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Or any Film-like mirrorless...

I am interested in obtaining that Film-like photos straight from the camera.

I know Ricoh is very populat these days.. bu can it get those film shots... no

Any other suggestion from the second hand market is welcome.. maybe Fujifilm XS10?

I don't know why Ricoh is so expensive..
X pro 3, fuck fixed lens cameras
If you want sooc jpegs looking like film there's nothing beating any Fuji and every new Fuji beats older models due to new sims/settings.
OP here. So, you are telling me that I am better off with a used X-T3/4 rather than the Ricoh, right?
bigger than a z6
yes. the ricoh is terrible. I sent mine back after 2 days. it's a fucking meme perpetuated by homosexual youtube streetshitters
what about X-E3.. I see that they are quite cheap.
You can achieve any simulation in post, retard
OP doesn't want post retard.
>wants FILMLIKE images
>doesn’t just shoot film
Retard alert
OP is tired of shooting just film, retard
This. At least you aren’t stuck with soft foolji lenses and can go third party
Op does not want post processing, yet xe’s primary criterion to start the thread was a camera that best applies post processing filters to jpeg output.
Why are zoomers so fucking obsession with le film le lofi
They’ve grown up in a world where the grotesque is presented and force fed to them as aesthetic beauty. They latch onto these things from the past with a misguided hope that this might bring them to a place before what they know, away from the garish reality of their present to the beauty of before. You have to feels bad for them a little. Their world has been ruined through no making of their own really.
Foolji looks nothing like film

Take your $2000. Buy a $50 film camera and $1950 in film.

SOOC is a marketing scam
>buy the camera for the look
Developed film = strip of raw files

Shoot film
You'll have to keep spending $50 for film cameras as they break after 2 rolls of film.
And your $2000 foolji scam breaks after seeing rain once
Just like millennial kids romanticized the eighties in the ‘10s and ‘00s, and Genx romanticized the late sixties & seventies in the 90s, and the boomers romanticized the early sixties and fifties in the 80s, in every generation of kids a majority don’t get to bang the prom queen or fall ass first into money without having to earn it, so they feel the present is not working out for them, and that makes them prime candidates to get caught in the crossfire of the slightly older generations laziest marketers selling its youth back to itself in sad middle age, mired in the disappointment of finally realizing adulthood really fucking sucks and no one has a future worth looking forward to.

Longest fucking sentence I ever felt like leaving as a run-on.

Also, slide film is just kinda neat, bc you’re actually making something physical, sane as the diff between actually having sex w some smelly bumpy annoying human and jerking off to a perfect pristine video of a flawless model. The former is still preferable to most young people bc it’s a real experience vs a simulation.
A digital photo is real
>but metaphysically-
Computation is based on material states. Everything is just nano-mechanical. It’s real.

People are ignorant of this because it highlights how stupid “IP laws” are
>i cant make a copy of my physical property and share it with a friend for free?
>no, people who make this type of property are special to the government and get extra money by law.
>that’s unfair isnt it?
Nta but You damn well know and understand that “real” in this sense refers to tangible, you semantic schizo
Computers are tangible, a digital print far more tangible than most negatives (ooooh, inverted colors with an orange mask, i can totally tell whats in the picture)
Shoot film for reasons that matter not this autism

For the price of a fuji x-t4 ($1000) and a lens ($500), you can buy:
Literally any nice film camera: $25 to $100
100 rolls (3600) exposures of mixed color and B&W film stocks: $1400

And unlike fuji it will actually look like film (and despite not being "weather sealed" not instantly and permanently die if it sees water, leaving you out $500 in repairs, fuji weather sealing doesnt work)
I make 3600 good quality pictures in a single holiday
Holy shit dude take your camera off continuous high
digital can easily look like film lmao
fuji sure cant. foveon can get close

bayer already struggles and fuji xtrans is 2/3s as real as bayer. 24mp in bayer is really 8mp worth seeing. fujifags are putting up with 40mp to sorta equal that.
There are no “reasons that matter” for shooting film you mongoloid, anything that “matters” is done better and more efficiently with digital. I shoot film myself but it’s delusion and cope to think it’s anything but an inefficient fun hobby
Lets see, film:
Is totally immune to moire and other false color/false detail issues native to CFAs and interpolation
Looks more detailed than a 50mp MILC despite technically having less resolution
Has a limited color gamut which most people consider more aesthetically pleasing and painterly/artistic than your canonikon
Can outresolve a $8000 fuji gfx with a 35mm rectangle if shooting black and white iso 10 film
Digital does not and can not look like film doughever
It will when you use photo editing software
But no, it really won't

I've seen some people get very close but they were using 100mp medium format cameras and sophisticated, illuminant specific color profiles, not a one size fits all lightroom preset
good thing gfx100s prices are going through the floor and soon they will be $2k

if you can afford an x-t5 and 3 lenses you can afford a gfx100s and 1 prime and you will be a much better photographer for it
This is cope for people who spent 500€ on 45 year old film camera only for it to die after 3 rolls of film.
good film cameras dont break. sorry about your olympus, leica, canon or other such junk.
This is plain ignorance of someone who hasn't held a film camera in his short life.
What about Canon G7x ii or iii

>Film-like photos
jfc just use a fucking "film filter" app on your phone then. None of these cameras take film-like photos, the cameras simply have that aesthetic on the outside. What a pathetic retarded obsession.
just add grain and shift the colors a little and you got film aesthetic. fucking fuji marketing department is genius at milking millennial retards and zoomer faggots
$200, now $700+. What is the cheapest commonly available digishit that I can vacuum up and then make a Youtube video for more than 3x returns after a year?
film-like in what way? film can look many different ways
In this way:


Ah, you mean looks like expired film on a bad camera, gotcha. Well if you get a Fuji you got the bad camera part down, at least.
Why do zoomers think that film was only ever lofi, full of defects and faults, with shit colours and bad focus? Who gave them that idea? It’s amusing that they also look a lot like the “CCD HACK” type of images they seem to cream themselves over as well. If that’s the case just add a bad colour cast and reduce clarity lol
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OP look - I have a Ricoh GRIII and I used it for about 2 years. Kept it out of my pockets and around my neck. When not in use it was stored in a hard shell case in a climate controlled environment. Doing all of this was for nothing, it still got a huge hair of dust inside that I cannot remove. Avoid the GRIII don't fall for the hype, you have to baby the fuck out of it and it will still get debris inside the lens.
Wait until they release a weather sealed GR and rethink. Seriously I am not memeing or trying to be funny - as soon as I can make it back to the shop I am selling this pos.
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I've seen a dude by the name sage posting this pic, it's a very nice pocket size camera and much cheaper than fuji. and the simulations you can do them in Lightroom.
if film looked like this I would demand my money back from the guy who sold me that roll of film
They grew up with social media, and the big influencers and big players on social media are usually sharp professional photos. The lofi grainy nostalgic image is a route to get the fuck away from the world that’s only getting more shit for the zoomers, let alone the absolute state of the generation before them, the millienials.
>fuji weather sealing doesnt work
How so?
too bad you lose the camera rather sooner than later due to dust.
OP here

Seems like I might end up buying X-T5 + Fujifilm 35mm F2 R WR XF lenses.

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