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The cope needs to end. You all know you want a Leica. They feel SO amazing in hand, nothing comes close to shoot with. All the best photos taken in the last 50 years have been on a Leica. You spend so so so much money on your little eBay finds: eBay digishits, "junk" status cameras on Japanese auctions, thrift store "bargains" that are filled with mold. Just stop. For your own good. Sell the junk to other losers. Save up for a few weeks, a month or two at max. Even if you earn minimum wage you can get a Leica if you just stop buying the cope junk.

You know I am right. I know I am right. Let's stop the bullshit. Once we all have Leicas we can finally make /p/ great again.
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Nah, I am good nigga.

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>gets mogged by this pos
Leicas were mostly used for jew york street garbage. Not good photos. Just jews exalting jews as heroes of modern art to have a non-religious excuse for their religiously mandated nepotistic charity. That’s all the reason there is behind the careers of hacks like winogrand. There is a religion on this planet that requires its adherents help each other succeed financially even if they need to bend morality a bit to do so and destroy some good principles and corrupt culture along the way (in fact, they enjoyed it because you know who else held art to good standards? hitler!)

Objectively speaking all the good photos were taken on SLRs and large format cameras
obsolete rich hipster camera
there's a reason everybody switch to SLRs in the 60's (hint: they're better)
>because you know who else held art to good standards? hitler!
lets not kid ourselves here man
More junk that you wish was Leica.
Nope. And cope.
Poorfag cope.

Please guys. We can all get good photos if you just stop coping for a few weeks.
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>shooting baby frames
You will never own a Leica
thats awesome, can you post some photos you took with it?
Yknow, I recently bought a Lica and honestly? My Nikon F3 was built better.

Its a nice camera tho but its no way the end-all be-all camera.

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does Alex Burke still come here?
Based I got one just today.

I has a m8 once..peice of crap.
Last thread I remember of his was probably ~2 years ago, maybe last year
I noticed you said "was". Is that because the jap crap broke? HA!
Leicas are notorious for breaking and charging obscene amounts of money for the same optical quality you get from ttartisan

Leica fags need to invent optical non-terms (with no evidence to back them up) like "depth rendition" and "leica glow" to cope with how people mistake an xpro3 with a shitty ttartisans lens for their jewelry camera in terms of both its exterior and its output
Cope. Just stop man. Sell the crap and get the pinnacle of photography. If you keep waiting, AI art will take over photography and it will be dead before you got to enjoy the perfect kino tool.
>Sensor too small for astrophography
>Rangefinder too shit for macro work

Yeah, I think I'll keep my ebay nikon. If I need to be pretentious snapshit taking ass I can buy an iPhone, it might actually last me 5 years without breaking down.
Nah I sold it.
I already have something that feels good in my hands
Leica sucks
Max out your credit card if you want, but leica sucks
OP is trapped in the super consumer mindset and now gets his dopamine from purchases and actively lusting after items
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i always enjoyed using rangefinders
sometimes use it for weddings or engagement sessions, mostly used for snaps at the bar or walking the dog, travel for sure, survived one backpacking trip
burke is probably one of the many nophoto shitposters on this board, but at least he blesses /p/ with some good photos every few years
Alex’s secret identity is… 4x5 dog guy
>you thought his photos looked like gear tests
>they were.
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Does Leica take bird butt pics? No? In trash it goes!
The little red badge makes it look cheap. Looks like some kind of novelty Coca-Cola promotional item.
Love their film cameras, not as keen about the digital. Had an M10, sold it, bought an M5, keeping it.
Finally an honest answer in this thread. Leica film cameras are quite simply: exquisite.
Lame zoomer "le irony I don't even care but clearly cares so much he had to make a shitty meme" cope.
Gay-brained spiritually feminine social obsessed cope.
Le capitalism is bad cope.
Japcrap spectard cope. Once you feel a Leica in your hands you will understand. Be better.
>Once you feel a Leica in your hands you will understand.
This sounds like such a cringe fucking meme and I hate to admit this, but it’s fucking true. I just got my m4-2, and even being the poorfag Leica it still feels magnificent to hold and use. Once I finally got to hold it and use it, I “got” it. It’s hard to explain in a way that won’t sound like retardation, but it is what it is.
Inb4 >buyers remorse cope
Leica users are always such bad photographers these days. And no wonder

