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Nikon L35AF
I am about to buy one. Any last second things I should know?
Looks like a pretty good camera to me.
any old p&s' pics will look the same, its not worth paying a premium for
The battery door is held in by hopes and dreams, and the flash capacitor is probably toast. You'll never finish a roll without the camera jamming up on you.
Cameras form this era are all made of shitty pastic and electronics from 30-40 years ago. None are worth more than the roll that's inside them. If anything they had pretty decent lenses which can be used as parts for other projects.
give u a little slept on secret kid: konica big mini neo. $10 and sharp as a tack, small, reliable and has zoom. yw
I have one of the later model ones and didn't like it, lens is too soft and it misses focus a lot maybe mine is just broken idk
its a pretty decent camera, the shutter is kinda loud and the advance is REALLY loud (just fyi you can hold the shutter down and it will delay the advance for however long you hold)
i think these have a somewhat unique look to them due to the sonnar 5 element lens design
very true, i give up the 36th shot to prevent it jamming/tearing film lol
you needed an early one for sure.
I have one of these kicking around with a broken battery door. Feels bad, man.

It has a good lens but it is not built to last and will probably break. It's a good camera for 50 USD but not for 150 USD. I would personally rather have a good small mechanical SLR like an Olympus OM or a Konica T4.

I have an Olympus om1 already and wanted something different in a point and shoot.
Basically I see the point and shoot for pop up flash stuff and more candid can just use anywhere without thinking sort of stuff.

What should I get instead, I don’t want stuff that will easily breakdown and anything contax costs way too much.
I know the mju ii exists but sounds a bit dodgy too.
thrift store
first one you see for 5 bucks or less
if it breaks you buy a new one (it wont break)
A Minolta CLE or Olympus XA1 if you don't mind MF but want auto exposure. Then get a small flash.

Bottom line is that any P&S film camera is a ticking time bomb and will give out someday, as with all 80-90s electronics.

>Minolta CLE
thats over $1000, at that point I would just get a contax. But I do not want to spend that kind of money, thats why I was looking at the l35af as its more around $500 these days
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Holy fuck.

The cost of film cameras is going through the roof, especially point and shoots above all else.

I actually might have to cancel the plan and just skip it.

but yeah I agree, why the fuck is an extremely dodgy old point and shoot film camera selling for $500? The price is totally ridiculous for something that prone to breaking down.
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this is one of the nice early models you want, just sold with the lens filter/cap/case for less than $189
if you're paying $500 you're actually retarded.
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I’ve also seen Olympus mjus and Pentax espinos listed for 4-500 dollars. But if op watches those ads he’d see they rarely sell. Just needs to keep looking and wait it out a (relatively) good priced one eventually comes along. Sniping eBay listings is a fun time. Picrel bagged this today

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>taking a fucking cosina made meme licensed brand dog shit over one of the best minoltas

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