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File: 000004270001.jpg (2.91 MB, 3130x2075)
2.91 MB
2.91 MB JPG
I shot my first few rolls on an old Pentax ME my mom gave me years ago. I have little photographic experience other than messing around with a DSLR after reading "Understanding Exposure" and getting decent results.

Was looking for some criticism, constructive or otherwise. Some things I'm noticing is that I'm having a hard time gauging exposure even though there is a built in light meter, is it better to slightly underexpose? It seems no matter what I try it comes out overexposed. I also seem to have a lot of blur - the focus seems bang-on in the viewfinder but it has an auto shutter speed which may be too low for how steady my hands are. It may be time to buy a better SLR. Unless you have an idea on how to make this camera work.

Posting the bad and the good. Let me have it.

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File: 000004270013.jpg (4.04 MB, 3130x2075)
4.04 MB
4.04 MB JPG
Starting to think the only reason I got any good photos with my DSLR was because I took so many.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeNORITSU KOKI
Camera ModelEZ Controller
Camera SoftwareEZ Controller 8.10.008 (221031)
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Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Image Created2023:10:21 11:48:26
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Image Width3130
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File: 000004270011.jpg (3.48 MB, 3130x2075)
3.48 MB
3.48 MB JPG

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Equipment MakeNORITSU KOKI
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3.56 MB
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3.86 MB
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File: 000004270015.jpg (3.88 MB, 3130x2075)
3.88 MB
3.88 MB JPG
Anyway, here is a good sample of some photos I think are good/bad/and didn't turn out as expected. Any tips would be great

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeNORITSU KOKI
Camera ModelEZ Controller
Camera SoftwareEZ Controller 8.10.008 (221031)
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Image Created2023:10:21 11:48:30
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width3130
Image Height2075
>is it better to slightly underexpose?
If anything, it's better to overexpose a bit with colour. You can't recover the shadows very well in post with film.
>I also seem to have a lot of blur - the focus seems bang-on in the viewfinder but it has an auto shutter speed which may be too low for how steady my hands are
Use faster film or wider aperture if the situation allows. No depth preview on that camera though.
>It may be time to buy a better SLR.
It never ends. Just keep taking photos anon, none of yours in this thread look technically bad. There is no coming back from gearfaggoty.
I like it. It could be better. Am I supposed to be looking at the bright, big subject on the right, or the blurry, dark man towards the center? Or the very small bright person in the back? Or if you wanted to show me a crowd, you could have waited until more people were coming through.

Could be a good shot of some firefighters hanging out but you're too far away and it's not immediately clear that's the focus. Instead, it looks like a shot of a stoplight and a street sign.

Frame out that excavator and this could be a nice tourist shot of that building.

That water is pretty and I wish there were more of those reflections entering the top of the frame. The grass alone is a dull subject.

Not sure what you're trying to show me in these photos.

Looks like you know how to operate the camera, and you've got an eye for good scenes, but you need to work on drawing the viewer's eye to what you like about those scenes (your subject). When you take a shot, ask yourself:
>Why do I find this scene interesting?
>How do I draw the viewer's focus to what I think is interesting?
Sometimes you have to cut unnecessary stuff out of the scene, sometimes you can use tricks to draw the viewer's eye to something. That's where framing and composition come in.

Anyways, keep shooting, and keep going through your own shots - that's how you'll get to the next level.
criss un montréalais anglo
that opening tunnel shot is the best shot in this series so far.
I may have to pull the trigger on something a little nicer.

With the firefighter photo I wanted to get some of the building in with them hanging out, I might be trying to fit too much into each frame. The last one you mentioned was supposed to show the light dappling from the tree onto the building. I appreciate the critiques.

I'm Quebecois by descent but an anglophone :o
Ben la some nice fucking photos caliss d'fucking tabarnak
Awaye bro continu comme ça
merci, prendre ça ez oiste
montreal sucks ass
enjoy brampton
I live in Quebec
>is it better to slightly underexpose?
don't do this for film. Also, your photo looks slightly underexposed anyway. It's just the lights that seem overexposed. Could be the scan.
> the focus seems bang-on in the viewfinder
camera could be the problem, maybe the focusing screen is slightly out of place. Maybe the lens, too.
>auto shutter speed
>Pentax ME: aperture priority
so open up the aperture to get a faster shutter speed. if you open it up as far as it can go and your shutter speed is still below 1/30 seconds then you need faster film, more ambient light, or a flash.
Seems overexposed at first glance, but there's not much shadow detail and the shadows have shifted green. I blame whoever did your scans.
Slightly underexposed, lacking shadow detail, but the windows are exposed fine. Great colors.

there's nothing wrong with aperture priority
I use it most of the time

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