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how useless is it?

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TS lenses are hugely useful but I feel you're better off using a view camera if you need movements
For most? Entirely.
For some? Essential.
Skill issue. Those are some of canons best lenses lol.
Entirely. Just do it in post
I'll bite. What is it? I assume it has some specialty use.
Tilt shift lens for perspective correction and doing that funny miniaturization thing.

Good for architecture. The tilt looks way better than anything you can do in post also.
It’s the one Canon lens I dearly miss after I sold all my Canon gear
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Is the Canon TS-E 135mm f/4L good for insects? I find that my 100mm f/2.8L macro doesn't have a very long working distance and I tend to scare small critters. I'm also wondering how viable the tilt function will be when maximising DOF.
Yes, but you probably won't get enough movement to be very useful for macro. An actual bellows system for your camera with geared movements is best for combining movements with macro.
I can recommend going to a longer macro lense, I have a sigma 150mm I absolutely love. Combination of the increased working distance, and also having a tripod mount on the lense makes a massive diffference to how easy it is to use, and then the photos always look great because of the bokeh still being nice at f/16.
Really though, the TSE 135/4 will probably not do the same thing; not as long a focal length, only 1:2 ratio and also the t/s shit is just a distraction unless you're shooting flat subjects. Look for the Canon 180/3.5L, Sigma 180 or 150mm, Tamron 180mm, or the Nikon 200/4 with an adapter.
It sounds like you need more working distance, not movements.
The 100mm L isn't officially compatible with extenders. You could try an off-brand extender like the ones Kenko makes to see if that increase in working distance is enough to offset the loss in image quality.
Otherwise you'd simply want a longer macro lens. Canon's 180mm L is the natural choice here. Rent one and see if it does what you need. Or just buy a used copy; they're somehow very cheap now.
>sigma 150mm
The MFD of this thing is 15 inches, which is just 3 inches longer than that of the Canon 100mm L. I don't think it's a good choice for someone looking for more working distance, then again, neither is the TS 135mm L...
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Do yourself a favour and look into reversal rings. Get a few sizes and start experimenting with combinations, especially if you have some old lenses laying around. Order some rear lens caps and drill them out. It will protect the mech without affecting image quality. If you're really paranoid, you can attach filters to them with hose clamps or however you want.

This is a cheap plastic 70-300mm G and 50mm D without focus stacking. I did stack some shots but it would take me forever to find them, these are ancient. Use better lenses and you can get much more.
>reversal rings
This is fun, but it still doesn't solve the working distance issue. I've done it before to photograph SMD components.
Which brings me to my next question: is this fly a mounted specimen or something?
>working distance
Ah, didn't notice that bit about spooking. But the main thing that triggers this automatic response are the non-compound eyes on the very top. If you can avoid being too high over the subject to change the light levels above it, you can usually get extremely close:


Nah, it's just a living fly a few mm from the lens element. I slid the lens toward it along the smooth beach stone it was on. You can get decent working distance with the right combo though, especially with zooms. I can't remember the combos I was using now but some were pretty usable. I took mostly grasshoppers, dragonflies, spiders, and other things that will sit relatively still for a decent amount of time. Bees moved around way too much I remember.
Thanks a lot for this info. I hate bugs in general but now I know why flies behave the way they do.
>how useless is it?

What, a tilt shift lens? Enormously useful if you shoot architecture, estate, or interiors.

Can be useful for stitched panoramas, or even just stretching a frame to get a unique angle.

Just because you don't know how to use a specialist tool doesn't mean its useless. Its just useless to you.
Totally fucking useless I have one and hate it the autofocus is slow as fuck
Ambush always good advice despite constantly causing trouble
As someone who actually uses macro lenses all the time, I can tell you the difference between the 150mm and the Canon 100mm is very noticeable in the field. I also find it easier to focus, mainly because the better subject separation makes focus pop in the viewfinder better, but that's less of an issue if you're shooting digital as I suspect OP is.

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Get a good flash, and a diffuser, and shoot at f/11 to f/22. You’re dealing with a living creature, you might get lucky with a focus stack, or you can just shoot for much larger DOF and use a flash to compensate.
>difference between the 150mm and the Canon 100mm is very noticeable in the field
niggon shooter here, I often wish for something between my 60 and 200 micro-nikkors. maybe a sigma 150 would be the ticket but the "wrong" focus ring direction would drive me up a wall.
would you happen to have any experience with the CV 125mm? the price seems less outrageous recently. that or nikon's 70-180 zoom micro.
This was me.
What's wrong with the 105mm Micro?
What's wrong with posting photos?
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What's wrong with answering the question?

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Why would anyone take this?
Apart from being overpriced and too heavy with pointless VR, autofocus, and wide aperture? It's a great general purpose lens but a bit bloated for macro if someone wants to do it right... as in manually, and stopped down with a tripod and lighting.
which one?
the manual focus ones don't go to 1:1 natively and I'd have to look at a conversion table to get the effective aperture number for external flash calculation
the AF one might be the best choice really
the SWM VR one has lots of focus breathing apparently and of course has SWM and VR which are useless for macros
The same reason I do anything; because I felt like it.
Show me a photograph you felt like taking.
Maybe you should take a good photo sometime
>pointless VR
Anon was asking about F mount lenses.
I'm referring to the AF-D.

>and wide aperture
Even if we were talking about the Z optic, its aperture is the same as all other small format ~100mm macros made in the last 40 years (the Leica 90mm f/4 excepted, which isn't even a true macro lens).
I will, when I feel like it.
Aside from architectural photography, it allows you to have your depth of field on a tilted plane in respect to the sensor. Great for still life, portrait of groups of people and many more things.
Not essential, but a game changer if you "need" it.

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