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Sd cards are overpriced as it gets. Where do you get yours?
TeamGroup off Newegg
I just find them or they come with cameras I buy.
I think the lastbSD card i bought was a 32 gig micro for my gopro 10 years ago. It lives in my lica now
>Sd cards are overpriced
not compared to film, they ain't
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bij de action

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelHP Scanjet 8300
Camera SoftwareMicrosoft Windows Photo Gallery 6.0.6001.18000
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution100 dpi
Vertical Resolution100 dpi
Image Created2009:08:01 23:24:03
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width795
Image Height1088
Unique Image ID2701361278CD4DBBAB7CD6BB90D06EF6
>SD cards are expensive
>Shows UHS-II V90 card

Bro unless you're shooting 4k 60p you can make do with UHS-I, or even just SDHC V10 etc.

And if you're talking about these $15 kinds of cards and complaining about price, you're a retard. What exactly are you comparing it to?

Spinning rust? SSDs? I legitimately want to know.
This anon is correct.
SD storage is cheap, and reliable. Your camera will never hit those write speeds, get a normal SD card.
>Sd cards are overpriced as it gets.
[citation needed]
i just bought a 10 pack of 32gb cards off ebay for $55. i'm covered for the next decade or two at least
The responses in threads like this convince me 99% of /p/ don't even take pictures
it depends on your camera
i had a sony a7riii which genuinely needed a decently fast card because if you took 3 photos without even using burst mode it would temporarily lock up half the settings while writing.

but if you don't have a sony idk just buy the cheapest prograde card. they have a lower failure rate than sandisk.
Depends hugely on MP / buffer / internal processor. say for example if im shooting 6.5 frames per second in 24mp ntf or raw.... i dont want to wait for the damn thing to finish writing all that data to the card...
Honestly i spend the extra to match the maximum write speed of the camera.
But, I am impatient and hate missing a moment. especially for birthdays... weddings... funerals... You know live action stuff like sports and the like
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Yeah most of us probably shoot film
Laughs in CFexpress type b.
OP is a a poorfag, gotcha. Nigga how much exactly did you spend on your camera / lenses then go
I do not buy SD cards online, way too many fakes, especially on amazon.
In the UK I get mines from Tesco, they almost always have Sandisk cards on sale.
I bet you don't even z30, you brokeass nigga.
Wait a minute, I thought everyone here was both filmfaggots and also poor

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