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Foolframe in shambles edition.
We are at a point where MFT has equal or better DR with equivalent lenses and ISO, IN PHOTOS than top of the line FF bodies.
1-2 stops of IBIS advantage only increase the gap.
I'm not reading all these decimal places. Go outside and take photos.
Man, no one cares.
>Oh, but th-this group...!
No, no one cares.
>Look at this flat earth proof i made
>You can't prove it wrong without citing reptilian plants
Yeah ok

I've used both and full frame looks better even if you shoot "equivalently", sorry.
Real life simply does not work like this. Take it from someone that's used both. Micro four thirds doesn't even come close in dynamic range, detail, tonality, rendering, etc. And full frame is barely even that good. It's still noticeably worse than film.
>in photos
i dont see photos here
i see charts, based on charts, based on charts, none of which have ever applied to photos
I fuckin adore my M43 cameras but you're a chode gurgler OP. Smaller than APS-C/FF sensor = worse overall photos than any crop sensor from 2004 onwards.

I can stroke the cock of my PENs all day long but IBIS and creative filters do not = parity with a 5DMkII. And if you're buying a modern M43 for $1500 then you're statistcally a retard because that money should be spent on a Canon, Nikon, Snoy, or Fuji. M43 is great for certain reasons but this ain't it homie.

$850 gets you a Canon R10, $1300 gets you an R8. Or just get a 5DMkIV honestly.
you dont understand bro

by recording every codec with a 2x crop, 4k120 is finally "uncropped!"
fuji x-t5 with its m43 crop 4k120 BTFO by the same quality!
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Here's a photo taken with a 13 year old Olympus just to be more useful than OP ever could

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$1300 gets you an R8?

I picked up a $1500 nikon ZF lately
Might be a bit off. I'm a certifed emu war loser, so I'm roughly converting dollarydoos into real dollars.
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>being an emu war loser
Yeah, it's currently on sale
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Yeah our dollar is basically worth fuck all lately. That's what you get for basing an entire enonomy on importing cheap pajeets to prop up your failing economy.

Australian used camera market is legitimate aids. But to be fair that goes for a lot of used markets here. If I want a 5D MkIV I'm spending $2900(AU) or $2000 used. For comparison I imported the M43 I use from Japan for like $300 with the kit lens in perfect condition. Fuck if I know.

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The absolute state of prison island
now post the FF ISO 100 numbers idiot. The G9II, which I use, doesn't have the DR boost in all situations and its high iso performance is actually worse than my older G9. The IBIS advantage is smaller for photos since FF stabilization is good enough for most shutter speeds. For video, the G9II/GH7 is the best you can get but for photos, FF or even APS-C is just so much better as >>4335762 and everyone who has functioning eyes knows.
None of the numbers in that chart make any sense

It seems to be based on a misunderstanding of what photons to photos charts actually mean (which is essentially “nothing”)
Fool turds actually think their iso 100 is iso 100, when it's actually iso 50

Every time I tried to shoot equivalently my mft raws came out darker.
you forgot "with equivalent lenses" at equivalent ISO, dumb faggot.
The G9II has DRboost on at all times except in +60fps burst modes and 4k120.
>Panasonic L mount bodies aren't included in the comparison
How convenient.
>being a fuckin white aussie and complaining about immigrants moving in and fucking up your country
What a fuckin pickle you’re in.

Too bad your white bongs aren’t better at math, then you wouldn’t need all those Asians.
>Fool turds flat earthing
>Commie shit in /fgt/
>Now anti-white shit
Moopco musta been unbanned recently

Dust off your camera yet or are the snoy buttons and dials totally locked up from fossilized pubes and louse corpses?
the g9ii stacks two exposures if the exposure is 1/60 or less in HDR mode. Two exposures gathers twice as much light!
In theory this should make it as good as aps-c, only. And in practice it's a little worse because those tiny ass photosites have ass tonality and ask too much of even the nicest lenses.

You can not lense your way around the fact that a smaller sensor gathers less light
>mfturds need to spend a grand on a manual focus only baby butt soft shitter to get a whopping f1.8
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hell yeah brother. m43 is superior. fool frame = jew frame

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>what if ken rockwell was a dog
And as always, equivalence doesn't work IRL

I was so unsurprised by the awful results that I deleted the test shots and literally threw my micro four thirds in the garbage
I own a Nikon z6ii and lx 100
Full frame and mft unite. We dab on loser apsc shills who have the worst of all worlds.
>not a leica d-lux 8
>not shooting authentic
The 10.9-34mm f/1.7-2.8 on it is unironically better for gathering light and rendering a nice image than anything you can get directly from panalympus.
Isn’t some of that because all non-tele m43 lenses are actually wide-angles, and as a result, have a different field curvature than their FF equivalents? Anecdotally, the focus roll-off etc is much better with FF even when shooting equivalently. I assume some of that is because the gradation of focus:not-in-focus areas is all longer and smoother due to equivalency.
There's a lot of little technical reasons that add up to a noticeable difference unless you are as bad as ken rockwell, then you won't be able to tell FF from an iphone either
Earth is flat though.
It kinda does.
>30 replies
>4 images
How many months has it been since the last installment of this thread? I thought it would've come back with better examples.

