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Now that the dust has settled and it's clear that DSLRs were the peak of digital photography. Which is the offically the king of digital? Pentax K1 mki or Nikon D850 and who is your honorable mention?
The one you have with you.
which one should I have with me?
Canon 5D mark ii
The Nikon D40. Making this post for you, you know who you are.
That's not a bad honorable mention.
Obviously the one you're holding right now
How could I be typing holding one of these cameras? They are far too large to both type and hold.
Your phone you idiot
I am not phoneposting. Now pick one. Which one should I be holding?
The Nikon D40. I'm posting this for you. You know who you are.

Canon 1dx iii which is canons best and last dslr
I'm sure you've got plenty of experience typing one handed.
Based; there's still time for a 5D MkV though.
Hopefully they'll give it a proper shutter.
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rude and for no reason
I'm sorry, friend.
Only Christ can redeem us from this sin.
A full frame of 36x24 millimeters of monochrome film ought to be enough for everyone
I owned a K1 mk1 and I sold it to switch to Nikon and get a D850, which is what I still shoot. Although I liked the K1 I'm glad I did it and kinda wish I'd picked Nikon straight off the bat when I got started in the early 2010s.
>Which is the offically the king of digital?
>when I got started in the early 2010s
What'd you start with?
Pentax K30, I upgraded it to the K1 when it came out. With the benefit of hindsignt I should have gotten a D7000 or the like and then eventually a D8xx. Being in a much bigger ecosystem has its benefits. Then again I guess I'm talking out of both sides of my mouth a bit, since F-mount is deprecated and I don't have any plans to move to Z.

Of course at the time I switched my choices were EF, F, or E. I picked Nikon because the control scheme is broadly similar to what Pentax did. Feels better in my hand than Canon or Sony.
>F-mount is deprecated and I don't have any plans to move to Z
It's not like Pentax is ever going to outclass late generation Nikon bodies.
The worst thing about the K mount is that most of the good lenses have been discontinued and are now being sold for exorbitant prices out of Japan.
Mark III
(honorable mention:
Mark III)

(honorable mention:
The sony a7iii

Theorycrafting gearfags who complain lots, if in theory post always, and photo never WILL seethe
The cool one

Nikon D2x. Highest resolution per pixel. Greatest color accuracy. Most realistic imaging, and the most sophisticated white balance tools.
>muh blob cameras
>i only shoot rocks and leaves and get 0 likes on my insta
kys old man
i'd rather use a fuji than these deeply flawed blobs and i hate fuji
>Highest resolution per pixel
this is a nonsensical statement. Pixels are what determines resolution. You can't have "resolution per pixel" that doesn't make any sense. You clearly don't know what you're talking about.
that is exactly what blob cameras are for lmao

Not so fast...

Resolution per pixel = the amount of useable resolution achieved for a set amount of pixels.

The fact is, the D2x matches or exceeds the resolution of all but one 16mpx Camera.
Doubt. Nyquist limits digital sensors. Only way for a 12mp sensor to match a 16mp one, all other factors being equal, is if the 16mp one has a terrible AA filter design.

Most had less than ideal filter designs. But the fact is that most digital cameras also have engineering tradeoffs such as noise verses resolution.

The D3 generation is the perfect example of such a design tradeoff where the engineers traded a noticeable amount of resolution for less noise.
Nikon D70(s) :^)
On the contrary, most DSLRs hit their Nyquist limits at base ISO extinction resolution (MTF10). If you’re testing at ISO 3200 or something that might explain things, but I would honestly be surprised to see 12mp ever beat 16mp in MTF10 lpmm at base ISO with the same lens and format.

12mp FF vs 16mp apsc (or apsc vs m43) at MTF50…maybe…but at low ISO it’s irrelevant because of sharpening in post.
Theoretical Nyquist limits have never really panned out in the real world, and the same goes for MTF tests.

And yes, ISO matters as well as the lenses used. Go have a good look at the online tests that pit the D2x against the 16mpx Canon 1Ds MKII. In nearly every instance, the D2x outresolved it until one of the best Canon lenses was used, giving the Canon the leed.

I also pitted these 2 together using top prime lenses from both manufacturers, and @ base ISO they ran neck to neck in most instances, with the D2x pulling ahead when the the scenes were less than perfectly lit.

But at higher ISO's, the D2x slaughtered the 1Ds!

