to try it, but maybe one day
Canon Dial 35
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If you want a good lens, buy an old camera
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this camera is being shilled by every shittuber on the website right now. why are there so many promotions for it on the site? who tf is going to pay that kind of money for a brand new film camera when they can just buy used ones for far cheapr or a good DSLR for the same price?

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I like it, what do you want from me?
>overpriced toy camera failure
What exactly makes you think this? You knew it was gonna be expensive for obvious reasons. It seems to be about as featured as a camera from the 60s except it also has modern AE. If there's any camera in the modern era I'll spend this much on, it'll be that one. And no I'm not a shill.
>pentax shills woke up from a decade old slumber
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this is the only camera you need

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I was so fucking excited for this new pentax and then its some half frame dogshit. WHat the fuck is wrong with the fucking japanese?
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I mean, why wouldn't you just choose the camera from your image?
The Kodak H35N is quite decent. It's film afterall, you will get shit photos anyway as a result of bad dev studio and shit scanners. A better lens won't make your photos any better either. Wasting money on vintage cameras that will die in a months is pointless too. Use that money for film.
Ackchually 3/2m is better. Sure, stupid lever if you even get one with a lever, but it doesn't have that PANTS ON HEAD RETARDED REAR DOOR LOCK shared with Zenit E. Also personally I like 3/2m's shutter speed wheel more.
Buy used. Any new film camera cannot compete with used film cameras, either on quality or price. You have to want a new film camera for new film cameras to actually be profitable.
why can't we have a cheap AGAT 18K reproduction? It's literally just plastic soviet slop, I don't see why someone can't make this again.
Kneel before the almight samurai

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Don't mwee at me
Every fucking thing you said is wrong. Kys ASAP.

Get the EE17. Can still be got for $100~, absolute banger, chicks love it.
that is a good question, that would have less of an investment since it was mostly molded plastic.
Just buy agat then. They cost about tree fiddy in decent condition, but all outta whack from the factory anyway.
>Mfw I’ve bought two on eBay and neither worked
It just wasn’t meant to be. I’m not about to pay the stupid premium to get “TESTED WORKS EXC5+” bullshit that might still be busted from Japanese sellers. Oh well.
So spending 500 dollarinos on a new camera with warranty and official service is a waste but throwing away 200 to play a double lottery -will it work and for how long- is absolutely fine

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Image Created2024:06:03 19:16:07
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this awesome hunk of junk will not only murder anyone you hit with it but it takes good pics
agfa cameras are something we don't talk about enough
>Yeah bro I want my camera looking like a kitchen appliance from the 50s
Kyocera doesn't have a plastic lens
Neither does the pentax 17
This but unironically
it feels good in the hands and weights like half a kilo
it's awesome
I might get one but I'm just saying it seems like something that ought to be easily doable today
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>agfa cameras are something we don't talk about enough
Probably because they're completely lackluster and basic, which kinda is their biggest strength ironically.

Should I start hoarding Agfa's at the thrifts? Are we gonna enter an Agfa hype train soon?

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we need to make it happen
my optima 1535 sensor appreciated a lot since it took the influencer bullet, and i have like four more other sensor models in my drawer
that thing is a horrifying abomination and I want it badly
Oh good there's already a thread for this
Is half-frame just a meme after all? I just want something that lets me choose my own focal distance, shutter speed, and aperture and gets 72 cute lil exposures per roll.
I don't care if it's got a wheel advance, can't focus closer than 2 m, whatever. I'm used to shooting without a meter or rangefinder. It just feels like none of the half frame cameras I know about are worth it because they try to automate too much.
Here, take a glorious CHAIKA

Forget other camera. Forget even extra chaika. Only need one chaika, photography solved.

>Film expensive...
Chaika squeeze 76 shots out of a roll, if portra $15 and then you pay retard $10 to develop, that's $0.32 a frame all done! Black and white even cheaper!
>Digital no consistent editing, sharp style doesn't stand out...
Chaika is half frame so enlargements have extra film character!
>Did not bring camera...too big and make poster look like geek...
Chaika is small and stylish! Chaika can accompany you everywhere!
>Cameras not allowed, or poster look like creep...
Chaika has charm and charisma, no one thinks film is used for creep photos anyways because lab sees film and hard to encrypt against police!
More like 50 and long before the Pentax was even a thing but go off king. Buy the Pentax if you want, I don’t give a shit lol.
How loud is the Pentax 17 shutter?
I don't have a fat girlfriend, half frame is fine.
Has anyone tested the lens of the Pentax 17? Remember, it doesn't need a big lens. It's crop, sort of.
buy one and report back
I may. It's pretty expensive. I'll get one when I win the lottery (soon, I feel lucky, baby)
>(soon, I feel lucky, baby)
genuinely wishing you the best of luck anon
I just read a review on one and want it too desu
What is desu?
I considered importing one from Japan but so far all cameras smelled like mouldy attic or basement and I can't use them at all
Sample images make it look pretty sharp for what it is.
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>be me
>finally finishing torrenting all my animes after a week of waiting
>watching rozen maiden and chobits
>worst girl sususususeki is getting immortalized with a shitty meme
>meanwhile "film is dying" and you can buy a hasselblad 500cm off a pro who thinks a nikon d4 for $250
>i am ignoring this, too busy watching more anime
>my mom gave me a nikon coolpix and an agfa rangefinder anyways im good
fuck anime. death to japan.
so mad i had a stroke. anime wasted my youth. i could have been buying $4 portra and cheap 'blads and leicas. now everything is overpriced because everyone finally realized old stuff was good before i decided to be a big enough gearfag to shoot film.
>worst girl sususususeki
I am going to fucking kill you, desu
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$250 budget easily gets you an Olympus Pen F(v) and a 38mm/1.8. It's a full SLR so you don't have to guess focus. If you really need autofocus, get the Yashica Samurai (picrel) or the Canon Autoboy Tele 6.
If you're getting the Dial, look out for the 35-2. Canon upgraded from selenium to CdS meters on this revision.

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bought a chaika bros, what film would be good for half frame
decent black and white like fp4

scan the film yourself. labs that do half frame will often scan to the same resolution they do 35mm at, which enlarges undesirable characteristics of the grain that do not simply vanish when you resize down.
Yashica are like 150€ from Japan. That's too much for something that will break after 3 rolls of film.
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Only acceptable

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might try pro image on it, never shoot the stuff.
I was thinking about Kodak Vison 50D also
I am not fully sold on it desu
Are they still making this stuff or nah? I remember shooting some rolls year ago but was so expired that everything came out fogged
$160/150€ is well within the $250/233€ budget but you're right, 80s automatics tend to be dodgy ... I have the Tele 6 and it keeps skipping frames in full-frame and half-frame modes.
Tasma type 42l

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