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Holy shit.
Rollei is releasing a new film camera. Film is so back and I’m going to buy one.

You are buying one too right /p?

Manual controls too so it’s not just a point and shoot. I am hyped.

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>mint camera
I’ll believe it’s not self destructing chinkshit product like everything else they’ve made when I see it.
Honestly I was expecting another POS like the Pentax 17 was. But after seeing it up close on a JCH livestream it appears to be the same pedigree as the original Rollei 35 with all its features. Not to sound like a reddit consoomer but the price is also about right, I wouldn't mind getting one at all.

They had ex Pentax engineers helping them make this one.
The same ones that “no longer knew how to make film cameras”? fuckin kek
I think it's an amazing idea given that film is more important now than it ever was and people should always have a film camera with them just to have photographs that aren't ever going to be AI unless the fucking CIA is on your case

But it's a mint product so i'm holding off for user reliability reports lol

I recon it’s the ones who did know, got pissed at Pentax not going all in to make a proper film camera and left.
That is the perfect ppl to hire for this project.
holy FUCK did the rollei brand fall hard. SL2000 and 6006 are unparalleled to this day.

This is a huge comeback if they pull it off. This thing has the potential for massive sales and they will be the only player in the market.
I can’t wait to see Sonys sales fall as rollei starts taking over.
Everybody already owns a digital camera and a phone. Tons of people do not own a film camera.
Ai can fully replace digital photography but not film photography.
The stars are aligned for the return of film. It’s happening.
This isn’t a Rollei comeback, it’s a Zombie brand. Might be nice camera but Rollei is dead and the name is just traded out like a cheap hooker to anyone that wags enough money at the rights holding company. Same as Polaroid and Kodak names. That’s why you saw shitty tvs and mp3 players and weird dollar store gadgets with the Polaroid name on them in the 2000s. Even if this does well, it’ll be MiNT benefitting. The rollei rights holders probably just took lump sum for the name. So it’s weird seeing you all talk about this like it’s rollei doing somethting
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More details
>you all talk about this like it’s rollei doing somethting
I'm saying the exact opposite, how rollei went from making the SL2000 and 6006 to just being a name on an overpriced 35mm point n shoot.
rollei is just a name nowadays, youu can pay the brand owners and put it on whatever
>rollei is just a name nowadays
imagine that happening to nikon or leica
it's already happened to zeiss and voigtlander but at least cosina puts those names on decent glass
for what purpose

I think it’s the film counter, settings sort of basic stuff
I'd also assume it's for other reasons such as DX code override, autofocus modes, etc
>According to MiNT, via PetaPixel and Kosmo Foto, the Rollei 35AF is expected to sell for $650 to $800 when it launches later this year.

Lol, lmao even
Still would rather this than the PainTax half-frame crapera

It’s not that bad for a decent film camera that should last 20 years.
It’s not like digital you need to constantly upgrade.
Filmfags btfo
>no new technology
>same limitations

Technology so good it doesn't need a single improvement in 50 years.
Digislops could never.
Jokes aside I hope both pentax and rollei sell them like hot cakes. Making a new film camera that isn't just a posh disposable like kodak is a bold move. With pentax already developing a k mount slr and mint reviving classic cameras this is basically an insurance for the continuity of film.
Stock up on pentax lenses to sell them later at markup prices
This camera looks more interesting than the half-frame shit. Monitoring.
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>Selfie button
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Looks great, I love my rollei 35. Bought it 4 years ago and haven't had to change the lightmeter battery, and it fits in my pocket.

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Mint is making it. All their shit brwaks down after a few years.
looks like a self timer button on the front dingus
unironically dropped
The hy6 sales were keeping them afloat
If they can figure out how to make a camera anywhere else on earth, and not just letting the Chinese do it, I will buy the shit out of it. I'm fucking done with that goddamn country.
I rather brand new Mint than some old piece of shit you can't repair like a Contax G1.
This, same as Contax and Yashica were whored out.
wtf is the stupid black and white and color dial supposed to do?
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I'll keep shooting my AE-1 I copped for 90€ on the flea market.
I have a Bessa R thats been working great for 10 years since owning. Bought it for 150 quid.
Plenty of working and excellent film cameras around that will outlive any MiNT shite.
Wise man. Let the hipsters with deep pockets buy it..use it once and let it collect dust.
Jesus that price is fucking crazy. 1250 canuckbucks, we thought Pentax was huffing jenkem with the 17 price. G-d damn!
What the fuck is this price. No technology nor material in it justify this price. Dropped hard.
Just another cynical cash grab, wake me up when someone makes an F7 or EOS-1X
I'm a zoomer btw. Not all of us are fucking retarded, especially the early ones lmao.
And even if the price came down, I wouldn't buy it either. I've got two film cameras (Canon AE-1, Olympus Mju II Zoom). I don't need more.
The Pentax 17 is also a "half frame" insta-snap-shit shooter, literally made for the short-form-content aspect ratio and orientation.
Had to google that. Lmao.
just make a film camera in your garage nigger, see how that works
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A million people did this already:
Need one with a fucking nikon ring? Here you go:
>ugly 3d printed monstrosities that are shitty pinholes or a NIGGOR
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Post yours then, Nigger.
Pro tip: You can't because you don't have the creativity or the ability to build one.
I just use a needle to make a hole on a soda can.
What kind of retard bugman needs to 3d print a pinhole camera
Uhmm... Instax?
Uhmmmmm... Old film cameras?
Uhmmmmmmmm... why though?
Please take the bait, I really don't know, and want to know.
>Uhmm... Instax?
I am not a teenager girl (god I wish)
>Uhmmmmm... Old film cameras?
we are gonna run out of them sooner than later
Thanks. I will buy instax now.
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No thanks I will rather take this

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I will stick with my Nikon FG. It is the smallest and lightest camera I am comfortable with, as well as having an adequate metering system for shooting slide film.

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