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File: afasafs.png (451 KB, 916x834)
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how do i make adobe not check my lightroom legitness? This was a fresh install a week back but now it's acting out again.
pay up pedro
Its 10 money units a month.
Stop being poor.
try dxo photolab
block in firewall
block in firewall, you poorzilian
not brazilian uwu

ty i hope i killed a gear thread for this
If you wanna go legit, buy a second hand copy of an older pre-creative cloud version and its yours to own forever. Dont give this extortion company a penny.
If it's so little money, you can pay for his right?
You fucker, you killed my thread about quirky less know camera that nobody gives shit about and ill use only once. Im sending fujininjas to your house
Wait for the US government to sue them and win
hoje não, policia federal
Get a job.
Block it with the firewall.

Also, I support not paying adobe. If they werent so greedy, I would agree to buy their product like for 100 dollars, and pay it once.
But they want me to pay every year or something like that.
Now they are getting $0 from me.
Adobe sucks
They get what they deserve, piracy.
You aren’t the target demo, lol.
right, colleges forcing students to learn adobe are

capture one is a lot better. and industry standard, but remember, statistically most pros shoot jpeg.
You aren’t the target demo for capture one either.
Weird post. You seem insecure. Did the anime girl you're dating in your imagination make fun of your weiner?
>You seem insecure. Did the anime girl you're dating in your imagination make fun of your weiner?

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