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Confess your photography sins frens
I bought sony
i used to film my female 22 y.o curvy neighbor in the dormitory, we had a shared shower, i hid a digicam behind the pipes inside of a black sock and filmed her, i caught her in 720p sniffing her tampons
I ruined 3 pristine lenses, a 35, 50, and 70 by letting them sit beneath an air cooler for several years. When I finally dug them out the glass was almost totally moulded over.
You must be beheaded
Based, share
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I have had a healthy long-term relationship with one of my muses for the last 5 years despite using weaponized autism to rail against everyone here using their camera to get laid.

>inb4 whats his name

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I take pictures of cosplayers because I'm too much of a neet to have any connections
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Repent heathen, buy Nikon in the name of His Holiness Bassackwards, Crown Royal be thy name, and thou shalt be saved.
I only use auto modes and don't care for manual controls
I have never and will never post a photo on this god awful board
Ok but what is his name tho
As long as you're happy with the results, there's nothing wrong with that. Some autists would probably spout some bullshit about
>you might as well just use a phone then if you don't shoot with xyz
Personally I use manual with auto iso while keeping that in check with exposure compensation. Does it make a difference? Yup, but if you get shots you enjoy with that setup, keep doing what's working for you.
the constant amount of calling shit snapshit is wild here, and they never post photos.
>perfectly in focus and sharp shot of a dog or cool bird
>b+w film shot, not even in focus, no real subject of framing, with fucked up film/processing
zomg the high art value
And I thought /g/ and /fit/ was filled with cantankerous retards.
>Does it make a difference? Yup
Literally no difference, you're just a snob.
Either bait or illiterate.
>literally say there's nothing wrong with full auto, and as long as you're happy with the results keep using it
>calls me a snob
kek the absolute state of this board.
>Does it make a difference? Yup
It does, there's no way to keep a wide open aperture at high light so you lose DoF, and you can't step down in lowlight for sharpness(as most lenses are sharper 1-2f stops from wide open), and you're unable to set shutterspeed for the subject(i.e. like a fast dog/kids running around/etc).
Those are just factual statements, if that's not a concern or impactful for what you shoot, there's no issue.
I'm pretty sure you're just trolling at this point.
Literally me

But I really enjoy taking photos of dudes that put effort into their cosplay but seem used to not get their photo taken.

It makes their day, but I am too much of an schizoid to actually follow and try to be friends or sum shit.
I bought a Pentacks 17 because I really think it's neat
I weigh 390 pounds and am wheelchair bound. I take pictures of pigeons from the path in front of my apartment buildings but need my mum to push me in and out. I used to have a scooter but the motor burnt out and we can't afford another one right now. The superintendent had to tell my mum and I we couldn't use the elevator together because it was over the weight capacity so she has to wheel me in and then take the stairs down and pull me out at the bottom. Sometimes I hear her crying at night and I think it might be because of me.
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Father forgive me, I shilled a camera when everybody else was right about its downfalls.
I have learned from my mistakes.
I buy costly full frame lenses and use them exclusively on aps-c
You could use an ND filter. :D
Will you post any photos?
No way in hell would I post anything that could identify me on this hellhole
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I took a creepshot today.
Oddly attractive. Would, no doubt
I post too much in 4chan
Same, it really is a very special camera
I don't use SLRs or DSLRs, only digishit and other point and shoots for aesthetics.
Details pls
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That's actually based, native cuck frame lenses are horrific.
>be me
>preorder the bmpcc4k with ef speedbooster when it first came out
>"hey anon your camera is here but your adapter is back ordered lmao"
>pick up camera, tell them I don't have any lenses
>they say I can borrow one of the demo mft lenses
>pick a little panasonic zoom boi
>soft as shit wide open
>f8 diffraction sets in
>basically unusable in all lighting conditions
>like 3 days later the adaptor shows up
>mfw a canon zoom through a speedbooster is sharper than a native lens
I know it's wasn't a top dollar lens but fuck me I can't imagine how disappointed anyone dumb enough to buy one would have been.
I lied about doing fashion photography on film in order to impress an Italian girl I had a crush on. Had to go and buy a Bronica that day in order to save face.
I ended up doing her nudes.