Just look at them.
poor tele selection.
Tele is for cowards.
go take gull butt pic with no tele
>tele is for cowards
>also, i need a small camera so no one sees me
>nothing scares me more than someone seeing me taking their photo
>*shoves leica in hobos face, hides it in a jacket pocket, and runs*
An 85mm f1.8 will transform your street photography and make your balls drop - if you have an SLR, otherwise it will all be out of focus and you'll still be gay.
No thanks

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He left when /pol/ showed up
The real cope is non leica glass on a leica. Haven't seen one post of a leica body
with an actual leica lens on here so far lol.
leica glass is the real cope
the bodies are way more special than the lenses. everyone knows this. if you only cared about the lenses, you'd just adapt them
Liking Rangefinders are a sign of mental illness
Poorfag cope.
whys that
Which Leica lenses do you own? Can we see some pics with them?
Holy shit, a new M6 is €7000. Without a lens...
You really have to get your hands on an M camera to really start to see what the fuss is about. You can still not like it afterwards, but you can’t deny how solid and premium the fuckin things feel. Even my Leica CL which is the turbo poorfag Leica still feels like a great camera a step above Japanese cameras of the same tier and same era. There’s a reason the company almost went tits up in the 70s, well besides the M5 disaster and the markets migrating to SLRS, they also refused to chase the mass production cost cutting the Japanese did. At least until the m4-2. For all the posturing and hyperbole by fanboys and antifanboys, beneath it all they really are quite nice little machines
I held a leica once and failed to appreciate how it's any better than a nikon fm3a. They feel as solid as a sony mirrorless only the composition/focusing system is objectively crap for everything period and would have only been excusable in the early days when people were incapable of designing a sub-80mm SLR lens that wasn't a blurry mess until f4

It definitely feels more premium than an ae-1 or an om-2n or other hipster darlings but some later japanese SLRs and the lenses you can get for them are on par.

If you will only use pre-80s cameras then use a leica, viewfinding through a soft 50mm f1.4 on an SLR is not fun
But if you're not a hipster do get a more modern SLR with more modern lenses, when computer design really got good is when "the leica look" (fast lenses that are sharp center and midframe wide open with a little residual aberrations adding funk) vanished from the vernacular of all but leica fanboys, because everyone with an "ok" lens had it
Pentax lx >>>> leica
nah they feel quite solid and heavy but they are anything but reliable desu even the much vaunted M3. The cloth shutter is awful at retaining accurate shutter speeds and the rangefinder can't survive a year without needing to be calibrated if I'm actually using and travelling with it.
Honestly the only superior aspect of the bodies is that the film advance feels like pure sex, which I think isn't even the case after the M4...
I was walking on the beach one day with my canon A-1 taking snapshits and this old jap dude starts looking at me, when I greeted him he whipped out his leica and we shooted the shit about film as much as his shitty english allowed for. He hands me his camera and I give him mine, this is the first time I had ever touch a leica, they are nice, the viewfinder is great and I told him as much. Meanwhile the whole time he's saying nice things about my camera as well. I think if you have stupid money and can afford one like that dude then you might as well go that route, for everyone else the camera you can afford and works nicely for you is the camera you should use.
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>buy $400 m mount camera that's better in many ways to a leicuh
>put leica glass on it

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bessa is cosina cheap shit. no thanks. ur like those contax (also consina or ricoh) larpers.
Noone can win with you around huh?
whoa where are you getting bessas for over half off?
Meanwhile ebay is selling them for half that, or less.
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good to see you bessa brother
do not try to collapse this lens into this camera body
>muh modern lenses
any new m mount lens fits on an old film leica
>slr is superior for focusing and composing
*puts a filter on the lens*
>they are really bad for focusing
skill issue
>you cant use tele or macro
your 85mm photo of the back of a person crossing the street 20 metres away isnt street photography
what else?
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Ya, nah not really

In 2017

Hellya brother, nice colour

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>drumscanning dog hair
that explains a lot
Oh sure, you see that big long fat cylinder and just want to slide it all the way in, but in reality, getting punched in the cervix really kills the mood.
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I'm buying my 4th one tomorrow morning.