Hey OP, do you have a day job?
>now 6 images, but only 3 photos
I said IRL, not dpreview. I used the cameras. You are looking at an ACR preset applied to a photo of a test chart with ???? flash settings and god knows what else going on.

I also deleted the test shots and threw the mft away because I think it's funnier if only I know this for certain. The rest of you can suffer.
>that smudged noise from undocumented forced raw nr
what cameras, settings and lenses did you use for your "comparison" anon?
Based but we can already tell whenever foolturds post photos (there’s a reason its all BS charts and dpreview screenshots lol)

They could spend $10k on “super fast” f2.8 equivalent glass and a ff dslr with a “soft” nifty fifty would still blow it out of the water. Even zach does a better job.
>bbbbut the ibis! sleeping cats dont move! tripods are too heavy for me! *trembles* -foolturders
>oh look a frenly mft thread
>it's been months, surely that faggot that shits up every thread (you all know the one) will be gone/dead/whatever
>*skims thread*
>wah we can have a hugbox of lies and delusion without anon dropping truth bombs ever waaaa
The truth of what? That you're a mentally ill faggot?
Literally opens with seething about full frame and a chart pulled out of someones asshole
the d lux 8 is exactly the same as the lx100 ii except it has a OLED EVF
the chart is based off photonstophotos data.
Oh yeah fuck me, I guess I forgot the part where I shot an abo to get my citizenship. Fuck off cunt. There's a difference between colonisation and giving retarded Indians "student visas" to siphon cash into universities and suppress wage growth in an economy going through a per capita recession. This isn't /pol/ but you're such a plain fuckwit I couldn't let that slide
>chart pulled out of someones asshole

Photons to Photos is junk.
there was no country, no society and no humans in Australia when europeans COLONIZED it.
abbos are fauna.
same for North and South America.
Hang on, could someone explain to me why we're comparing to 2 stops higher ISO on full frame? Is it just because of muh IBIS? Because that advantage isn't there in all scenarios. Also there are times when you'll be able to shoot full frame below ISO 400, so in those cases you're not going to magic some more DR out of nowhere with the 4/3s.
It's a m43 cope in some degree
>look guys it's slightly better at ISO 3200 compared to the r6mkii at 12,800!!
Cool, show the r6mkii at 3200 comparatively and show what the m43 looks like at 12,800 compared to the r6mkii at 12,800.
It's like they have to convince themselves they didn't waste money, when nobody actually gives a shit. Shoot what you wanna shoot, with what gear you have, simple as.
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I cannot find the objective reason why M43tards think the sensor size is equiv. I enjoy my M43 but small sensor = less performace, it's simple. These kinds of people are legit faggots trying to cope their way to justifing their purchases0hjrs. Cope cope, cope your boat, gently up shit sea. Merrily merrily merrily, fags begone from /p/

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Just a thought to add, M43tards are like niggers. Not every black guy is a nigger, but boy do they make it harder for the other guys
based chicken poster
And to be honest, some m43s are sweet little cameras, but like you said they are not comparable in certain regards.
You get incredible reach on a telephoto with a m43, which is sweet for bright light wildlife, but since most wildlife isn't in great light that's where even apsc kinda edges out.
Yeah, I have the oly 40-150mm and getting 300mm reach from a lens the size of an EF 24-105 is pretty great, but IBIS can only take you so far and some of my shots with that setup just need too much post work to be any good. Blame my hitrate all you want, if I even had my R50 on hand I'd get a workable shot.
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I upgraded from the R50 to the R6mkii myself and I have to say, the R50 is a GREAT little camera for the price. As long as you keep it at max 6400 iso it can get some decent shots.
It's no R7 but for how cheap it is, definitely took me farther than I ever expected trying out this hobby.
Still keeping mine with the rf-s 55-210mm on it, but might give that to my buddy who's interested in photography but doesn't make a whole lot money wise. Originally offered to sell it to him but think I'll do that as a early Christmas gift for him.
It's almost like knowing your gear will have limitations until you're shooting 100MP medium format makes the hobby more enjoyable and less gearfaggy. Even if you do have top of the line gear you still need to know what the fuck you're doing or else you're still going to be producing shit.

Small M43s are a greater limitation, yet you can still make decent shots. But you'll have more noise, less DR, and less MP than any APS-C or FF. End of story. OP is a dumbass, and every one else should learn to make do with the gear they have and/or enjoy.

