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File: om.jpg (58 KB, 894x579)
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A while back I sold a 35mm camera to a random dude online. He asked me all sorts of newbie questions about how to use the thing. I replied to the best of my abilities and the transaction went through. We chatted a bit and it turns out the dude works as a photographer and is educated as one. Even has a portfolio online of mostly portraits on his studio's website. A bit into the conversation he told me that he was "tired of using his Sony on automatic mode and wanted a challenge".
It made me wonder how many photographers by profession chose that field of work as a last minute decision when choosing where to study and what exactly it is that they learn. Probably not much beyond composition and lighting would be my guess.
In the dudes defense it has to be said that he was a zoomer.
>snoy on automatic mode
I just don't know man. Learning about lights is next to useless if you don't into exposure. I'm not sure how much of this blogpost is complete bullshit but if he's buying a film camera that has AV and manual mode to learn exposure while he's already got a camera capable of such, he's fucking retarded.
I don't know if he wanted to learn anything, but the takeaway is that he seemed clueless. It might be that the new age photographers rely more on automatic settings? I have no idea.
I'm just having trouble imagining the world of pain this guy must endure trying to manipulate his studio lighting whilst using his camera on automatic.
Why would he? LED continuous lights are relatively cheap, no need to go flash route
I never said anything about flashes but nevertheless, you're wrong.
I loled imagining the dude moving lights and the camera kept readjusting his settings until he got absurdly close with it that it looked goofy
I'm an entrepreneur by profession and back in the days before I picked up photography as a hobby, I used to go to a professional near my house who took photos of all my products that I sold. He sat and manually removed the backgrounds from all the photos and then started saving them as JPEG files. I asked him; "Hey, can you not save them as PNG instead? Since you removed the background. If you save them as JPEGs, they will be generated with white background. Also the PNGs will have higher quality". And he said: "No, JPEG is the highest quality. Those are uncompressed files".
Most LEDs have shit CRI compared to flash.
Most flashes are much more bright than LEDs you can find.
LED makes sense for video, not so much for photo.

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