Furthermore, as part of my exhaustive camera testing, I pitted the D2x against the Canon R6, and things got interesting starting @ ISO400 where their resolution was about equal, @ ISO800, the D2x was pulling ahead, and @ ISO1600 the D2x was ahead with nearly twice the amount of resolution, all because of Canons aggressive noise reduction.
There will be a revival of range finder camera.
But a hybrid one. im not saying x pro series but even better than that meme camera. but x pro is a good prototype
>top prime lenses from both manufacturers
Which were?
Both the Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM, and the Nikon AF-S 35mm f/1.4G tested at a sufficiently high level so I chose them for the test.

Both were shot at f8 for the best center to corner performance.
Canon 6D.
>dslrs were the peak of digital photography
lol just lmao
>Theoretical Nyquist limits have never really panned out in the real world, and the same goes for MTF tests.
You can literally go to Imaging Resource's archives and find camera after camera that hits close to or at its Nyquist limit on their extinction resolution testing. Norman Koren found the same thing as far back as the Canon EOS 10D. Yes, it reflects the real world.

>Go have a good look at the online tests that pit the D2x against the 16mpx Canon 1Ds MKII. In nearly every instance, the D2x outresolved it
Nope. Picrel from dpreview's old test.

>But at higher ISO's, the D2x slaughtered the 1Ds!
DPReview tested that as well and with NR off on the D2X the 1Ds mark II was better. Furthermore they found that turning it on cost detail (naturally).

>Furthermore, as part of my exhaustive camera testing, I pitted the D2x against the Canon R6, and things got interesting starting @ ISO400 where their resolution was about equal, @ ISO800, the D2x was pulling ahead, and @ ISO1600 the D2x was ahead with nearly twice the amount of resolution, all because of Canons aggressive noise reduction.
LMFAO now you're just making shit up. The D2X wouldn't stand a chance against the R6 at any ISO. The R6 edges out the Z6ii for fuck's sake. IMHO the 20mp R6 and 12mp A7s II have the best extreme low light/high ISO sensors that have shipped.
>but muh noise reduction!!!
I hope you're not judging JPEGs. At this point I hope you're not just trolling.
The r6 has forced low iso shadow nr and god knows what else
The z6ii is a fully honest sensor. The zf has forced ultra high ISO NR.

I just wouldnt compare an r6/ii or zf to anything if they definitely fucked with the raws. the z7ii too, it has cooked raws above iso 12800 and for exposures over 1/3s.
You are clueless about sensor design. There are no "honest sensors", i.e. sensors that run a pixel output voltage through an ADC and write the output value untouched to a file. Every shipping sensor applies various algorithms to the output data before writing the file. PtP looks for certain NR algorithms and the R6 trips that flag at ISOs below 1600. But if you compare RAWs across the ISO 1600 boundary there's no smudged or lost detail. So it's hard to say what's tripping that flag or why, only that it's not impacting IQ.

And even PtP says that the algorithm is not applied at 1600 and higher. It's one thing to claim that the D2X out performed the 1Ds mark II back in 2005. False, but at least plausible. It's ridiculous to claim that the 12mp aps-c D2X from 2005 is going to compete with any current FF camera (R6 series, Z6 series, S5 series, etc), especially at high ISO.
>I pitted the D2x against the Canon R6
Sure you did...

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>referencing photons to photos
opinion discarded.
not that I believe the ancient-ass D2X trumps the R6, but Bill Claff is a hack, people. stop referencing his "test data". ignore Jim Kasson too, by the way.

No but going outside will which is why sony leica and fuji are for kings
If anything he’s missing forced NR on snoys. Sony says on their own website that their new bionz processors do raw NR and he never noticed. He measures noise, a7iv comes out ahead of z6ii… in photos it looks worse. How? Snoy NR fooled billy’s software but eyeballs are a more sophisticated image analyzer.
It was revolutionary for its time, but having had it and the original 5D, I actually prefer the look the 5D produces. If the 5D II had the same rendition of the original, it would be my favorite DSLR.
Does it look closer to the 1D or the 10D?
PtP is the source of the low ISO shadow NR claim so if we can dismiss him then we can dismiss anons “honest sensor” bullshit entirely.

Yep. Again, all sensors are processing data. PtP needs to update their analysis and clearly distinguish between common signal processing, detail smudging NR, and test gaming.

You can believe what you want. But my laboratory grade tests show that the D2x clearly outresolved the1DS MKII and R6 @ ISO1600.

All camera test are shot in raw BTW.

Most cameras apply some noise reduction to their RAW output at high ISO.

Nyquist and the results of test charts are irrelevant! In the real world, the D2x matches the resolution obtained by the 1DS MKII when all else is equal!
>my laboratory grade tests
so you took photos of a test chart, right? post them.
>boomers unironically believe that I'll just accept whatever bullshit they spout on the internet
Post some examples or fuck off.

