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Chris and Jordan are just a gay version of Tony and Chelsea.
Can't blame Chris though.. that Jordan is one sexy beast.
they look like they both eat man ass and cum on the reg
op is just a projecting homo

now post a photo homo
Ok but who's the cuck and who's the whore?
I would kill for a video where they kiss a little even if it's as a bit. It's always felt like the gay jokes are their way of expressing affection while keeping their masculinity in tact. t. fujo
>everyone always accuses 2 close male friends of being gay
Why are people like this?
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>a gay version of Tony
i think the Asian guy is the bottom bitch
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So wait, you’re telling me picrel is just a beard? Poor thing.

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this. hate these absolute FAGGOTS
i thought toney and chelsea were siblings... they look almost the same
Nah, tony gets to plow that on the reg and it makes me seethe in jealousy.
Chris and Jordan aren't gay, they're just Canadian. That's just how they are.

These guys have done more to bring new people into photography than anyone in this thread I would venture, and that benefits all of us. More potential customers, more competition among manufacturers.

I wish they would get more people into film, so I could buy rolls for $3 each again like back in the day.
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For me, it's Vanessa Joy
>jordan has pronouns on twitter
It's over
Damn i wish i was as hot as him
Makes sense he gives off massive egg vibes
Typical Canon milf
what could possibly be wrong with that?
>came out 2 years after his father's death
Lucky father
Do you people really think that's a man? It's hard to tell who's trolling and who's serious sometimes
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top kek
The asian is a panasoynic shill so of course he's gay
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Do you even watch them? Jordan likes Panasonic for some particular video features and lenses. Chris seems pretty impartial to brands, focusing more on ergonomics and sexiness of the camera, claiming image quality has plateaued for years
I've watched them since thecamerastore days. they get increasingly shilly every platform jump since that's what sells.
>claiming image quality has plateaued for years
And he'd be right
but consumer access to high quality af lenses has improved dramatically from the “buy le zeiss” days and MILC autofocus is less prone to focus shift and nails sharp irises on its own, so people experience that it has gotten better. there werent always so many $500-1500 optically perfect lenses with laser accurate autofocus.
I agree, they were better as literal salesman for The Camera Store instead of the influencer-pretending-not-to-be-a-salesman nonsense they and most cameratubers are now.
>massive egg vibes
The fuck does that mean
do people actually find her attractive? even >>4327831 looks way better to me
now that you say it, I kind of thing you're right

"egg" is a term used to denote someone who will come out as trans. They are an "egg" ready to hatch into an abomination against God.
Jesus fucking christ trannies are delusional
idk, it seems to be a real thing everyone knew that dude from LTT was going to troon out before he did. It's more about successfully identifying weak and vulnerable men with poor mental health
Massive uncanny valley vibes from this guy. He looks like an artificial human made out of plastic.
>Chris got in trouble for the "what up peta-files" intro
I only remember the episode where Chris said is no longer allowed to greet the audience. I don't remember him saying peta files, but that would be funny as fuck. Chris always gave me /ourguy/ vibes.

As a side note does anyone else feel like the corporate shilling is crushing their souls? I loved watching them both on DPReview, I felt like they had a lot of control and seemed happier, the bits were funnier. Now it feels all like stagnant corporate speak "The prefered [x] partner" bullshit and forced, unwatchable podcasts. Everything is carefully scripted and they don't seem like they are having fun anymore. I really wish they had just started their own channel instead going over to petapixel, they don't need the middleman.
> they don't need the middleman.
I get it though, they’re both family men. The guaranteed salary is better than the “potential” of going solo. But as you say, it has its drawback.
They'll go solo after too much corporate comfort makes them break up over some tiny trivial thing
"Work Ethic" is toxic, imo

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