The R50 fits a great niche that M43 no longer makes sense to buy into. So anyone else reading this going "I want a small, light, semi-decent camera for non-pro uses", you buy an R50 or R10 and you enjoy the superior Canon everything with a bigger sensor and better lenses.
I'd also say some of the sony Alphas can fit that niche too with better lens selection, I just went with the r50 arbitrarily if I'm being completely honest.
>every one else should learn to make do with the gear they have and/or enjoy.
100% this, this board is obsessed with the dumbest shit, just enjoy what you have, the process, and getting out there taking photos.
What really blows my mind in the m43 space, is how expensive the top of the line bodies are, some pushing r5/r3 prices, seems like such an odd choice to pursue.
Modern mirrorless apscs are as small at m43 now, so I kinda agree it's not really a ecosystem worth pursuing in general, and for wildlife which is what I primarily shoot.
The best beginner wildlife combo in my opinion is the r50 with the rf100-400mm, for around 1100 total(buying brand new, used/refurbed it'll be around 800) it can do pretty amazing things with decent lighting. Definitely happy I went ff for ISO and general light performance however, it's a massive difference getting usable images at 25,600 vs 6400 on the r50, do miss the reach though so the rf200-800mm is calling my name kek.
>APS-C is just as small as m43 now!
Until you buy lenses lol. It's physics. Bigger sensor -> more glass -> bigger size, heavier, more expensive.
To get an equivalent intensity of light at any one point on a sensor at a given field of view on a larger sensor, you need a larger entrance pupil, which needs all of the lenses in front of the aperture to be larger.
Don't get me wrong, modern lens design has come a long way and has helped reduce the size by a lot. But the most compact lenses on APS-C and FF tend to only get as small and light as the Panasonic Leica and Olympus PRO series lenses (ie. the high end, no-compromise lenses), and they make compromises to get that small (e.g. you're usually choosing between a compact lens with horrible sharpness at the edges and a quite limited aperture range for overall sharpness, if the lens is actually ever sharp at all, or a very large lens that maintains overall sharpness even if you want to open it up more than f/5.6 or f/4, or you're just sticking to primes (which m43 primes are still smaller lol)).
Then just lift?
I don't get people complaining about 1/2" to an 1" stickout distance on a lens and 2-6 ounces of weight.
>Only 3 lenses on Olympus are splashproof
>M.Zuiko Digital ED 150-600mm F5.0-6.3 IS
Is longer and heavier than the RF100-500 or the cheaper RF200-800mm(this is longer than the lens by a lot however, way lighter)
>S Series PRO 70-200mm F2.8 L-Mount Lens
50% heavier than the RF 70-200 f2.8 L and slightly longer
Can't be assed to dig into more, but every lens where weight would matter, or size, the FF options are better. Maybe streetshooters are just really weak and need the tiniest lil pancakes?
>I don't get people complaining about 1/2" to an 1" stickout distance
See >>4336527
But yes, that is a niche use case.
S Series 70-200 f/2.8 is a FF lens and internally zooms. I think it’s pretty comparable to the EF 70-200 f/2.8
That I can definitely understand for a niche usecase. But at the same time, can have a harness and a bag which would make things easier in general regardless of m43/apsc/ff.
But realistically I don't see the majority of m43rds users having that specific usecase, especially when they're carrying bags already for street photography, dunno if many m43rds users do wildlife photography as I haven't seen it used in that capacity as much.
Hiking/camping? I do 3-5 miles multiple times a week with a FF body(r6mkii) and a RF100-400mm(it's light and pretty compact)while shooting unsupported without issue.
Oh didn't know it was internally zooming so that cancels out the length gain, neat. Stills weighs more however, just was going off the lens selection on their website compared to the RF since wanted to compare modern to modern at similar price points.
>dunno if many m43rds users do wildlife photography
notice how the ones that know nothing write the most
It's bad in lowlight which is really important, it has fantastic crop for when there is light.
Can you list some wildlife photographers I can check out that only use M43? I genuinely don't know any.
I could, yes
>ones that know nothing write the most
Word vomit cope in a shellnut.
If you're fine keeping you camera in the open, you sling it around yout body and refuse to give a single fuck about anyone who sees it. If not you carry a small bag and holy fuck look at that problem solved.
>inb4 "B-b-but I don't wanna carry a bag"
Are you poor or just autistic? What is a few hundred grams of fabric on top of what is already at least half a kilo for a camera+lens. It's inconveient? Gets in the way? So does a camera, so use your phone kek.
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Well, we're waiting. I'm being genuine, I'd like to check out there work.
I'm not against M43, if you like it and it fits your usecase, use it and enjoy it, I have no use for it personally. Just retards like op trying to compare DR at almost 1/4 of the fucking ISO is laughable compared to a real comparison
I agree on your points, but you're coming off a bit spicy my guy lmao, honestly bag is preferred when you're cycling as you have water access and shit like that.
Personally I don't get people that are concerned about people seeing their camera, but that might be a street photography thing vs what I normally shoot.
I need more coffee
Here you go :)
>can't provide a single example
>googling it just provides hits for "Micro four thirds for wildlife photography", "Micro four thirds vs full frame for wildlife photography" or forum posts, and one Medium article
>including from your lmgtfy bullshit
I don't doubt they exist, provide some names. You said you could, so do so.
>goes from asking whether I can do something to demanding I do so
I don't like the cut of your jibe, so mm.... nope don't think I will :)
lmao you do you man, I just like looking at photos of wildlife and taking them myself, I don't care about brand, lens, or body that took them.
You said you could provide them, then gave a bullshit link which still didn't show any, and now you're backpedaling. I've seen good photos on flickr with m43rds from checking just now, but I don't know any dedicated wildlife photographers that use it and would like to see what they do with it vs the 60% out of focus shots on flickr or that are Kenrockwelled TM editing(this is for any camera/lens lmao flickr is wild).
Sorry mang wasn't specifically singling you out. Just I see too many spergs flop around like we didn't invest carrying apperatus' centuries ago.
The is a blue board, nobody deserves to be called a retard until they do, and for some reason too many MFTards incite that aincient rule
No worries mang, this board is filled with vitriol and cankerous assholes in general lmfao.
Blue boards aren't exempt from shitflinging in general, /k/ is broooootal for it. Same with /fit/.
Just was funny seeing the heat when you were agreeing with me lmfao.
nta but virtually all the om ambassadors are wildlife I think
I'll check their site if they have an ambassador page/link, thanks man!
That reach must be nutty on a good telephoto, especially an expensive prime wide aperture.
Micro four thirds is ok for wildlife videography - for an amateur. Possibly the best - for an amateur.
If you're a pro I have no idea why you would do that to your customers