I currently own an M3, 2 IIIf Barnack bodies and 3 lenses. I own a lot of camera gear but the thing that keeps me coming back to Leica is that I can get ALL my cameras serviced and calibrated. My 1966 M3 was serviced in Germany at Leica before I bought it. I called Leica and had a chat with them about the history of the camera and what they did to it. It runs like a top. The one I am picking up tomorrow was serviced and had the rangefinder cleaned, adjusted, and new curtains installed by a Leitz factory trained technician. They are expensive but also an investment. I could (and have) bought Bessa or Soviet rangefinders hoping that they will continue to run but they are destined to the trash bin of history while the Leica is eternal.
>she can't service her own shit
not my problem
You meant a hasselblad, right? Leicas are for poors.
yeah mostly cameras remind me of vaginas and cocks
leica threads used to get deleted immediately because mods assumed nobody actually owned these cameras and so any posting about them was a troll
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Which is funny because you can get an m2/3/4/5 for ~$1000. Even a dumb used m6 is ~$1500 these days. A basic bitch FF dslr or milc costs more.

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i can't believe the m5 was made i don't understand it any more than i understand a leica android camera app
yeah 1000 with no autoficus or zoom lens or ibis how can a retard possibly use it
i don't want to talk about my other cameras
It’s not a bad camera. If leica had done to the m4 what it did to the m5, it might have even been a successful camera. You can’t break accessory compatibility when you’re circling the toilet lol. It was their attempt to modernize when slrs were destroying their bootyhole and it was bad timing lol
~$1500 but then it's literally 50x the camera of a leica, which cant even accurately shoot lenses outside of a narrow focal range and breaks all the fucking time if you actually take it out

Leicas are shit, they're vastly outdone by a pentax k1000. They are the original x100v.
"I was really forced to stop collecting lenses in 5mm focal length increments and focus on my photography" - some trust fund kid experiencing a problem only someone stupid enough to buy a leica could

IG maybe for a short period their lenses were unusually good but computer design swooped in and saved the SLR already
>FF DSLR: <$800
>FF MILC: ~$1500
>Literally every other film camera: $5-100
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Still doesn't negate my point that Leicas are not expensive like everyone acts like they are. There's no difference between spending $1000 to larp as HCB vs $1000 to larp as McKinnon or whoever y'all's favourite digital color grading YouTuber is these days.

Pic related: my $300 Leica and $250 Leica lens

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>Pic related: my $300 Leica and $250 Leica lens
so how many mpix does it have? oh it's a shitty film cam? yeah, i'm not gay enough to shoot film
35mm film ranges from 10 to 24 mp depending on film stock, development, and the user error

But foveon mp, not bayer mp.
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Moar mpix than yer nophoto

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>But foveon mp, not bayer mp
until you digitize
you're not digitizing a moving scene tho, you have all the time in the world to digitize the frame. you can use a $350 16mp em5ii in pixel shift mode and get 63 "foveon mp" so you can look at individual grains on the negative.

astrophotography fags were already doing this because space, like negatives, does not move (it's a fixed painting on a giant dome)
that sounds awesome, can we some examples of your digitizing?
yes but my gallery has an entry fee of a non-refundable $1000 paypal gift card, saaaaaar. then there will be a waiting period for me to buy the cameras and take the photos.
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Absolutely kino setup. I like rocking the 90mm on mine. Get me those tall building corners.

