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Does the 6 bit coded leica M to nikon Z adapter provide native MF lens capabilities with voigtlander lenses or not
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Because I love my old 16-50PZ
It's the lens I take with me when I'm skiing. Don't care if I fuck up and go down 300m down the slope on my back, my ass, and then face, it's cheap enough that I don't have to worry about it. And I can say it's actually surprisingly sturdy.
t.went down slope

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It's perfect for vlogging though? They improved the only thing that really needed improving which was the AF motor, but downgraded the mount to plastic, Otherwise that's probably as compact as it gets for a kit PZ lens, and it's not like vlogging needs the extra sharpness or other optical crap.
Idk they could've at least make a lens that covers the damn sensor it is made for.
I thought the lens said EZ-PZ at first
missed opportunity
Nice photo and mega based
Miss my NEX-C3 even if it was in pink because got it and the lens for like $80
>Perfect for vlogging
>36mm equiv after active IS
lol. lmao even.
Nah? No one? I just want to use the color skopar 35mm f2.5 on my zf dude
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Any recommendations for a cheap panoramic head? Something that is very light, for hiking in the mountains. I don't need some luxury item that will hold 9000kg of DSLR brics, it won't ever see anything that weights more than 800g.
Ideally no ballhead. Instead maybe something like pic related, with angle inclination adjustments on the Y axis, and the 360° pano on the X axis. But lighter. And with that pano thingy at its base, rather than on the top .
Yes. You get green box focus confirmation, the focus arrow indicators, trap focus, etc. You press the button to set FL for IBIS and EXIF, and can use aperture dial to set aperture for EXIF (up to f5.6).
Regular adapter still lets you have subject detection, but you're stuck with peaking or zoom to confirm focus. The 6-bit adapter is well worth it.
Hello friends,

I'm looking at a new(er) camera and I was wondering about Canon's ergonomics.
In late production bodies, they started incorporating a D-pad into the rear dial (pic related).
Does this interfere with the use of the rear dial?
I know it does on my PowerShot G10, but it's a lot smaller.
What have your experiences been?
Is this a good price or should I do a refurb Canon R50 with 18-45mm kit for $600 + used 55-200MM EF lens and adapter
As an R50 owner please at least get an R10. You don't get a mechanical shutter, and have to deal with EFCS. Honestly it is worth the extra $200 or so to get the R10.

As for the lens, I adapt an EFS 55-250 IS STM with great results if that interests you.

I posted in the airplane and questions thread, my use case is gonna involve shooting moving subjects at high speed (planes landing/taking off and action shots of cars at a racetrack/AutoX). Canon has a refurb R50 for $560 and R10 for $800. I wasn't sure about the R10 cause it doesn't have vehicle tracking and I'm a total novice so I thought that would be more useful.

And yeah, my plan is a used telefoto lens like a 55-250 EFS (I can find them for $50-150) + adapter. Otherwise the Sonys have the best lens option due to their compatibility. I don't think it's worth spending the $$$ on a dedicated R lens at my level of skill.
When is gear?
Do you really need anything wider than 24mm?
Certainly not when you have this piece of shit on your camera.
>Do you need anything wider than 24mm?
>Do you need anything longer than 24mm?
no and nikon not making a good quality pancake/muffin 24mm f2.8 as a real alternative to the snoy tier 26 is a travesty
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I like 21mm

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I think we can quit pretending Nikon actually makes anything anymore. All of this shit, sony, nikon or whatever, is all made in the same fucking place. American businesspeople took over Nikon, shut the fucker down and replaced it with another office slinging the same chinese crap to americans for top dollar with a different label on it as every other "company". All the accrued knowledge of Japans workforce were laid off and their experience wasted. Because the motherfucking shareholders demand it.

