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File: 2024-06-20-0016.jpg (1.64 MB, 1920x1280)
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shot on film of course
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albabro......de ce sunt pozele 1920x1280?
nice AI art fuckhead
Pentru că sug scule bro.
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It's 1920x1280 because I've downsampled it to that resolution. What resolution should it be in anon?
Only thing I can say in Romanian is "nu am bani".
My vacation was a trip to Negreni for obvious reasons.
thanks anon
Boy do you look like a dickhead. I'd say that might be an impact on your self worth, but you probably (deservingly) didn't start with any.
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over done but comfy
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full res scan in order to make >>4333052 happy
love the sharpness on this lens (this is at f/4 I think) don't understand why it gets such a flak here
which lens
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oops, wrong version
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Okay, now this is хyдoжecтвeнный
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Cluj-Napoca is actually a really comfy city. It's just the commie blocks that are such a nice subject.
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And that's all from Romania.
Thumbnail led me to believe that was a halfnaked man perched on the apex of the roof.
Sounds like my ideal kinda holiday.
Love those Romanian countryside shots.
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ok I'll tell
Zuiko 50mm f/1.4 with above 1 million serial number
Romania is quickly becoming my go to holiday destination.
I've never shot much colour film and I have to say I suck at colour photography. That's why I've shot mostly colour this time.
All of them are a waste of film.
which one the most and which one the least?
You should upload your pics at full resolution, ideally about 8000 px at the long side
will do next time
sorry for the low res scans
>Romania is quickly becoming my go to holiday destination.
Easy enough to get around?
you do have a car don't you anon

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