I also mostly use my Fuji xpro2 despite being heavily invested in the latest Nikon gear.
Post them to repent.
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>I ended up doing her nudes
Sins absolved.
Oh another sin is that I stole a vintage Russian lens.
It was years ago, and the shopkeeper was arrested for assaulting my friend on the week before.

It was a junk store where they kept all sorts of things and the store owner was the kind of barely stable schizophrenic you'd expect. He accused my friend of 'wasting his time' and somehow that led to an assault.

A week later I came back and stole a Helios lens. Absolutely zero regrets.

We are still friends. So no.

Thank you, your holiness.
I jave never touched a camera in my entire life
Not even a display unit? A friend's camera?
Based, fuck /p/haggots

I stole an analog Canon IXUS from the parents sleeping room of a birthday party I was invited to.
Had a good time using that camera afterwards, but was having a hard time understanding that what I did was wrong.
Just like 89% of the rest of the Anons here.
>i caught her in 720p sniffing her tampons
Everyone likes their own brand.
>dudes that put effort into their cosplay
Such as?
Which one?
>still friends
I don't really care about getting good shots anymore. Well, I do but I'm totally fine with missing moments and not getting every single shot possible. It is what it is. I'd rather shoot leisurely than trying to get every possible great photo op I come across.

Photo is way more fun this way
I want to try sigma lenses but am too scared by all the horror stories about shitty assembly quality
Post hand.
peasant auto mode user npc. if you had any real talent you would only need manual.
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I have a weird addiction into old, cheap DSLR bodies and haven't taken a single picture in years.
I have a m43 camera
Seek professional help
I'm telling art history chicks my photos are 100% film. I just apply filters and shoot 90% with my Pana S5.
They can't tell a difference.
Sigma lens are good quality, don't pay attention to the autists.
I have never taken a good photo, maybe 3 or 4 mediocre photos at best
this is a sin?
Sigma has a lot of copy variation and poor finishing issues. Some lenses are a lot softer than others, some lenses have way noisier autofocus, some lenses come decentered/tilted, some lenses come with more CA than the reviewer/pre-production units, etc

Same story with tamron. And ironically, sony first party lenses, so you're probably used to it.
I like buying cameras and lenses more than I like taking pictures
I have no interest in common forms of photography that supposedly impress other people.
I am not impressed by photographic pursuits that apparently are meant to impress other people.
What do you like?
i am literally nanoseconds from buying a l*ica m3
When I take photos in a crowded area, I always zoom in to check if I caught a hot chick in my pic. I get a perverted sense of glee when I do.
Buy an m2 instead
I ain't proud of my pictures and although I feel like I don't, I end up fishing for compliments on not posting pics.
Post the best one so far.
Forgive me father, I accidentally diluted the developer 1+9 instead of 1+4 and only realised after it was too late
How come? 35mm frame lines are pretty nice.
I loaded a roll of 120 film backwards, it was only Kentmere 100 and I only took pics of some local mountains so it is not great loss but I have failed our Lord and Savior Ansel Adams.
/an/ bestiality schizo seething about huskychad even in unrelated threads lol
sure but i imagine that 50mm frame lines might be a bit small in the m2
50mm is probably what i use the most
Perfectly fine if you extended your times. If not, rip lol.
The obsession is so real.
Amazing how a photo hijack of the mft dynamic range chart thread actually rerailed it into being a photo thread AND made the worst gearfags there become totally unhinged. 4x5 chad levels of trolling. It’s only missing the dog hair.
I'm okay with old (a6000 & first A7 old) Sony color science. I've never had any issues with it.
Oh true.
Thank you for mentioning that thread.
>huskyfucker got others to post photos!
>it totally wasn't one mft anon posting a flower pick, and then another responding!
>it was MEMEMEMEMEMEME the dogfucker!

I'm sure it was real in your head
I did not. I ended up with semi translucent negative. I suppose if I try enlarge them at maximum contrast grade, I might get some interesting aesthetic
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Luckily uncut.

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Forced perspective, no way one hand is so much smaller than the other... unless?(!)
are you fucking high my nigger? Well i am

Just brought the left hand in front and shot with right thumb.
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i took pictures of myself naked
oke yes i am stupid.... unless?(!)
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