Enjoy the z8 & z9 while you can, bc the American business model ultimately destroys everything in the end. Cheapens your product to garbage then consumes all the human and cultural capital your society can afford, then devours itself. It's a death cult. Just look at this fucking thing.
You might as well ask, why anyone needs anything other than a 50. WHY DOESN'T THE WORLD JUST MAKE ONE LENS

I mean I get that on paper it's great than anyone can get on the internet now, but, retardation is a real problem.
Thats a lot of schizophrenia to bitch about something that was designed and manufactured by generic asians to brag about some spec sheet item same as everything else asia has ever made

Importers (the nose knows, jose) already destroyed the western camera industry. Japanese shit has never been good. Only slightly better than china at one point.
It's a well known "secret" that most of Sony and Nikon's lenses are made by Tamron now.
>ugh why cant niggon go back to muh ai-s lenses that were hot fucking garbage compared to literally anything leica made?
Japanese cameras have NEVER been good. There’s a reason basically all significant photography is split between leica and hasselblad and japshit is only ever used for business reasons (“its the cheapest way to photograph with the least skill required” - japanese camera consoomption, then now and forever)
And canon’s lenses are still worse. Softer, bigger, more vignetting. And not one iota of character. Just flat mtf charts. No nice pictures. Woops. Guess japanese camera designers are just non-innovative committees of decrepit ex yakuza boomers!
It's fine. The dial moves easy enough to not press the d-pad keys unless you actually press them.
Nice Leica cope. So you are the asshole hating on Contax in the film thread I take it?
This lens is just what happens when non-photographers design things. The pencil pushers said "we should make the smallest lens" and that was their goal. Nikon, canon, sony, minolta, panasonic, and olympus have been controlled by non-photographers for a long, long, long LONG time. Do you really think nikon is so bad? Clearly you haven't seen every other brand. They are ALL bad.

The one and only man in japan to design shit for people who use it instead of board rooms and presentations was Yoshihisa Maitani. He has not designed a camera for a lifetime. Actually, he's dead. Everything else is pure market research, focus group, profit analysis soullessness and you gearfags eat it up
>yes thank you for this 5lb f0.95 prime, m'brand! i totally need it. i never have a camera handy anyways i just like to buy the best according to the spec sheet.
This arrangement has driven so many actual photographers to leica (basically all of them) that supply can not keep up with demand and leica has to charge $5k for a 24mm f1.4.
True but jap brand fanboys will never admit it

We all only shoot jap shit because it's cheap, and requires no skill to use, it's all wundertech that gets in your way as often as it helps but it lacks any real quality outside of soulless, non-photographic measurements like lp/mms and "modulation transfer functions" <-not a real term, i think i heard it on star trek actually
>This arrangement has driven so many actual photographers to leica
Nail on the head. Ever wondered why almost all the famous shots are taken on a Leica? They are tools for artists, not little playstation toys for nerds to collect and argue over spec sheets.
It's been like this for 20 fucking years

We shoot jap shit because it's cheap and as close to leica quality as we can get, but it's still not there and never will be because jap gear is designed for boardrooms and presentations, not photographers. Just look at the Z8 and Z6III or literally any canon. These are not photography tools. These are generic photo generators designed to be a business proposition.
>less employee training
>less chances
>more consistent output
>your news agency will save more money than it spends
exactly why i got my contax g1. the german zeiss planar 50mm lens lets me just focus on the craft and not get lost in endless spec wars online because i know i bought the best
Lol even the fujis and zfs are polluted
>how to get out of subject detect, niggon? I want 3d tracking to override this crutch when it fucks up but it wont
>fuji: oooooh i have an idea *breaks 3d tracking*
>leica: optical rangefinders for almost a century, still works fine
3d tracking is meant to work with subject detect

You need to use the I menu or a full on menu dive to turn it off. No other way.
Does that thing still sell for that much?
Sony 70-200 F4 OSS Gen 1
Sigma 100-400

Which do I get? I have never shot with anything longer than a 200mm but I feel like I would benefit from the extra reach. Mostly doing telephoto cityscape/landscape.
My feeling is that the 70-200 will be better optically, AF-wise. Not sure if it's worth the tradeoff given that the two lenses are about the same price secondhand.
>the cameras which produce the most images shot by pros and seen by the most eyes aren't photography tools

>the cameras used mostly by rich people on vacation are photography tools

nice, is that the Loxia? I'm interested
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Yeah it's the Loxia 21.
I'm switching to the Voigtlander 21mm f1.4 soon, though. Just know that there are some issues with Loxias and magnifying view on recent bodies (though actually all bodies can be affected, but recent ones more often than older ones). It's not the only reason I'm switch, as I want a faster aperture for milky way (at ~f2.0 the Voigt will be decent enough regarding coma).
I'll miss its 10 points sunstars, but 12 points are more than acceptable enough.

