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File: eyefish_effect.jpg (4.32 MB, 3000x6000)
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Hey guys, so I'm an amateur street photographer, and I'm trying to achieve a fisheye effect, as you can see.

The matter here is that I can't get the same effect that the Windows Photos app gives to raw wide photos (like the 3rd one). In my attempt, I created the 1st image, but the Photoshop lens correction doesn't achieve the same effect. as it expands the center, unlike the Windows algorithm, and it also loses information from the edges. Plus, the black corners don't blend/blur with the image. How would you guys achieve that effect?

English is not my mother tongue, so please excuse me if I'm not explaining my ideas quite well. I hope you can help/advise me.
buy a real camera with a fish eye lens.

that is it.
easiest n quickest i guess
Getting a genuine fish eye effect is hard because fisheye lenses capture a far greater fov than non-fisheyes at the same focal length. There are lots of cheap fisheye options for many mounts, for example a Pen E-PL7 + Samyang 7.5mm could easily be under $400 if you find a good deal. I'm sure there are older cheaper options you could look into as well.
Adding fake barrel distortion won't make something look like a fisheye lens.
You need to buy an actual fisheye lens if that's the look you want.
Guys, now I can't decide between a circular and a diagonal fisheye. I think I want a diagonal fisheye for this effect?
The Canon EF 8-15mm will give you wild fisheye photos.
>windows photos can handle raw files
Awesome, will save a lot of time
It's been pretty good and fast with RAW sin early win 10, you might have to open the windows app store to download the Microsoft raw viewer pak (it is free).
Windows 10 looks like shit though.
>I think I want a diagonal fisheye for this effect?
You should just post an example image of the look you want to acheive.
Doing it digitally will never be satisfactory and you'll lose quality trying to emulate it vs a very short focal length lens..

Go for a Stereographic diagonal.
7artisans have a nice 8mm that's really cheap and you can experiment a lot with it. It's not extremelly sharp but wathever.

Fisheyes use several different mapping functions (i.e. how the reality is projected on the sensor). The lens correction usually use the "imperfect" rectilinear function of each lense (when thos data are available) to compensate for the distortion.

You could teoretically achieve fisheye effects applyng fisheye mapping functions to an undistorted rectilinear projection. The problem is that you will have a limited FOV so no real fisheye look. 100-120° instead of 160-220°.
This is why the software you can find only do the opposite: they apply an inverse fisheye mapping function to a fisheye pic to obtain a rectinilinear projection.

Anyway, there are a lot of problems related to "information density" that in fisheye projections is uneven, so you have problems during the conversion and usually rectified fisheye images have very bad corners.

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