Did you buy your camera to photograph test charts? I did not!
>I performed "laboratory-grade" tests
>I didn't buy cameras to shoot charts
pick one

Pick your nose!
>PtP needs to update their analysis and clearly distinguish between common signal processing, detail smudging NR, and test gaming.
He literally can't. Not within his capabilities. He analyzes photos of grey/pink squares, mostly user submitted. It's shoddy data and he himself has admitted many times that it IS shoddy and can't be used to compare cameras, only guess at the way the sensor responds to the ISO setting.

Doing what you ask would require a test camera to dissasemble and analyze.

>Anti-gearfags: bill's a retard, these charts make no sense!
>Bill: my charts make no sense.

if it has to be dslr and i should decide which camera userbase image dataset i get, i would choose nikon d3000
>compares sensors with different lenses
Just slap a 85 Planar to it and call it a day.

Also, sensor schizos might be onto something, CFA's have gone shti since their Canon heyday in early 2000's, aggressive noise reduction kills resolution and the never ending chase of "noise free" high ISO's has ruined base ISO iamge quality.
>CFAs have gone shit
Objectively speaking, CFAs are not weak enough to have accurate color. The old CFA look that gearfags call the CCD look is very vibrant reds and blues and puke greens and yellows. With very slight editing you can achieve this with modern CFAs because new cameras actually capture more color info. The default and jpeg is just a little more neutral to be kinder to all varieties of skin tones.
>Aggressive noise reduction
Is a thing on some canon and pentax cameras at least, but it's not a widespread or serious issue. It's actually relatively mild compared to jpeg NR/processed raw NR unless you're one of THOSE people who refuses to use NR or unsharp mask. If a canon R6II has some shadow NR just turn down NR in the raw processor to compensate.
>the never ending chase of "noise free" high ISO's has ruined base ISO iamge quality.
Base ISO image quality improved massively up to and has been unchanged since ~2017. What are you on about? The only things that lower it are specialty high speed sensors that most photographers don't need.

Must be a skill issue

The D3300 is the best small DSLR that I have tested.
>admits current "orange,green.blue" CFA's sucks
>admits in-camera RAW noise reduction sucks

OK, maybe I'm wrong with base ISO image quality but has anyone actually done any real testing, RAW processors have improved massively since 1Ds/D3 days.

Yes, I have done these tests, and RAW processing software is significantly better then when these cameras were made.
So, what's your conclusion?

Talking about tests, this is how it should be done.

The guy processed every image subjectively, read with caution.
>admits current "orange,green.blue" CFA's sucks
Everything sucks compared to a theoretical ideal, or vision3 film, but digital cameras today have gotten much better. People often claim that they got worse. These people exclusively photograph stoplights, flowers, and cars in jpeg. They are wrong. You don't have an orange-green-blue camera you suck at using your camera.

>in camera NR sucks
It actually doesn't suck as much as it used to. Old cameras with forced NR were legit smear machines subject to errors while stacking frames for astro, like the pentax K1-II. The forced NR on EOS R and sony alpha camera is unnoticeable unless you are doing huge shadow pushes with NR off and pixel peeping hard
how hard? the zoom levels people use, 100% on cheap displays and 200% on retina, are like making a 10 foot wide print from a d850.
This is artistically, irrelevant. And who the fuck leaves NR off? NPC camera reviewers who feel a need for their gearfaggotry to be as detached from how cameras are actually used as possible. That's who. People who need to get the realest comparison between two cameras, down to shit that would be literally invisible in normal use, mostly so they can argue on the internet. Because if they left NR on the difference would be borderline invisible. If they just turned NR down for the EOS R or up for the other camera it would be the same.

The sony NR issue is even dumber, because it's long exposure hot pixel reduction, and only affects deep space astrophotography which is beyond niche. The version ii and iii cameras had a sloppy algo but the newer ones are quite good and wouldn't bother anyone who wasn't checking their space snapshits against a star chart.
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>k-1 vs d850 thread
>descends into canikony turf war, pentax forgotten again

what didn't you like about the k-1

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Your photo is a good demonstration of what sucks about the k-1. that lens.
>weather sealed meme modern camera
>the weather sealed meme modern lenses are snoy gm pricy, canon RF L big, and perform like old AF nikkor lenses
>best glass for it is all old screw drive and manual lenses
pentax is acutely aware of this. it has a trap focus function for MF users.
yes you're meant to do that
some cameras and lenses look better processed one way others look better processed another way

the takeaway should be that the 5ds produces amazing fine art quality but it's not necessary for every photo
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it is the same, but you do not need to hone every picture
So no laboratory grade tests. Got it.
is it the
>DOA irrelevant mount
>factory backfocuser
neither its the 5DSR /thread

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