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/p/ - Photography

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File: 13.jpg (2.59 MB, 1440x1920)
2.59 MB
2.59 MB JPG
First time shooting portra 800 on my half frame and scanning myself.
How did I do?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera SoftwareSnapseed 2.0
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Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)53 mm
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Image Created2024:07:04 19:52:41
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Seems the rumours of half frame being a quality sacrifice are overblown. Great shot.
desu, it only happens if you are shooting something with big grain like Colorpus
File: 1000006331 (2).jpg (2.56 MB, 1500x2000)
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2.56 MB JPG
You got fooled by a 12yo samsung digishit with a smartphone filter.
If I were you I'd commit suicide and learn to check EXIF next time.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeSAMSUNG
Camera ModelWB30F/WB31F/WB32F
Camera SoftwareSnapseed 2.0
Maximum Lens Aperturef/4.4
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)53 mm
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Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Image Created2024:07:04 20:41:07
Exposure Time1/45 sec
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Scene Capture TypeStandard
digits confirm, based anon destroying poser fags
I was talking about your cat, dumbass. The snapshit is a 1/10 animal picture.

I take back my compliment, and think that cat is ugly and stupid looking.
File: 20240704_205306.jpg (4.76 MB, 4000x3000)
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4.76 MB JPG
This bad boy beats your $3000 Leica M3 with a Summilux apparently
One of the stupidest looking cats I have ever seen in my life.
Ahahaha i love you
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You revealed it too soon. Should've waited a day or two.
i think ppl would have caught on by then and OP would have ended up looking like a fool
Kodak Gold 200 half-frame scan

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop 25.7 (Macintosh)
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Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
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Image Created2024:06:04 08:44:51
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Image Height2234
OP has been eternally btfo.
Have you ever seen an single photo thread on this board with the first reply
Filmfags do be like that
This, kek. Forced meme.
Catfags, newfag.
Schizophrenic filmfags already coping hard
Did you take the photo op or just find it somewhere?
It’s amazing how the composition rules can elevate a snapshit
based op exposing /p/haggots
How do we know you're not just pulling the exact same ruse? :A)
How could I have found it somewhere if it was shot today and has full EXIF
Nice try op, editing your portra 800 to look digital and attaching a fake exif.
You won’t fool /p that easily.
>everyone itt but me opened a photo of a cat
Can you judge format by a quick glimpse of a thumbnail?

Nobody on /p uses composition rules to this level, show me one other picture on here using this many compositional rules in a single photo.
>This camera fooled 4chan into thinking it was a film camera
>Take film like pictures with this cheap hidden gem
>Price is now $500

Can’t trust op he already lied once, also there is no way he took that photo.
>does half frame really look this bad
>this looks nothing like portra wtf happened
To be fair I've only shot medium format on film for the past while, which is a lot more forgiving on film stocks.
>composition rules

That picture is elite level composition.
Nobody could take that without extensive knowledge and highly likely graphic design or art degree.
OP, stop trying to get someone to agree with you. Everyone knew your photo was a sham to begin with.

That’s how it fooled everybody though, it’s actually very high iq composition which is almost exclusively achieved by film shooters. 1 in a million to see a digislop that advanced which is why people fell for it.
File: 1000006343.jpg (1.23 MB, 1025x1366)
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1.23 MB JPG
It's not that deep dude

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Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
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Image Created2024:07:05 07:19:21
Exposure Time1/250 sec
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This one is not to the same standard, it’s got a few rules but nowhere as much

2 of the corners aren’t even anchored, this one’s way behind the cat photo, not even in the same ballpark.
OP please
kot :)
ebin troll, checked
include me in the screencap
>le ebin trol
delete this
File: 1000006280 (1).jpg (483 KB, 1086x1366)
483 KB
483 KB JPG
Whatever you say

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Soulless. It is what it is.
File: P1070522-Edit.jpg (4.03 MB, 3648x2736)
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4.03 MB JPG

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Aside from the exif, what gives it away are the blown out taillights
File: 20240716_195933.jpg (2.64 MB, 3456x3456)
2.64 MB
2.64 MB JPG
Lmao nice going opie. I say this sitting on a bench holding a half frame camera in my lap. You really got some anons mad.

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Image Created2024:07:16 19:59:34
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Image Width3456
Image Height3456
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Unique Image IDF64ESNGR0AM
I should've probably enabled the film compression option...

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