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prove me wrong
>protip: you can’t

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Canon would be Mac (colourful, used by people who think they are artists)
Nikon would be Windows (Old, sturdy, not very exciting)
Sony Alpha would be Android (People complain about it but its actually fine)
>so sony isnt even a computer
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>he thinks Windows, Linux and Mac are computers
Linux users use home made 4x5 box cameras loaded with expired 35mm negs and scan on a 20 year old photocopier that they had to build the driver for.
sounds about right
>snoy: overpriced, hipster staple, does everything for you, “it just werks”
>canon: industry standard, bland
>nikon: needs relevant skillset to achieve results beyond the others
You are a tecch nerd bugman who derives his sense of self worth from imagining he is part of an intellectual elite for using banal techniques like spot meter+2 and assuming anyone who has better things to do is unable to even approximate his skills

But you’re actually a useless idiot. Please understand. You are not intelligent.
>i use linux because thats the only way i can be smart
What is 4x5?
Linux is pentax.
Nikon and Fuji tied for apple.
>continually supported and refined

This does not describe Pentax.
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>sonygger playing the victim card
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Giant company that became rather bloated in scope and may not even care for their gpus and aim to sell massively to people that don't know anything about the given subject with giant AI chips and pushing their stock price up. They promise everything. Focused on hype marketing and appealing to normies for market share. Is the most leading edge of technology but massively overpriced since cattle will buy anyway.
Largest brand among normies for CPU in past. Used to be bigger, but is slowing down although its still good where most of its wind is beaten by Nvidia hype plus AMD doing cheaper alternatives. Has lots of promise but is devoted to keeping home production in main country which hurts it compared to other competitors that have ditched first world and headed to third world. Questionable decisions done with design, but good product.
Cheapest price for raw FPS but isn't the best in industry necessarily. Uses chips from foreign companies rather than make their own with economy of scale which allows them to cheapen price to stay competitive for value. Great value while not bleeding the wallet. Dubious software online or in firmware and not as popular as Nvidia, which leads to various issues. Popular with spec driven autists looking for value performance and hate hype.
Panasonic numbah one
Imagine being so computer you look at cameras and see fruit and penguins
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who is the templeOS of cameras?
matchbox pinhole
I'd say Leica is more like Apple - the rest is spot on though
>prove me wrong
Magic Lantern, CHDK (chud developing kit)
That would be FreeDOS.
maybe fuji. apple stuff is cheap chinese made crap. leica is still made in germany and costs inaccessible to normies
>leica is still made in germany
lenses assembled in portugal
Electronics and parts mostly from china, assembled in germany
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Commodore Fotorama, because more than 16 colors is for CIA glowniggers.
I bought an S2 system when it came out. It went back to Germany for warranty problems 3x in a row and they were wholly nonresponsive & generally unhelpful through it all. It’s just show up whenever, and with some other thing not working. I sold the lenses back off for half what I paid and finally after 2 years of this, when I got it back with only poor reassembly issues I could fix myself, I sold the body off for 1/10th what I’d paid for it. I managed to get less than a thousand shots out of it in the time it actually worked. They got the tens of thousands I lost on that shit, so congrats on that win, but I’ll never buy anything from that fucking company ever again.
But bro, they paid steve mccurry to pose with one, rebadged panasonics have to be good, look at the touchscreen broooooo...
>Is the most leading edge of technology
Sony ponies actually believe this
does sony alpha become obsolete every 2 years if not who cares
how exactly do apple products do that? I'm using a Macbook Pro from 2014 and it works great. Screen still better than most modern PC laptops.
If anything, Fuji is Apple - very focused on user experience design and aesthetic appeal to ones' "Creativity". Nikon has no resemblance to Linux whatsoever. Are Nikon cameras open source?...
yeah, android apps can be installed in sony A6000
Minolta is Sony now
Leica is portushiteze
What is the HP-UX of cameras?
eat shit brandfag
>Buying an iphone cuz boss and friend saying it would be better for daily drive.
>Amazing first impressions, working smooth and easy access.
>Later found out everything is locked inside Apple ecosystem, little options for 3rd party.
>The only thing worth the money is the first item that you purchased.

Canon is apple alright.
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Only one of these points isn't a one-liner
boohoo, sony fag
I used to use Sony + iPad Pro, but now I use Sony + S9 Galaxy Ultra tablet for editing now (Lightroom).

My phone however always been android and PC always been Windows.

micro four thirds
I heard Sony phone has app to be external monitor for the camera.
How useful is mobile software for sony?
I'm thinking about switching from XT3 to A7ii or a6400 if i can remotely control the camera and edit on the spot.
Have nonestly never tried it. I use Lightroom on a tablet for editing and thats it.

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