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What makes this photograph so good?
It's cute and funny.
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Yeah. Also has a feel to it that is rather killer.

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Subject and composition. It would be a good painting as well.
It's not?
Bad composition and obvious editing to darken everything else and lighten the subject.

Sloppy on all counts
You’re a pedophile…
At first I thought: that is not golden ratio.
But it does: negative space golden ratio kind.
Because i share in the opinion that it is a good photograph? It`s not sexual for me.. Just a good photograph..
your imagination. I know what you're thinking. I think it myself
a pedo is someone who can feel arousal by kids ONLY, not by adults. btw, for abuse (which is a crime and that's good) is is a big step further.

just by liking kids or pics of them, if has nothing to do with what you introduce. every mother loves her kids and loves to hug them and maybe to take pics of them....

why do you connect these two? paranoid? anti family propaganda?
Not sure i want to acknowledge what you are putting out, i just wanted to say that her eyes are captivating and knowing its a candy cigarette does not discount the weight under her eyes, the ruggedness of the scene makes it magnus opus tier for me.

She is just another tired traveler
>secondary subject's arm is cut off
terrible composition
bad editing (get it right in camera!)
pedophile corruption theme

All in completely disgusting
you are the pedophile, non of us though anything sexual while looking at that pic, everyone was discussing composing until you came
>everyone was discussing composing until you came
He came alright.
the kid on stilts is a better photo. shame
Pedophiles should be lined up and shot
photographing children is not pedo.
>golden ratio
kys, golden ratio isn't overlaying spirals on things, when you stretch the spiral like that it's no longer a Fibonacci spiral
The themes of the photo is child corruption, which is pedophilic
>kill yourself
you need help man
It's not good, it's "good" aka a forced meme.
Welcome for 4chan I guess
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That was "welcome to 4chan", I got distracted in the middle of writing the post and made that g(ira)affe.
>when you stretch the spiral like that it's no longer a Fibonacci spiral
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You're the one in the wrong here, nigger. Fibonacci is all about proportions and so is the golden ratio. When you stretch it the squares that determine its shape cease to be squares.
please do go on making a fool of yourself
>riding another trip's coattails to gain oldfag credibility
you're new and you have no photos
I didn't post it to claim credit for it, but I'm older here than you realize.
You're the one in the wrong here
>can't prove his existence before last year
>has no photos
>just trollposts angrily all day
the anon you are responding to is an idiot and poor troll
sad thing is he isn't even pretending to be retarded, he just is
You are simply falsely accusing people because you get off to being a troublemaker.
This 100%
>lol how quirky le child is posing and imitating an adult behavior!
pedophiles get the rope
it is to you

to the one who took it, it was showing that smoking was totally normal and you're a pussy
You are falsely accusing people of being pedos, because you get off to hurting other people with your liesm
>that smoking was totally normal
to an 10 year old? I hesitate to imagine what else you imagine is "totally normal" for a 10 year old to be doing

>/p/ is filled with pedophiles and pedophile apologists
I guess I shouldn't really be that surprised
Imagine merely condemning pedophilia and then someone responds that you are falsely accusing others of pedophilia and that it is hurtful
What an awfully familiar tactic
>point out something is pedophillic
>why do you persecute us so?
Wait, wait.. I've seen this one before
The white dress blows out the image a little which makes the girl glow, isolating her perfectly from the girl to the right which is only slightly out of focus.
The girl is pretty and young, but the cigarette, posture, hair, expression and dark circles give her a worn adult character.

After looking at her, the eye wanders to the girl on the right, who also makes a gesture not that common for a child.
Now the eye goes to what the girl is looking at, being the boy on stilts in the background, who looks eerie, giving the image further character.
fell for da bait
>The white dress blows out the image a little which makes the girl glow
The glow is also because the girl has been dodged.
>What makes this photograph so good?
nothing. it is not a good photograph.
>it's cute and funny
cunny, for short!
You're literally just accusing random people of being pedis. You do that because you gain pleasure from harming innocent men. It's a type of homosexuality.

We must restore fighting words as a defense to murder.
>a defense to murder
*A defense for homicide.
There is no defense for murder, only extenuating circumstances.
Spot on.
I'm still amazed that so few people can actually read an image.
no, a defense to murder. learn a book. murder is the charge. The defenses to murder are the defenses to the charge.
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>I'm still amazed that so few people can actually read an image.
"n-noooo it's a good photo! you're just too low class to READ it properly!"
"fine art" is a scam.
>"fine art" is a scam.

Stop being poor.
Something tells me you didn’t go to law school LOL
I'm not versed in the fashions of the afulturated centure, and its vices of opinion.
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The little girl. She has big eyes and her face is triangular. The dark background makes a good contrast for her face.

The cigarrette soils it. The rest is clutter.

There. Now it's art.
>the virgin heretics: oops, cant show that in a puritan society. replace it with a bible.
>the chad catholics: just a cigarette? get this lass some wine.
catholics are actually prudes, your view is skewed by most white American catholics being old money eastern seaboard high church phonies.

the current pope is allowing apostasy, as long as they aren't too bold about it.
>be born a boy
>literally walk on stilts
>sister gets all the attention for managing to not burn herself with a cig
if you told jesus you were an apostate, he'd say "sorry bout that m8, hope you come around for your own sake ya dumb cunt" and watch you go while sipping a goon sack and snagging a photo on his pentax dslr (for the memories, and also, his instagram page)
I love pictures of litte girls
surreal without being obvious about it.
Agree with this anon. The girl is an interesting and charismatic subject for sure, but the poor, heavy-handed editing, and the uninteresting composition, damn.
papists can't into Ecclesiastes
Why don’t mods delete pedo threads?

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