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Used Sony Zv-e10 for $500 or refurbished Canon R50 for $100 more? R10 is like $3-500 more
I wouldn't have thought you'd need longer than 200mm and it saves you a bit of weight and size, plus being a bit faster across the range.
I actually switched from my Loxia 21 to a Tokina Firin 20 f2. I had no idea they made a manual focus version and it was only 300 mint. The image quality is insane on it. Worth testing if you ever come across a copy.
I think it's cuz of the lens. Sellers on faceberg slow as fuck to reply too. Was gonna do a $600 refurb Canon R50 but this is REALLY tempting, guy just got back to me.
At the end of the day, you're just poor shaming people. Yeah of course Leica has better build quality but most people also are not going to drop an extra 3k to get a marginal better camera
Poors are scum, they deserve to be shamed
>Composes anti-Chink rant
>Posts an image of one of the few non-Chinese made Z primes
>Importers (the nose knows, jose)
The large firms have had their own subsidiaries for decades.
Only boutique manufacturers like Mamiya and Rollei have had to rely on third parties for import.
Thanks for the word, friend.
I guess I'll get a 7D MkII, at some point.

What is the benefit of the design supposed to be anyway?
Is it so that you can navigate the zoom in playback with the D-pad and move to the next image using the dial wheel?
>not little playstation toys for nerds to collect
So Leica users just own one body or two, if they record in both digital and film, at a time?
Thoughts about the Nikon zf?
I really like the look of it, but the price is hefty.

I enjoy using my canon g5x ii but the limited dynamic range, bad low light and the none-weather sealage is a bit of a let down.
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Pretty bad rolling shutter, would not buy this camera.
Nikon's best technology in nikon's worst design
this vs samyang 20 1.8, what do ya think?
NTA, but can you elaborate? I'm new to photos and also want to get a Df or Zf because they look pretty and my family all shoot Niggon so I can borrow their lenses.
The Zf's a fat brick that failed to deliver on its expectations and the legacy of the Df.
Meanwhile, the Df maintains full compatibility and functionality with the entire F mount lens library with the only exception (maybe) being the invasive fisheyes.
With that being said, if the top plate dials and superficial aesthetics are enough to keep you happy, go with the Zf.
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In critical moment display suddenly doesn’t work

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would've got the winning shot if he used the A9III instead of the A1
I had an a6000 and an a7ii and both had that buggy viewfinder sensor that would turn the screen off if you looked at it funny. Wouldn’t be surprised if snoy never fixed it lol
The sorrows of mirrorless.
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nice bait. that was the camera and photographer that got the most iconic shots yesterday. snoy's 4-axis multi-angle monitor definitely helped get that fist pump shot.
Looks like the monitor isn't actually off, the glare is just too much for the POV cam to see through. He probably still saw just fine

Sony marketing is stupid if they don't roll with this. Their company just stepped in next to Kodak, Nikon, Leica, and Hasselblad as the tools that make history.
>"fully articulated" screen users and people with subpar AF will never be able to work with this much speed
on the other hand
>optical rangefinder+wide prime users have always worked with this much speed
The Leica user would have had the camera hanging around their neck in fear of damaging it while they tried to take the shots with their phone
part of being a leica man(tm) is treating your leica like crap. using forehead sweat to clean front elements, keeping primes in jacket pockets, and never using a camera case or bag. the only time the leica man(tm) has a shiny leica is in the few months after leica camera AG offers him a brand ambassador position and gives him the newest model.

the leica man(tm) does not care about resale value. why would he sell his camera? and the leica man(tm) certainly is not worried about repairs. he has at least 2 other leicas on standby.
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Whats a good wide-mid F mount zoom lens? I could get a 90s Nikon 28-85 3.5/4.5 for $60 but maybe there's something better?

right now i have a 20 prime, a 50 prime, and a 50-210
How scuffed are pictures from snoy's 24mp A7's in crop mode? I wanna go retard mode and upgrade to full frame camera first.
Bought an a7 mk1
It's pretty neat
Not scuffed, just not much resolution. It'll leave you enough to display at 4k with a little bit of cropping room.
Do you like it? I'd complement it with a wide zoom rather than a standard zoom if so. Also, is this DX or FX? (I don't know the 50-210) There are some good cheap DX zooms that'll be nicer to use than the FX alternatives.
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i fucked up and conflated two separate lenses, i have a 70-210 FX and a 55-300 DX. I like both of them, the DX one has VR which is nice, but the former will work on my DX body.