For literally any form of photography beyond digishit-esque pioint and shitting with 0 standards i don't know why you'd do that to yourself

FF isn't exactly heavy. The only advantage it has is that to do "good" video on FF, you need to spend a shitton, but FF owns the stills market hard, sorry.
>inb4 reach per dollar per pound
The photos and 3 program pipeline AI cope speak for themselves. It sucks.
>vitriol and cankerous assholes
zoom zoom pseud
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>until you buy lenses
>it's physics
if the lenses are larger its because they have larger apertures rather than smaller """equivalent""" ones. no one actually wants to use an f8-12 zoom. $500 tamron budget lens tier.
Is it just me or are both of those lenses ugly designs?
All the "good design" lenses (read: leica glass) you're used to only have two things in the lens: aperture blades and a focusing helicoid

Modern lenses are closer to old hasselblad lenses because as much shit is crammed into them as possible. With all the motors they might as well add a shutter.
>might as well add a shutter
Adding a leaf shutter would be great, could be relatively cheap way to up x-sync speeds (rather than designing a whole new camera)
Nobody cares about an extra stop of flash sync enough to give up shutter speeds that go over 1/500 except for the 500 people that are still using hasselblad
They do look third party.
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based mftCHAD
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This same website "says" that that niggon APS-C has the same DR as the G9II

In real life, it's noisier even at base ISO

That is because these charts are not adjusted for real sensitivity or sensor area, nor do they actually indicate how many stops of real dynamic range you have. "Photographic dynamic range" is ironically named because it does not correspond to photography. At all.

They are invalid for comparing cameras, and invalid for deciding if a camera has sufficient real world dynamic range. They are only good for knowing where the sensor switches to another gain circuit or if bill was better at this, when the firmware turns on NR (the gear homo can't actually detect all forms of NR, or isn't an honest reviewer, or else the G9II would be nothing but triangles in line with its visibly smeared noise, just like the A9II)

Since all mfturds can post is charts here's a chart to stay on topic lmao!
the only DR measurement that should matter to g9ii users is log/raw base ISOs (measured, not labeled)

this is because the G9II is purely a video camera. the stills are too low quality to justify even $1000. camcorders have always had lower image quality because everyone watches video as 8mp motion blurred frames that pop up for a fraction of a second.

who the fuck would really want to use a lens like an f8-12 zoom? a videograper.
bbbbbut the dr boost! i never go over 1/60 anyways
the ibis! all my photos are 1s at the shortest because my cat is actually dead and i've had him on dry ice so i could still have something to take photos of
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>full instead of comp
based niggonTARD
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That website literally has a disclaimer saying you cant use the charts to compare different cameras. It's right there. Right under the chart you screen-capped. Look, you could scroll even the slightest bit down and use the smallest part of your brain and eyesight and read the fucking words that say exactly that. Dickhead.
>a-actually you're meant to scale them all down
The G9II still looks worse than a literal toy camera

It's just not a stills camera. It's not meant to produce quality you can sit there and admire. Its a camcorder that is weirdly SLR shaped. If you want to use it for stills and scale everything to single digit mp for instagram, you might as well get a 1" PNS/bridge camera. Same thing.
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>That website literally has a disclaimer saying you cant use the charts to compare different cameras
Yes, on SOME of the OTHER charts that haven't been posted, dumbfuck. Makes sense why an Aussie can't read though.
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>It's right there. Right under the chart you screen-capped
ah yeah I see it now! thanks for the heads up!
look at you have an all caps meltdown over a nophoto gearfag chartardation website
>Note that the x-axis is ISO Setting and not a "measured" value. Keep this in mind particularly when comparing to the Ideal lines.
he literally tells you the charts as presented can not be used to compare cameras. photons to photos is not a comparison website. it is for (poorly) analyzing the gain structure of cameras in isolation.

if you don't understand why this footnote matters, gearfaggotry is actually too complex for you. listen, i know gearfaggotry is your real hobby. i know you're not an artist. there is no image you have a passion for making. no landscapes, no portraits. you might have taken your camera to a nearby park for 1-2 days just to impress 4chan last time we called you a worthless nophoto faggot, but then you went right back to being a worthless nophoto gearfaggot. but gearfaggotry is too compelx for you. you're not smart enough for it.

