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>New Lens comes out.
>Crystal clear photos from edge to edge

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This but unironically.
File: raw0002.jpg (1.26 MB, 1500x1007)
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1.26 MB JPG
Vintage glass wins again?

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photograf 180 cm model with 7% pincushion
you have elven
recommendations for the widest landscape lens without distortion.
maybe you should tell us the mount.
anyway the voigtlander super wide heliar 15mm is distortion free

maybe 85mm
You are correct that the camera applies some corrections relative to the design of the lens. However, with some types of lenses (long telephoto objectives and some special use cases) even minor deviations within the specified tolerance translate into visible image deterioration. These are registered by the manufacturer during final assembly/QC and are embedded into the lens firmware. The camera reads these values and applies instance-specific corrections for the best possible image.
New Leica lenses have a almost unacceptable amount of barrel distortion that they simply correct for in post.

It's really only a problem if you are adapting, which with Leica glass I often am, but the vintage versions really handled it much better.

The digital age really allows companies to be lazy about these things.
Same way aspherical elements allowed them to be lazy and not build a proper setup to begin with?
A connoisseur of character, I see.
And by character I mean hella chromatic aberration, flares, and other flaws that any modern Sigma lens overcomes with objectively better performance all around.
Where is the abberration? Where are the flares? :A)
Laowa Zero-D (distortion).
>makes lenses for 8 different mounts
>barely any distortion
>easily accessible price
how do the chinks do it? through shit quality control and shit aftersale support?
dust your shit off faggot
X-mount, i'm looking into it.

It depends. I'm using the samyang 12mm for Sony E apc-c (oldest manual version). It's probably the best value for the price and you can get it used for like 150€. The AF version is optically a bit worse.

The Laowa 10mm if probably a way better lens, but is way more expensive and, IMHO, it starts to be a bit too wide. Not a problem for me because I think that a bit of crop is not an issue.


None of the mentioned. Usually just compromises in optical quality. You cannot hope to have a 10mm with no geometrical distortion or a not too dark 18-300mm without compromises. And in those cases size and price are the first limitation.
Vignetting is usually an issue, fringe and inferior contrast are common.
But those lenses are usually made from just one brand, so wathever.
Moreover, those lenses are still better than 80% of the lens ever made and all the flaws can be fixed in post working a bit on the raw.

And anyway, +800€ for a very unhandy and nish lens cannot really be considered affordable. A 10mm like that is almost as a specialistic lens as a tilt-shift.
There aren't really any downsides. The Chinese are just better at this than the Japs now. It's the same in the audio community. The chinks make headphones and amplifiers that are better than Korean and European brands for 1/4th the price.

Also have a look at the 50mm f1.1 from MrDing. It costs less than $200 and is better than Leica.
They dont pay their workers, they dont need to spend money following regulations and theres no brand tax.

You are basically shitposting.

A lens like the Laowa 10mm is an unicum and cannot really compared to anything else. Maybe just against the previous 9mm but this doesn't affect my point.
The 10mm is far from being a perfect lense and it has some flaws that are perfectly balanced by the FOV and low distorsion. It can surelly used for professional purposes. But is better than what? There are no competitors.

If we wanna talk about 50mm, LOL, MrDing? Really? f1.1? Are you a newbie or a troll? Even taking into consideration Leica talking about quality is pretty stupid. The aim of Leica (photo) is not to make good quality lenses/camera, but to provide a certain look.
Cheap chinese ultra fast lenses are tecnically garbage. They are extremelly fun, well made and extremelly usefull to learn, but cannot be compared to the equivalent branded ones that are way more expensive, coated, automatic, stabilized, etc.

Same for audio.
EU, US and JP headphones are still way better. Have you ever tryed a pair of Beyerdynamic (cheap and top quality). What to comapre with on chinese market?
Are there any western portable DAC+AMPs to compare the chinese one with? Not many, and the chinese ones are very good for consumers.
What's the chinese alternative for an RME fireface? Quality and feature wise? None. What about monitors... what's the Genelec 8050 or just the Yamaha HS8? Same.
What's the reasonable western alternative to the random nice chinese hi-fi amp? None! Only extremelly overpriced madness.

Chinese and western products cannot really be compared because right now they cover different market sectors.

Moreover, chinese lenses are made with western glass (Hoya first) and chinese electronics is made with western silicon. But both are partially made in china and chinese engeneers participates in the design. Western engeneers were deeply involved in a lot of chinese projects and a lot of "tecnology transfer" happened defore Xi madness.
So, what are we talking about.
Laowa has not been cheap for years.
Accessible price =/= cheap
The chinese are focusing on correcting a meaningless optical aberration while being unable to make AF, weather sealing, rendering, sharpness, color transmittance, field curvature, and QC right.

But at least the distortion was corrected
That's what matters to...
Darktable users?
Distortion correction is such a meaningless load of shit that even the MTF shart autists can't measure a meaningful impact
I got a Laowa 10 on ebay. Interesting little thing. Haven't had much of a use for it but I do like having it. I don't need Nik's $1000 fisheye to get the same effect.
>Digital corrections
What's wrong with it?
>If we wanna talk about 50mm, LOL, MrDing? Really? f1.1? Are you a newbie or a troll? Even taking into consideration Leica talking about quality is pretty stupid. The aim of Leica (photo) is not to make good quality lenses/camera, but to provide a certain look.
Read this thread and check the images:

It's a great lens.
Regarding Audio stuff, you're right when it comes to speakers. But for earphones, a pair of Linsoul or FiiO for $200 are just as good as $1k ones from non chink brands. I have a Topping DAC that I bought for $100 and it measures the same as a $1k DAC.

So yeah you're right they're not there yet but it won't be long.

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