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I'll wait.
Industar 50-2
Pentax 50s are garbage wide open so,
Any Konica 50, any Minolta 50.
65mm super angulon
Tamron 35mm f2.8 ($199).
So it’s a normal focal length f/1.8. Is there anything special about this particular one?
Any other of eleven gorillions normal f/1.8 or f/2 double gausses.
It's a 55mm prime lens. f1.8 is just the max aperture.

It renders really good photos for cheap. You can get them for ~$30. I think mine is the 'SMC' variant. It's also radioactive (not harmful).

Literally any old lens. Think, one day, every crazy pro f1.2 lens will be seen as identical because they will all be soft as shit on tomorrows 400mp full frame global shutter cameras.
ive been trying to buy a 35mm takumar but they're all like $60+ grrrr
chinon 50 1.7
minolta MD 135mm 2.8
based 135mm gang
The Pentax 50 1.7?
TTartisan 250mm f5.6 reflex
they should make that for leica with rf coupling...
Afaik they chose the M42 mount, since you can easily adapt it to any other camera mount
TTartisan outplayed NiSI with that lens. They had announced it a while back, while TTartisan just released it out of the blue. The NiSi has m42 mount.
n-no rf coupling tho...
Nope, it was the other way around. The TTartisan has m42, while the NiSi has all the modern mirrorless mounts.
M42 is preferred obviously since adapters are cheap. Wonder if the lens is made at the same factory.. NiSi announced theirs earlier this year so it was a bit shocking to see the TTartisan one come to market first.
M42 is nice for DSLR compatibility but adapters add a lot of length to mirrorless.
L39 with rf coupling would be nicer imo. Easily adapts to M mount as well as virtually any other mirrorless mount. Also works on old Leica screw mount cameras which are cheap as shit. I honestly feel like cheap modern Leica screw mount lenses are such an untapped market.
Canon 50 1.8 STM

Rikenon 55/1.4

Canon EOS 28-70 f3.5-4.5
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How long do I have to wait for your cope response bruv.
razor sharp and beautiful character.

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