those of us who are smart enough for gearfaggotry, are also smart enough not to start threads about made up numbers derived from misinterpreted charts, and the only time we discuss it is to correct retards regarding the facts and their significance
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because some SUBHUMANS can't read
>Complete fuckin morons. The entire site tells you not to compare hardware against each other
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and yes i do know exactly who you are

the chances of there being more than one person obsessed with poorly made, misalbeled noise charts and the g9ii are extremely low

you are an awful photographer. you do not know how to use a camera. you are visually illiterate. peoples dog and cat snapshits are more compelling than your god awful noisy statues that you shoot at 1/750 despite "100 stop ibis".

i genuinely feel sorry for you knowing how much money you spent, especially knowing you live in a third world country, to use this camera for stills, when the actual image quality is so awful. then again you are a third worlder. maybe you didn't know better.

anyways, i feel like telling you why pic related happens despite the claff chart (again) would be a waste of time. you've been told literal hundreds of times by dozens of different people. you are not intelligent enough to get this.

you are not intelligent enough to discuss camera technology.

i would tell you to shut up and go take a photo, but you've already proven you suck shit at that and only bought a g9ii so you could argue on 4chan. if you feel this is an unfair assessment, post a good photo that doesn't make you look like a joke of a gearfag.
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>words, words, words
'bout time to head back to /lit/?
>if you feel this is an unfair assessment, post a good photo that doesn't make you look like a joke of a gearfag.
>You: "I refuse"
then you agree that this is a fair assessment. you are not, and never will be a photographer. you aren't particularly intelligent either and make a terrible gearfag.

concession 100% accepted. i'm heading off to make tea now. you may remain in your shithole thread started with a nonsensical chart, posting more nonsensical charts, while the rest of us take photos. "lol".
>Smart gearfags: What's the final output size, print dpi, and viewing distance? How are you processing these photos? Then we may answer, which camera gud.
>dumb gearfags: PHOTONS TO PHOTOS CHURT!
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>I consneed
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parting shot
>i'm heading off to make tea now. you may remain in your shithole thread started with a nonsensical chart, posting more nonsensical charts, while the rest of us take photos
>parting shot
Is it really the same fag who spent a year of his turld world wages on an f2.5 “noctitron” so he could take a really poorly composed portrait in a ghetto playground
the Cannot would be 2 stops underexposed in that comparison, retard.
same as >>4336702
read the table again, stupid.
turd worlder failing at math and basic logic in real time
No rajesh. None of that is how photography actually works.
that's exactly how it works pajeet.
>npc double digit iq turdie can only post “no u”
monkey see monkey do

you only post flat earth tables and charts because making up “facts” is easy but showing what you mean in real photos is impossible (and your photos are too embarrassing to post)
Reminder the person you are talking to believes micro four thirds gets “more intense” light at the same fstop and shutter speed. He is an actual idiot. He is too dumb for middle school math. The anon insulting his intelligence has the right idea.
but enough about yourself
Same shot, same DoF, same exposure

>m43: f/2.8, 1/100, iso 200
>FF: f/5.6, 1/100, iso 800

Table in the OP applies.
>you NEED to shoot with the same DOF and shutter
But in real life you have a lot of wiggle room so, you don’t, and then the larger format still has less field curvature, better tonality, and overall better rendering because DOF and SNR are not the only characteristics of a photo

In real use equivalence either never happens or the larger camera looks better even when shooting worse than equivalently
The table in the OP is straight nonsense derived from unadjusted figures because OP is a buck toothed thirdie who is legitimately too stupid for his gear hobby

Notice he didnt post any g9ii photos of his own. He’s well known but in a bad way like moopco and olympanon - as a bad photographer who proves his own gear theories wrong by accident.
In real life most FF bodies have 2-4 stops of IBIS inferiority, if you like to talk "real life".
"tonality" is a subjective cope, "rendering" is pseudo-cope and a function of the resolving power of the lens compared to the sensor resolution.
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Oh boy is it time for this again?

>muh ibis
Tripod is infinite ibis. Just don't be gay.

Your table is wrong because you used incorrect data to make it. That's it. Your "m43 DR advantage" requires unrealistic settings that people don't actually use because in daylight it's hard to actually open the aperture enough at base ISO, and with normal, non high speed cameras the fabricated "DR advantage" is roughly equal to the ISO labeling discrepancy and the errors inherent to the incorrect definition of dynamic range used on p2p sharts. The principle and the data used are both bunk. You lost before you even began.

Now, I'm going to make your chart thread my bitch. Since you have gone
posts without posting any photos this is now my thread, for photos i thought were too boring even for /rpt/. You can leave now. Thank you for saving me a 5 minute captcha wait

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if the quality isnt the best for you keep in mind i tolerate a little focus miss/motion blur and odd sharpening settings because i only ever print or view on a 4k display

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This is the fate that should await flat earthing chartposters

Nophotos get photo'd on until they learn to snapshit or shut up

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Still, thanks for the bump :)
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3.62 MB
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someday i will dial in the sharpening settings for this imagemagick script, but who cares lol don't pixel peep

this isn't a bump you should be proud of. i just used your chart thread to save five minutes and post some photos that didn't deserve their own thread or even space in /rpt/. i didn't even edit some of these.