Id like something in the 30-80 range so I dont have to swap lenses when I get close to something,
I have a D7000 right now but I will upgrade to fullframe soon enough
>sticks arm out and presses the shutter at 30fps hoping for a good photo
>as the tools that make history
wrong. sony is nowhere near those. what a joke
I don't know if it's actually any good, I'll let you look up reviews, but Nikon has a 24-120mm f/4. There's also an f/3.5-5.6 version which would be cheaper.
What are your credentials?
bruh you have never used one.
They are hilariously soft, easily the worst of all the kit lenses in terms of IQ, even worse than the olympus 14-42.
Even the non-IS 18-55mm they were selling in canon 1300d kits to indians shopping at k-mart was optically superior.
pure shit.
The Nikon 16-50 Z is awesome, as is the panny 12-35; any lanscape photogrpaher would be happy with either of those
>captcha: w4gy
Just a standard zoom and living in the moment.
The 28-60mm on full frame is really good. I wish they would've made it a 24-50 instead though.
How's its sharpness? I'm thinking about getting an A7C and wonder, should I buy the kit.
They did make a 24-50

If >>4337167 used a 24-50 the shot would have been the same too, just slightly cropped and then AI upscaled (only us photographers can tell, and only on finely detailed foliage/feathers/animal fur)
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nta, but it has no right being this decent. I just bought it with my A7cII in japan because why the fuck not, it's almost free at that exchange rate, and it's the perfect lens for skiing. I didn't expect to like it that much.
Only downside is how you have to extend the barrel before using it, but it also makes it very compact for storage/transportation, which I like

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what are the options for a reasonably priced 50mm m mount lens?
ttartisan 50/1.4?
voigtländer 50/1.5 heliar classic?
fuckan lomo x zenit jupiter 3+?
used leica glass mint++ with tiny mushroom and tiny scratch?

>the p in /p/ stands for poorfag
The TTArtisan is solid optically, but relatively large and heavy. Having to calibrate mine was obnoxious.
Super impressed with the 50 f1.5 nokton II, very small and pretty good optically.
Voigt has a new 50mm f2.2 coming out, Typoch also has a newer 50mm f2 too.
If you're US, CameraQuest (main US voigt dist) has good priced mint used options, 50 f1.5 II is $600 atm.
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Absolute brain delete question here. Niggon zf with EF adaptor yes or no?
No canon lenses suck and are big even on boomer blobs
>50 f1.5 II is $600 atm
i wish
cheapest i can find in my cunt is roundabout €840 or $915 in mcdollars
Why does "voigtlander" (cosina chinkshit) charge so much for mediocre manual focus lenses without basic weather sealing? I don't understand.

Some of the lenses are priced like what they actually are (color skopar) but a lot of their lenses are a fucking joke. It's a mediocre third party lens that's missing literally every feature that makes nice new lenses expensive, not a nikon S line or sony G lens with fast quiet autofocus, control rings and buttons, and weather sealing. Even their "sharp" lenses are only high-mediocre in the same class as entry level nikon Z lenses.
"Optically decent"

ttartisan quality. baby butt soft. the dreaded bokeh that turns fucking GREEN because i just love it when stuff that is slightly out of focus turns fucking green. This is what cosina thinks should be a $600 lens.
You could have taken a photo instead of posting all of that.
I did both

I shit on cosinas overpriced chinkshit and took a photo at the exact same time. Fuck voigtlander and their bare bones chinese junk.
if you think that cosina product is crazy just wait until you find out about the mediocre point and shoots that break if you use them twice, called "contax g".
outside of m mount, hipsters want manual focus lenses, and hipsters are not smart consumers. they're not driven by value or function, they're driven by each thing on their shelf being special and uncommon. they are just, "consumers". collectors of odd things. eccentric shopping enthusiasts. think of these lenses more like funko pops and less like photographic tools and it makes sense.

on m mount, voigtlander is what you buy when you buy a leica, but are too poor for the whole leica value proposition including leica lenses (it's a luxury brand that holds its value and a complete kit is too expensive for hoodrich fags), in which case you're definitely stupid enough to pay for voigtlander.
They made those shitty Zeiss manual lenses too.
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holy shit this faggot sucks. this is from a Leica M10 with a VL 50 1.5. Utter dog shit mogged by a Sony a6000 and kit lens hahahah do Leicafaggots really??
The problem is 90% the lens. These soft lenses just don't have the magic on digital, especially not low res digital like an m10. Bayer interpolation thinks the blur is something else and it becomes simultaneously soft and harsh as the computer guesses at details that dont exist.

