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File: IMG_0944.jpg (129 KB, 827x600)
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So, i'm really into the gritty b/w photography of Moriyama, particularly his late 80s ish work but generally a fan of his. I like film but understand it's antiquated nature not necessarily being beginner friendly. Regardless should I just cop any digishit or decent compact film cam(like Olympus M2), in the moriyama spirit or would getting a reliable camera like a ricoh GR serve me better long term? I have bad experience with a Konica Big Mini that just up and died on me. Also how expensive is the process of producing your own film/negatives? If anything putting everything into the post production/negatives would help me better in the long term?

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A cheap and fully manual digishitter is a good way to start off. Film isn't really that expensive if you're doing b/w and developing yourself. 35mm or half frame seems ideal for reproducing his style, so you can get a great camera for like 100 bucks.
Get a point and shoot camera that shoots RAW. Moriyama edits both his film and digital photos extensively to get his high contrast look. You won't be satisfied with any SOC images- you need to edit yourself to achieve the right characteristics.
I think he used a really shit Ricoh digital point and shoot zoom for a while too. Just get some junk like that with a working flash and the rest is PhotoShop.
Dude just takes trash photos that somehow work because he captures a "I never stopped playing RapeLay after I turned 14" aesthetic, which makes it inherently more interesting and intriguing than the photos of 99% of people.
So get a trash camera. Search "Ricoh GR" on ebay and take your pick.
Any specific recs/Ricoh GR models? My plan was to go straight to the thrift my next paycheck and get whatever camera they had behind the counter but I do need to learn the inter-specifics in terms of filmspeed and all that
>"I never stopped playing RapeLay after I turned 14"
A man living out all of our dreams, holy gigabased.
The cheapest one. Imagine you are living in the middle of tokyo and struggling to afford rent, cigarettes, and booze simultaneously. If you can not afford a ricoh gr, you will have to get another awful camera. Don't sacrifice your sake budget.

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