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How the FUCK is this garbage still the "industry standard" in the year of our lord 2024? Screw mount lenses were abandoned decades ago because everybody agrees it's fucking shit. And why do I have to buy a new set of filters for every goddamn lens because this one is 67mm and that one is 72mm and the other one is 77mm? Do lens manufacturers get some sick pleasure from watching us cross thread it 3 times on each filter change?
How big of a retard are you to not finesse the threading? That sort of shit would only happen if you met resistance and decide to continue to tighten the thing like stupid faggot you are.
Offer a solution then retard. Filters are one of the cheapest parts of photography. Do I enjoy buying 43mm filters for one Lens? Not really, but what you gon' do
bayonet mount
drop in filters
These things have all been done and yet every manufacturer still puts threads on like it's 1935
just use instagram filters, retard
i enjoy the tactile sensation of screwing things on and off that have very small, tight threads
>Bayonet Mount
Are for hoods
>Drop in Filters
Yes and they're available so quit bitching
It's a shit system but it's long established. A bayonet would be a bit better but you still have the issue of different sizes and not only that you still need threaded filters for all your old lenses and you've got to rebuy everything you already have. It only works for someone starting out new who will only buy new lenses (or at least ones they will use filters on). You also have to get many manufacturers on board, both those that make lenses as well as the many hundreds that make filters and other associated accessories. No one like to be the first to do something not knowing whether anyone else will join.

Also if you don't use hoods there are universal drop in systems
Step 1: sort out your lenses
Step 2: buy a filter for the biggest diameter
Step 3: buy an adapter ring for the rest of your lenses that have a smaller diameter
Step 4: don't be retarded
>Inb4 you're replying a bait thread
>other anon reads but doesnt understand
>buys 37mm filters and step up rings for his 82mm lenses
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>the aliexpress shop owner when he finally gets rid of the last stock of incorrectly manufactured step up rings
This is bordering on /b/ quality takes, but I have it in my head that all aliexpress sellers are microcock ching chongs sitting in their coffin homes rubbing their chow mein fingers together and jacking off to the thought of ripping off other designs and offering the worst customer experience all to make eqiv. $3 USD.
>getting filtered by filters
Tranasonic quality
I don't care for filters I just use the best light transmission one to protect the lens
If you put a filter on it the first time Dingus Khan then that wouldn't have happened in the first place.
Fucks with auto focus if you use that, just get a lens hood
buy step-up rings retard, get filters for the largest diameter lens you have then buy step up rings from China for $2 shipped
threads were abandoned due to a profit model
>Are for hoods
And Hasselblad
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>cross thread it 3 times on each filter change
you're a fucking retard
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When it cross threads just push hard on the filter so it jumps a few more threads like when your too tired to deal with the milk bottles bullshit.
>please reply YES=new product, NO=refund
>"Yes new product please"
based retard

Should have went through dispute and have Aliexpress fuck the seller.
you'd be surprised how many people don't really understand how screws and threads really work and the finessing of reversing until it seats into the threading to then begin tightening. That shit is like rocket science for most people and when you explain it to them, half just stare at you like you're speaking an alien language.
Fippy bippy

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