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File: IMG_4780.jpg (1.23 MB, 1545x1024)
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I want to start processing B&W at home but don't know where to start. What tank do I buy? What about developer; Rodinal, D76, XTOL, etc? What's the best develop/stop/fix kit out there? Are bleachers/wetting agents necessary? Do I need a darkroom or can I just do everything in a changing bag?

TLDR: I just want a grocery list and rationale for each item. I'm starting from ground zero.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeNORITSU KOKI
Camera ModelEZ Controller
Camera SoftwareEZ Controller 6.81.014 (190708)
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Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
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What do you mean "processing"?
If you want to develop your own film just buy a patterson tank, rodinal, the cheapest and most concentrated fixer you can find and a stop solution and do semi-stand development with a 1:100 dilution.
Otherwise if you have money to waste just but whatever is recommended by the film manufacturer and go here https://www.digitaltruth.com/devchart.php for the ratios
You had the best opportunity to say RODinal and ya blew it.
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Get at least a two reel Paterson tank so it can fit 120, and a large changing bag/tent. Chemistry for bw is pretty interchangeable so go with whatever is cheapest or easiest for you to acquire, just to get used to the process, and any fixer. Stop bath isn’t absolutely required and neither is a wetting agent. Bleach is more of a colour thing as well. The trickiest thing will be getting used to loading the film more than the dev process itself. Might need a film picker as well if you want to save/reuse your canisters.
TLDR, dark bag, 2 reel tank, cheap developer like rodinal, fixer, done.
Thanks, I'll probably get a Jobo 1520 since I heard the Patersons have some leakage. Is a stop bath only required if I'm using more concentrated developer ratios? And will the bleach improve contrast? Blix recommendations would be great as well.

>film picker
I'm not enough of an autist to implement bulk loading into my diet.
Patersons dont have leakage if you use the spin to win stick and just develop with the top off. Hate inversions. Most autistic thing I've ever done.

But yeah fuck paterson.
You could use bleach for black and white for contrast adjustment, sure, but why do you feel the need to? It’s pretty uncommon and It’s probably the last way I’d pick to address that. Either adjust contrast when you print, or in software after you scan. Did someone tell you it’s part of the process or something?

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