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File: 2780 041124 1-035.jpg (3.15 MB, 2974x1994)
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3.15 MB JPG
maybe some film snapshits

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Thank you for waiting out the 5 minute thread creation timer, OP. Without your off topic troll thread that has 0% to do with photography you would not see this one ok photo (its film of course).


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>zoophile finally went back to /an/
aww, come back, we need you to keep bumping the thread
>the nophoto cringes and squeals before the might of throwaway snapshits i didnt even print
>u-ur a zoophile, he says
>his twisted gearfag mind, when confronted with something other than a chart, goes straight to sex
you cant do better? going to post another chart?
>responded in less than a minute
hit the nail right on the head, huh? zoophiles are so predictable. it's always huskies.
nophoto foolturd lost and he keeps making it worse for himself lmfao

literally cant compete with huskyfag’s unwanted snapshits even 1 year later

>inb4 he accuses me of being huskychad/4x5 dude and his bestiality accusations get more graphic
How would you know it’s always huskies? Wouldnt it logically be labs, poodles, or golden retrievers because they’re larger, more common and more obedient? Explain.
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9 KB
>How would you know it’s always huskies?
>The nophoto maggot fool turd is also the zoophile that stalks me on /an/
Surprise surprise. What's next, cANON is bugguy?

I'm sure his (your) posts where he reposted photos of my dog while making faggy bestiality claims are also in his (your) screenshot folder
so this micro fool turder is only here because he's obsessed with wanting to fuck your dog and he stalks you on 4chan
he came here because your dog reminded him of his favorite "petlust" video and developed an interest in dynamic range charts later

am i understanding this correctly
>admits to being a zoophile
pretty sad even for 4chan standards.
>the huskyfucker is in my half of the country
oh god
You've made a frequent habit of going out with a whimper in any given argument.

If you can't be an inspiration, I guess you can always be an example.
Yes. You are. This is so niche (and hard enough to find on archives that only the person who remembered making the posts would know where to find and screenshot them) that the probability of it being anyone else is basically 0.

There's this zoophile on /an/ who is obsessed with wanting to fuck my dog, tries to tell other people I fuck my dog, and now he's on /p/.

You've been trying to spread this lie for about 2 years. You even reposted my photos of her while trying to pretend to be me to fabricate the proof. What gives? If I remember correctly this only got rolling immediately after I told a stray zoophile something like "leave 4chan and go get skinned alive" and he went on a brief tirade about repressing zoos and thinking i was a janny

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No, you're getting that from the same retard that hates 8x10 macro guy
>My half of the country
I travel a wee bit
he could have just posted a photo to show how much better his g9ii was but instead he outed himself as an animal fucker who stalks /an/ posters
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2.09 MB JPG

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I have 3 rolls with fresh dog snaps on them waiting to be developed


>he hasn't broken the om-5 yet
My epl5 broke within a few days
>thwacked on the way out of the car

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Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
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Please redo this in black and white so it can be art
just stay away from the PNW and you're safe
>just stay away from the range of trilliums
>this happens to be the entire united states
>Trillium ovatum
>entire united states
Oh look, Huskyfucker decided to shit up the mft general thread what a surprise
Complete fucking faggot dog fucker
So sad he was not loved as a child and now seeks negative attention as a result (also pounds puppies)
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Can't take photos when it's roasting outside
Lol I'd slay for those temps rn (not really it's only a few degree difference where I'm at)

On positive side makes getting out for golden hour in the morning a bit more worth it
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28 KB
>not really it's only a few degree difference where I'm at
it's not that bad
lol look at this meltdown level of seethe because huskychad graced your chart thread with photos
160 posts and the only good photos are huskychad and the germong niggor. Everything else is charts and seethe. Business as usual.
Good photos

How come everyone else is posting about charts and being bestiality schizos? Why don't the mft people post pics?

That's disturbing. I hope this guy gets caught with his puppy porn collection and arrested.
My man

How do you blow highlights indoors

Why are you shooting a sleeping dog with a fast shutter and wide aperture
File: huskyfucker.png (76 KB, 837x1142)
76 KB
>first instance of term usage was from huskyfucker
you ain't fooling anyone, huskyfucker
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2.04 MB JPG
>Why don't the mft people post pics?
People are assholes here. I stopped posting in MFT threads probably last year or a little later.
There are very few actual mft users here, not enough to warrant a general. It's a dead system like 1". These generals are mostly made by an actual lunatic. The lunatic has very few photos to post because he is not into photography, he's into trolling, and charts, and apparently, is a bestiality troll from /an/ who came here because he heard some of his "enemies" from /an/ (ie: huskychad, LF doggo god) were already here.