High res cameras ironically get nicer rendering out of low res lenses, but in general on digital you should have the sharpest path to the sensor as possible and add your glow in post. On film this would look fine.
Damn Philip Reeve bodied the M10 in his review.
this was actually gone over in another thread

leica's niche nature prevents their products from actually being that good. it costs money to make these things to a high standard of excellence and leica isn't benefiting from the same economy of scale as a company like nikon or canon. look at hassy/phase one prices, those are better made cameras that are just as niche as leicas.
holy shit there are some schizos in the comment section of that from April 2020

>Much to my surprise – and disappointment – this blog is apparently cognitively immune to the Covid-pandemic, or still in shock or denial. Still, I kept reading, hoping for at least a mention or irony of getting one’s hands on an M10 in end times. Nope, full German austerity on that.

>Conclusion was of course obvious, the M10 is cute, a temptation just because one can’t afford it, but ultimately a piece of uselessly beautiful camera with no advantages beyond rubbing it in on other’s envy.

>This ultimately says a lot about our current predicament: let’s just keep moving along with the flow, with progress, economic growth, and capitalism – something Covid-19 has suddenly given everyone the ability to imagine an end to – and stick to the business as usual practice of modern day individual realization: consumerism as the very meaning of life, and what ultimately separates us from them. Them: those that lacking immigration status, a work contract or healthcare will inevitably die, and ultimately be lavishly portrayed for posterity in monochrome glory, in some portfolio winner’s exhibit by lensculture in Paris and aperture in NY, once this apocalyptic scenario is under the control of normalization.

>I hope we can all see the urgency of getting our heads out of our arses, and stay the f**k home in lockdown, so we try and flatten the curve of spread of Covid-19, in oder to preserve as much as possible of the ability to respond and treat, of what’s left of health care infrastructure after neoliberalism and austerity turned it into a money machine.

>An R0 3 virus with 20-30 times the mortality rate than the influenza, in 177 countries in less than 3 months, and with over 3/4 million confirmed infected and over 37k deaths, should – I sincerely hope – have more urgency than the IQ of an M10.
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They have their hits and misses, of the 10 I've owned, I think I would only repurchase 4. There's a wide variety in the type of look and performance they offer.
I've yet to find a 50mm that offers me as much in such a small package. If you are aware of any good alternatives, I would love to try them. I do have the 50 APO for when I need "decent" IQ, but I honestly don't it's look as much.
And yet he continues to use them and is still an avid contributor to m-related content (on his site and elsewhere). Honest people can acknowledge faults and limitations of gear and still use and enjoy that gear. He also has reviewed this lens

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>Copy and paste from card
>corrupts random raws
>import directly from card
>raws are not corrupt
Does windows or NEF codec corrupt raw files or is this a card error?
But I have like 10 of the fuckers(mostly zeiss classic mf lenses). Surely niggon is better than fuji for big blob lens?
Why would you buy a nikon to adapt EF lenses with an awkward "good enough" adapter when the EF-RF adapter is literally a dumb passthrough adapter so the lenses work natively if you do get AF lenses in the same mount

>is the niggon zf good for big lenses
If you have mannest man hands on earth, and the updated neewer grip, otherwise no.
Thanks fren, guess I'll just get a 5ds
>And yet he continues to use them and is still an avid contributor to m-related content (on his site and elsewhere). Honest people can acknowledge faults and limitations of gear and still use and enjoy that gear. He also has reviewed this lens

He literally won it for free and the lenses are gifted, and he has a Kolibri modified A7 for rangefinder lenses that is used for all of his M mount lenses for his reviews, dumb dumb.
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I just ordered a Viltrox 27mm f1.2 to replace my Sigma 30mm f1.4 off Amazon prime day deals.

I hope I don't regret blowing so much money.

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