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>buy $100 film camera
>breaks after 5th photo
>buy $50 film camera
>light leak
>buy $200 film camera
>breaks after 2nd roll of film

What the fuck? Am I being baited into trying film? Do filmfags think their cameras work when they don't or would break if they actually used them?
You're stupid. No and no.
Stop baiting. We both know you haven't touched that camera and it's only either a fashion accessory or a furniture decoration on some shitty ikea cabinet
Stop buying online. Thrift stores are your friend.
I think its possible that you're just not very good at this, or anything really, and should probably just stop before you hurt yourself or become a danger to others.
Boy pentax really is stirring the pot,. And I like it
Skill issue, my negs turn out fine.
What kind of shitty cameras are you buying
My cheap as fuck Praktica keeps on working just fine after years of use
Stop being a fucking faggot and get a Praktica. One with a leaf shutter, they're like $20. Then fuck off and take photos.
Leaf shutter??? Do tell which models have that cus now im interested
Speak for yourself

> buy $100 film camera not working condition
> repair at home
> now worth $200
> optics and metering are excellent, takes great photos, have run 5 or 6 rolls through it
> buy $50 camera not working condition
> repair at home
> now worth $200-300 in its current condition
> optics and metering are excellent, have run about 4 rolls through it so far

Part of the hobby is maintenance. Maybe try 70s/80s era cameras, which have fewer electronics.

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Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
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>Part of the hobby is maintenance.
Sorry, I'm not a faggot to diddle with a screwdriver or whatever. I just want to take photos.
Then these affordable cameras are not for you. Spend $500-$2000 on something with good build quality and get it repaired at a shop when needed. Pay up bitch
If you have such an issue with cameras breaking look into the 00's slr film bodies.
Plenty of low cost options that are very reliable at that point in time. They also seem to be cheaper because they don't have the metal body old camera hype.

Matrix metering, no more foam light seals its mostly clamshell style seals in the 00's, batteries are easier to find/better used, autofocus and plenty of modern lenses that still work like EF lenses on Canon film bodies, plastic so they are lighter to carry around...

There are plenty of upsides to a newer film slr and it will eliminate a lot of the problems you have listed OP.
They don't look cool
I will get absolutely 0 pussy
No skill no deals.
I own a wealth of film cameras. None of them cost me more than 220 quid.
None of them have faults aside from cosmetic use from age,
For example.
My nearly 100 year old 6x9 medium format Ikonta still works, Bellows intact, Shutters correct. Lens pristine. Takes beautiful images.
Even came with a real leather case. Cost me 7 pounds bought from some bloke at a car boot sale.

Never pay 200 dollars for a film camera.
*20 quid not 220
>buy 1.5k leica that has been CLA'd by leica themselves
>walks flawlessly even after 300 rolls
skill issue
all my film cameras work well and have no issues except a light leak on one of my 120 backs which i fixed myself. got them all cheap on ebay. sucks to be you i guess
When you try to distance yourself from modernity such ideas sound appealing, but if you think about it RATIONALLY, it's cucking yourself to film producers, instead of having full freedom to shoot as much as you want for no cost.
>10 dollar thrift store point and shoot
>Replace batteries and it works just as it did when it was new
>only downside is the date marking system stops at 1998
Digital still has a cost per shot. Eventually the shutter mechanism breaks.

Film is for printing. You still have a lot of creative control over the entire process.

Also LF btfos digital.
With film you are paying for a sort of sensor technology that would equal a $10,000 camera if digital. Full frame foveon with 14 stops of dynamic range and pleasing ISO noise, at least. Move up to medium format and you get foveon quality at the same resolution as modern FF MILCs, which actually means slightly more or less depending on the photo.
>Digital still has a cost per shot. Eventually the shutter mechanism breaks.
Less than 1 cent a shot... and that's ignoring the fact that film bodies die eventually too, you're just never going to take that many shots because film is so much more expensive.
You shoot 10-30x as much using digital.
if you're a faggot with no technique, sure.
fr when people talk like this i automatically know they got some sick building corner and rock photos

back in the film days, high FPS cameras were as big as they were now and people loved autofocus as soon as it was available.
So your point is people always took lots and lots of pictures? Just like I said? And this guy>>4328799 calls you a faggot with no technique for, and this guy admits >>4328800 that not many film shooters do anymore?

My point is that film has always been treated like a limitless resource and if you leave the broke college student/underage infested hobby forums you'll actually find a lot of people who still shoot multiple rolls per week. It's not exactly expensive, it costs as much inflation adjusted as it always did. $15 for a roll and self dev for $1, $50 a week is what most people spend on fast food, shoot black and white and you can fit more into the same budget...
Your approach already shows you don't get it and have a poor person mindset already. Time is money and film cameras are great at wasting that.
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My Leica M5 works fine. Skill issue IMO.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeNORITSU KOKI
Camera ModelEZ Controller
Camera SoftwareEZ Controller 6.60.031 (160615)
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>Time is money
Yeah if you still punch a clock
Wash them films, boy! Meanwhile, I will lie by my pool and take 1000 pictures with the tip of my finger.
Washing films with vinegar is funner than sitting in a tub of chlorine
Do you have your computer by the pool to edit all 1000 of those 10/10 photographs as well?
Get a fucking F65 and move on with your life.
Or an FM3a
It has the larp factor
It has a lot of tehcnical capability
It's indestructible

Only flaw: It's the m4/3 of film. 35mm. 1/4 the imaging area of the minimum for real photos.

maybe you're just being retarded when using them, idk anon maybe try to learn how to use a camera instead of wasting money
My logic is that cheap plastic consumer SLRs sold just before digital took over all have brand new shutters because nobody ever used them. F65 is great if you don't mind lack of DoF preview, but F75 is good too. F80+ will be more used because enthusiasts/pros.
>buy $25 film camera
>it breaks after 3 years
>buy $5 film camera
>it just works
>get free film camera (minolta SLR)
>it just works
>realize actually the flash won't work
>also the film speed thing breaks cause it's shit plastic
>get another free film camera (Zeiss scale focus)
>it just works
>get another free camera (minolta SLR)
>it just works (until I tumbled down a fucking slope with it and now it just doesn't work half the time)

basically my most reliable camera is mechanical, made of metal, does not have an interchangeable lens or mirrors, and is very simple. Maybe that's something to keep in mind. The 90s shitboxes are really fragile in comparison, plastic bad also

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