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File: wutisthi.png (1.61 MB, 844x1238)
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What's causing this ghosting effect?
Sony a6700 with sigma 150-600mm.
Never had it happen before and then pulled the lens out after a while of not using and it's like this. I tried a different lens on my camera and it doesn't seem to have any issues so I have to assume it's the lens?

Looks really cool, I would just keep shooting like that,
Have you tried cleaning your lens?
I did clean it but maybe not well enough? I blew both sides for dust and then dabbed and wiped the front.
The red shift looks like chromatic aberration. If you're shooting wide open, stop it down a bit. Looks like there is a bit of shake too which is understandable at 600mm so you're kind of fucked if you do and fucked if you don't. But try that and just up the ISO accordingly.
So this is the power of 900mm huh? I'm starting to believe ambush's 300mm recommendations
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Thing is I've shot this set up before and never had an issue. That photo was:

I just took this one at:

Same issue, it's just not clear any more.
Probably a stupid question but you're not using HDR mode or some shit like that are you? Was just looking at the kookaburras tail again and I don't know what would cause it.
I'd shine a light through it, look for smudges and oil
If not crystal clear might want to gently clean with microfiber cloth and alcohol after blowing off large particles
I'm open to any solutions that may have overlooked. I don't think I'm using any kind of HDR mode.
Your lens could have elements knocked out of place

i've heard of sigma and tamron lenses with elements just held in place with double sided tape from the factory lol
I did move around a fair bit during the time I wasn't using it (Had to move houses and stuff, had it in my van for a bit). So that seems potentially likely. Guess I'll keep experimenting and if nothing take it back to the shop.
for shiggles try a shot at the following
whatever iso
if you still see the same thing, it's time to inspect your sensor and the lens itself.
Are you manually focusing or using AF? Is the AF working in viewfinder or does it struggle?
Are you seeing this vaseline-ness in viewfinder as well and on image replay on the jpg preview?
I'd definitely clean both sides of the front and rear element on the lens, but This feels like a bigger issue than smudged glass but could be that as well.
Looks like a classic case of user gayness, I'm afraid.
>What's causing this ghosting effect?
>Sony a6700
Look, you answered your own question!

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