If you want mft photos, they're in actual photo threads that do not use made up DR tables as OP images. The sole purpose of this thread is basically waiting for two specific people to dump the photos they passed on posting earlier and ignoring everything else that goes on because they both enjoy trolling the lunatic back.
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>Spocucks confirmed for slightly worse off
wow you sure are mad at huskychad
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382 KB JPG
Nice third world country you live in.

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>There are very few actual mft users here
Also poor lil mft users have to resort to removing exif data to avoid that one super autistic faggot
The funniest part is that the vitriolic exif brand watcher IS an mft babby
Because there are maybe 3 mft users that havent already jumped to dirt cheap ff/apsc mirrorless and they all suck

Also lmao @ huskychads quality going up 500x the moment it’s on film. Typical of digital.
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1.8 MB
1.8 MB JPG
>Also poor lil mft users have to resort to removing exif data to avoid that one super autistic faggot
It's geotagged so 4chan removes it. It's a nice side effect but I wouldn't bother removing it manually.
Those are the eyes of an abuse victim
Just post a photo

Also, your "i know where you live" attempt fell way short. There's only a certain number of people that would even think that btw. As far as crazy 4channers go, all of them are zoosadist trolls who stalk /dog/ on /an/.
>As far as crazy 4channers go, all of them are zoosadist trolls who stalk /dog/ on /an/.
take your meds, huskyfucker
>Take your meds
I'm not the one obsessed with bestiality, bud.
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2.64 MB JPG
flour posting hehe very nice
t. man who engages in intercourse with a husky then posts pictures of said dog in the wrong thread to get (You)s because only other way he gets attention is with peanutbutter

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It's not about me, it's about bullying you for being a fake DR chart gearfag.

I post photos. You struggle to produce a single poorly color graded photo of a mimosa. The theme is, he who charts the most, photos the least.

The more detailed your bestiality themed "insults" get the more obvious it becomes what you really are btw. Possibly even, who you really are. This is more satisfying than muh (you)s.
>Thinking I live in spocuck
Seriously, there's only so many people who had that cross their minds. All of them admitted to being zoosadists. All of them call me a zoosadist because they know I hate zoosadists. Not a good look for you.
>your dog visits a park in a medium sized shitty one time
Who do you think you are talking to anon? Are you feeling ok? I don't post charts, you must be schizo'ing out LOL
We'll never know for sure, but you seem a little nervous and you're in the exact right thread at the right time on a slow board with 30 people on it to perfectly agree with a nutcase who has screenshots of totally-not-him talking about the satanic porn he's seen.
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Schizo confirmed
Think it's time you take your meds
Also couldn't care less where you live, almost dead certain bestiality is still illegal there

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>n-no well actually i dont care you're the crazy one not me
your concession has been accepted for review, have a nice day
Again I never said I cared, because whoever you were getting humiliated by earlier was not me (props to that anon tho!)
I was jokingly calling you a schizo but now I see it is true. You are a schizo dogfucker
Nothing schizo about it. Someone has been trying and failing to stalk and dox me for a while, and "not you" posted something only they would know. If you butted into someone elses conversation and got confused for them, there isn't schizophrenia there, you're just an idiot. If you are them samefagging then that's just sad.
>butted into someone elses conversation
This is an imageboard you stupid dogfucking faggot
Learn to read lmfao
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Ahh glad the puppygroomer is gone

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>Learn to read
Read what
"those are the eyes of an abuse victim" which that person has been repeatedly saying for a while? Seems like a weird thing to be an organic meme, doesn't it? Do you just repeat whatever schizophrenics say because someone bullied not-you for posting made up charts?

It's also totally organic that I was able to post on /p/ without being called a dogfucker until the pet contest got linked on /an/.

You can call it schizophrenic, because gaslighting is the only option the schizo would have besides admitting the truth, but even if it's not true you're falling in lock-step with a schizphrenic retard from another board who supposedly actually did rape a dog.
guess what, m43 doesn't have FF ISO 100 equivalent retard. I have the G9II and know its dynamic range vs my other cameras.
They really did a number on you huh
People are generally bothered when someone follows them around and calls them a dogfucker, yes. Especially bothered when that person, when they were more active on /an/, actually was a dogfucker and repeatedly posted images of severely abused animals.

It would be a shame if you were that person, instead of just perfectly agreeing with them from the very moment they shut up.
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Dunno what attracts Cynophilist to the mft threads, pretty creepy all in all
Dogs are man's best friend
To quote some jap survival comic "You don't fuck your dog"

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This is going to blow your mind
That wasn't me
LOL dude you are broken
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You're getting noticeably flustered.

But at least you're posting photos instead of making up gear "facts" in excel.
he's really good at btfoing you. everyone on /p/ can say "post photo" and /mft/ will just keep posting p2p charts for weeks but when he comes in you're crying and photo posting within the day.
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that's some heavy AI denoise
I believe huskyfag. He didnt fuck his dog and he does have a schizo stalker from /an/.

This happened before with some tripfag. /p/ collects /an/ overflow all the time
I too believe him, something about his posts just seems so... genuine and non-schizo!
In fact I think I speak for all of /Pee/ when I say: We believe you huskyfucker! You aren't a dogfucking faggot at all.
I believe me too because i was there, including for when this schizo tried to dox me and thought i lived in spocuck.

