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>numbers this pathetic on a channel this big
does photography even interest anyone anymore? is it over for us, photo sisters?
bet he'll fully pivot to video soon
>taking photographs for any reason besides you want to
>trying to measure your happiness by views of a fucking youtuber about photography
>trying to measure your hobby against likes/views on social media
You might be retarded anon.
I would be fine with photography dying as a hobby. I miss the days of being able to scoop up cheap secondhand gear without getting into a bidding war with some zoomer who wants the lens he saw on Tiktok so he can show it to friends once and let it collect dust forever.
He took a rather large break, didn't he? Algorithm considers him irrelevant then.
Yep, it's dying hard. Have you noticed most people dropping digital and switching to film? Digital body and lenses market is collapsing. And that isn't even considering that our $ is worth roughly half what it was pre-COVID.

Film is better though, I still to this day have no idea how people can’t see this.
I get mobile phones for convinience but if you are a hobby photographer actually focusing on photography why on earth would you pick digital over film, it looks worse, is dumbed down to just point your camera and click a button and need zero knowledge. And it requires ages in front of a computer. Like it just makes the hobby suck. Film is more rewarding, more skilful, gets you nicer photos and is an actual physical real life thing.
photography as a hobby is for shut in incels
it's like a bunch of spergs sperging out on a forum for hammer-hobbyists and aspiring hammering-professionals. while other people just want to drive a nail and be done with it lol
photogrpahy will keep going on because normies want to take photos. hobbyist photogs on the other hand will always be gay incels
>Film is better though, I still to this day have no idea how people can’t see this.
anything you could possibly bring up gets destroyed by one fact: I press a button and see the picture instantly.
even if fucking film had astronomic quality advantages over digital - it woudn't matter to 98% of people. because taking a picture and instantly seeing it is a killer application and film will never have that.

That’s a disadvantage you just don’t realise it yet. It’s meaning you never evolve much skill and tend towards just spray and pray.
You won’t review your results properly because your solution will just be spray and pray more.
If you have 36 photos and have to just live with that’s what you got, you will have vastly more incentive to review the 36 you got really thoroughly and figure how to make the next 36 better. You will never be able to spray and pray so your only option is to actually deep dive into the actual art of image making.
Rather than convincing everyone else to lock themselves in a chastity cage, you could just not hit the playback button and use a small SD card lol. I'll never understand people who use objective progress as a disadvantage

You won’t though, nobody on digital does, you have an easy shortcut button you can press and you will.
That button saves you effort short term but absolutely fucks you longterm and effectively majorly stunts your development.

And for anybody who sees this and realizes you should in fact by trying to learn from books, here is a good one to check out that is free to read online.

Well if your point is that the advantages of film are its inconveniences and barriers to entry, I have nothing further to discuss.
>But BUT it's easy to use digital. It's a goy psyop to make you a shit photographer!
>Yes my far more expensive and time consuming method is great for people just trying to get into the hobby
>The camera market is dying! Fuckin zoomers not appreciating the hobby baka

Look facts are facts, that guys digislop channel is dying while film is absolutely booming.
None of that is a coincidence.
that's just cope my boi
>stunts your development.
development at what? pressing a button? you're not an artist, faggot. you're just some faggot taking pictures. at least the instagram thots don't delude themselves into thinking they're artists lol
show me the biggest filmfag channel then. I bet there's less than 12 subscribers
You are an idiot. Basedface millenials on IG are realizing that the money and time they spent on IG hasn't given them anything but a few digital pats on the back. Flickr is dying because boomers got whacked by COVID. Zoomers who are the new film shooters don't need approval or validation and just shoot for themselves and friends that they share on Discord and other based friends only chats. Publicly showing your snapshits is cringe af fr.
I have. A lot of people aren't even using their digital gear anymore and accessory hyped film cameras are going up.
Didn’t he have some kind of bingingwithbabish-style mental breakdown for a bit there? He used to be all over the algorithm then just disappeared suddenly.
Mid-life crisis perhaps.
Maybe. The babish guy that was a YouTube darling had a hilarious crisis. Seems like he got hooked on meth with his success, was on a rager and his girlfriend brought him to a psych ward, and then he got buttraped at the psych ward lol. And the guy just freely admits this in his Reddit ask me threads like a true basedboy. Peter McKinnon seems the type.
>Publicly showing your snapshits is cringe af fr.
said the guy proudly wearing a purse

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