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/p/ - Photography

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>spend hundreds per shoot trying to get good shots for my dating profile with different photographers
>no matches, images are terrible
>buy my own professional camera
>take my own pictures in good light
>matches skyrocket, get 1 chick pregnant

why didn't you guys tell me photographers are scammers that don't know what they are doing?

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I tried, but you wouldn't listen.
why do frogposters
- feel the need to make up retarded stories
- think people are gonna believe them
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Anyone you can hire is bad at photography, true photographers only do it for the joy of creation and photograph only what they truly are passionate about

we are built different

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Frogposters deserve to lose money and thier lifes
Ay don't be so mean, this is cultureful board
You probably got scammed by some Macedonian pretending to be a photographer, just like 90% of /p/ pretends to take photos
genuinely how do I go about this
just put my SLR on a tripod and go at it?
You need a mirrorless with eye AF and a shutter remote.
Using an SLR you'll burn through some film dialing in focus and composition without some sort of live view. Could go that route just need either a timer or a remote shutter and a roll of film you're not fussed with losing.

Way easier with some sort of live view and an articulated screen.

For portraits it's a good idea to get some good lighting equipment. A good flash, a diffuser, maybe a reflective umbrella or lightdow might be useful. Lighting is most of what makes portraits look good. That and not being a ugly cunt, but let's keep things realistic,
I'm not great looking but I'm not ugly. I guess I could set it to f/8 but then I would lose the shallow portrait DoF. I just don't have any friends who would know how to work my cameras, lol. Maybe I meter the scene and just have them focus and press the shutter and I can bracket exposures that way as well
get a tripod, ask your friend to be where you want to, do everything (set iso if digital, focus, aperture, speed, framing etc. etc.) and then change places with them and just tell them to push 1 button
good idea tbqh

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