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File: myy.jpg (3.22 MB, 4368x2912)
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Which one should I load?

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 13.2 (Windows)
PhotographerMarkku Vimpari
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:07:05 11:25:04
Color Space InformationsRGB
fug that's a toughie
+1 for HP5+
the one you have with you
Anon pls
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>37mm lens
>72 missed focus snapshits
Golly gee whiz
Nice you buy one or you a Youtuber or somethin?
Pls make a thread and taunt all the naysayers (or prove them right) w/e floats your boat
mju is not how you pronounce mu
What did they mean by this?
Oh, I remember that Camera. My mom had one when I was a lil guy. Most of my childhood was captures on one.

nah just a dude thay paid twice the price for half the frame. This week, when I get back my first roll from the lab I'll post something here or on the film general, but there's already a ton of reviews out there. The only lies I've seen being told are that the build quality is poor and blaming the manufacturer for user errors. So far I can only tell you the camera is worth what it costs.
What happened to it?
Not it isn't lmao
colorplus since u shoot a wanky p&s turd. hp5 is for rangefiner chads
wow looks great. so envious!
A 9mm cartrige and blow your brains off
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Stylus epic appreciation thread

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
so sharp. like out of a 70s movie

Velvia and Provia are discontinued. Fuji doesn't make ANY film anymore.

Their only films Fujicolor 200 and 400 are made by Kodak.
>put off buying even one single roll of velvia for ages
>never thought i'd have an occasion that justified it (a whole roll of rocks and leaves)
>just used kodak gold, ektar, portra, and tri-x forever
>mfw its gone

it is summer in northern hemisphere, europoor have fear of war and most wear colors, colorplus first then hp5
Fujifilm has made zero announcements of either of those films being discontinued. Stop spreading false information.
If they're discontinued where's the announcement and why are both films still readily available at stores in Japan?
he's bullshitting. velvia 100 is discontinued in the USA. nothing else is.

All their film production lines are shutdown.

What they have been selling for the past two years are the stock they have frozen.

This is common knowledge. When the stock is gone there will be no more.

Fuji doesn't make any film anymore. The last stock they have they are selling in Japan.

>What they have been selling for the past two years are the stock they have frozen.
>This is common knowledge.

You do realize people have been saying this for almost 10 years now? It's nothing but a rumor with zero factual basis.
>fuji doesn’t make film anymore
Only partly true. They still make instax, and it makes them tons of money. Heck, I’d go so far as calling them the instax company now, and they have digicam side projects. As much as Fujislugs want you to believe the x100 is the golden child, instax is what’s really pumping.
It's sitting in my mom's bedroom dresser. It still works and all. I'll aks her if I can borrow it.
File: Olympus Myü.jpg (1.74 MB, 4080x2440)
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Got it


That's a different camera.
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1.45 MB JPG
Fuck, you're right. Didn't even realize.
You can still sell it for $50-$75 easily
Actually 300€ here in Germany.

But I'd rather vaporize in a nuclear blast and get straight to hell than selling my mom's camera she used to record my childhood with.
Based stick-to-your-principles anon
So are you going to use it or just be a nostalgic lil bitch and keep it in a box in the closet?
Of course I'm going to use it. Vacations with the family coming up lads.
Based. Be sure to take some to share with us as well.
I have a cupboard full of pictures taken with that camera. I'd post them if I wouldn't literally dox myself lmao. End of the 90's to late 00's germanycore nostalgia would kill anyone who saw them kek.
I just loaded OP's mom. lol

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