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wow so artsy
sadly no one is going to look at your shit. the world is full with midwit photo art. at least you make some jew rich by buying film rolls
>space, like negatives, does not move
rofl lmao lol
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Hellya. I had the 90/4 for awhile but am reducing everything down to just a 35 and 40. Shooting long is super fun tho

That's cool I just like taking pictures and developing bw film. I don't care who sees em

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>All the best photos taken in the last 50 years have been on a Leica.
Can you post some of them, and ones you've taken? I genuinely don't understand film enthusiasts in general, even more so them trying to call others poorfags when their shit is cheaper than most full frames by a large margin.
Is this some kind of insta/twitter consoomer cope because they can't afford a decent mirrorless? Genuine question.
>I genuinely don't understand film enthusiasts in general, even more so them trying to call others poorfags when their shit is cheaper than most full frames by a large margin.
Not a filmfag thing, a Leicafag thing. It's luxury mentality.
>Is this some kind of insta/twitter consoomer cope because they can't afford a decent mirrorless? Genuine question.
No, it's just luxury mentality. If you can afford a Leica you can afford any major mirrorless system. If you actually have money you don't care and shoot something gay like pro Sony or Nikon bodies, it's just about the appearance of wealth. Conspicuous spending etc.
>If you can afford a Leica you can afford any major mirrorless system.
I used a leica film camera from my gramps when I was a kid, and yes they feel great, but I guess i just don't get the appeal of chasing old film cameras.
So it's more of appear to be rich kinda deal, vs actually using a viable product, similar to garbage 'luxury' clothing brands to show off fake wealth.
Thanks for the input mang.
It's because some poorfag or middleclass gets the idea is that "poor" people are worried about "value", and that by buying something low value for the price of a high value item, you are showing that you are not poor, because you do not care about your money being well spent. The implication being that you have money to blow and it's not a big deal, "i see it like ya poors see buying a candy bar".

This is called "hood rich" because the amount of money spent is the same and only the posturing goes up. In reality the majority of wealthy people spend their money very, very intelligently. ie: a rich man will daily drive a toyota yaris, but collect historical sportscars that only appreciate in value. A hood rich man will daily drive a used corvette with low budget tire shop "rims", and "dab on" someone who spent the exact same amount of money on a toyota camry and better insurance.
Rich people don’t drive a Yaris
yeah rich people drive honda fits instead of putting mileage on their collectible roadsters
bill gates drives a prius, and owns a porsche 959 sport that's parked all day long - that's a rich person's lifestyle. talk about "value for money" - a car you never drive.

a "leica man" would own a porsche 911 carrera (used film leica of cars) and take the bus or a motorcycle to work every so often while trying to fix it themselves or waiting for the budget shop to get it going again. he'd also talk your ear off at every opportunity

as it is with cameras - one of the few domains where car analogies are 1:1 and make perfect sense. because cameras are a lot like sportscars. and a prius is your phone.
Again, you don't know rich people, lol.
You dont know the difference between new money, old money, and earned money people. Your rich people are probably trust fund kids, DINKs and asian exports. The rich people being discussed are the top 1%. Only one is worth admiring.
Leica film cameras aren't fuckin expensive why are y'all talking as if they are.
$5k for a new camera is a lot of money. I say this as someone with a $600k W2 income.
Would having a Leica be a sound long-term investment like buying 5oz of gold?
Not really, but old film leicas are increasing in price. The M8 has gone up too but everything else is coming down gradually because theyre still too new.
Any service you gotta do to them will instantly eat up any profit margins though and its at least a 1000 dollar buy-in
Only if you planned on taking your bar of gold out to the beach or to the bus stop.

Reminds me of fuckwits that """invest""" in cars (which is actually fucked because covid made that sort of a good result). tmh2r
I'm talking about used cameras like the M4, m6, etc

Fuck no lmao.

Leica M4 new price in 1969 was $300.
It's worth $1000-$1500 now.

Dropping $300 into the S&P 500 that year would've given you a $7200 return.

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