Yes, correct, it's disgusting that you'd ever think otherwise.
i believe huskychad 100% because his story checks out and you’re just spazzing out.
i think he’s trying to draw this stalker out and found a hint here that made him think he found them.
>Now, I'm going to make your chart thread my bitch (like he made his husky)
Congrats you got what you wanted
Huskychad won
if he wanted to make you look as pathetic and unhinged as possible
if he wanted to find out if a specific autist from /an/ migrated to /p/
and if he wanted an audience for photos he doubted
he hit the jackpot
Nice. Some hummers outside my house have been fighting like this over my flowers. I'll try to get a shot of them tomorrow if I remember to.
>Panasonic 100-300
I'm jelly of this lens and the 50-200. I won't buy non-weather sealed lenses anymore because I'm in the rain too often for most of the year, and I only have Oly bodies. Otherwise I'd use the hell out of these.
And most of all if he wanted to prove /mft/ was basically all one guy plus visitors… Charts have gotten real scarce.
It’s a shame Panny and Oly didn’t make their gaskets between lens/body the same for cross brand weather sealing

Honestly wish I saved up and got the Leica 100-400 instead but hey for the price it’s a fun lens
>It’s a shame Panny and Oly didn’t make their gaskets between lens/body the same for cross brand weather sealing
This and the sync IS stuff was always baffling to me. If they want to have brand advantages for their lenses why bother with the open standard? In retrospect the standard should have specified weather sealing as well as lens contacts for IS data (or however that works) but those things are only popular now.
Panasonic knew they would be the last standing as a camcorder company and didnt want decades of old olympus garbage to be too competitive with ongoing sigma rebrands

Olympus was dead before their scandal. No video? micro four pointless.
I guess they wanted to keep some stuff proprietary to lock users into their respective ecosystems… while also having an open standard mount. Guess as we see now you can’t have your cake and eat it too.
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>>he hasn't broken the om-5 yet
I dropped it yesterday on the ground(asphalt). It got road rash but seems to be working fine ... for now.

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oh noes! the very important background (a white wall essentially) has been blown out. this destroys the image completely because now people have to look at the subject and cant pixel peep the wall in the background. should have better used HDR mode I guess
also why would you use a higher shutter speed when photographing an animal? no idea man, I guess I'm just that bad
The nose is blown. It looks like mspaint. And the whole thing is aggressively oversharpened.
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2.27 MB JPG
so where's your photo?

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this looks really oversharpened. do you have the original ? or can u try putting a light blur? i want to see if it looks nicer
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Try enlarging with the size of your focus area when you get in close the default small focus can fuck you out of a shot. signed fellow Olympus dog photographer.

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Anyone known where to get cheap chinesium mystery lenses?
China sounds like a good place to start.
40-150 Pro?
Online realtailers
AliExpress. TTartisan, 7artisan are two that have gotten decent reviews
Can vouch, bought one of their 25mm f/2's for my olympus and it's a decent performer. Basically a vintage lens with modern coatings and made by Uyghur children in Xi Xingping's dusty asscrack instead of some Latvian gulag. It was what... $60? Pree gud
thoughts on the lumix gx9?
i like the adjustable viewfinder, it would help with macro
why isn't there many up on the used market?

i want to use the gx9 as a macro sidearm + the g9ii with telephoto as main

the gx7 would also work but would be a downgrade from current camera
>gx8 has no built in flash (i use for macro)
>gx85/80 doesn't have adjustable viewfinder
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G9ii is sitting in my mind rent free.

I have a lot of buy into Olympus lenses, and I bought a GH5ii in 2021, but as much as I enjoy shooting with it, the missed S-AF shots I have infuriate me, even if they're not every shot, I never experienced that with an Olympus with Contrast Detect AF.

Is it better to trade in the GH5ii for the G9ii, or buy the G9ii and keep the GH5ii for video?

The OM-1 MkII being a glorified firmware update is an abysmal development from OM System that has me unlikely to buy one.
i would trade in
They are overpriced now since discontinued
gx9/g9ii sounds like a great setup though, mirin'
I know this is off topic, but I've been lying in bed starving myself for a week and doing nothing but grinding online summer classes and drinking water.
This image made me hungry. Hungry to live. I WILL be going to a cheap diner and getting myself a burger and fries. There is beauty in this world and its name is borgar.
Thank you, namefriend.
>why isn't there many up on the used market?
People always hoard the last camera/lens of a product line, especially when said line has been discontinued.
>I've been lying in bed starving myself for a week
What's wrong with fasting?
That pool of cheese goo you see before you was used to drench that borger in overwhelming artery-clogging goodness. Fries were decent but honestly I paid fuck all at a local steakhouse. I wouldn't have brought my R8 to a dinner date like that, but the M43 was pocketable and the missus liked messing with it when her order was ready too. She liked the camera too, (heyo).

Realtalk, go get yourself some greasy, fuckin delcious borg and suck it down like a whore on Saturday night.
Motion blur
iso 640
coulda bumped it up a bit more for higher ss, no?
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It was just before dusk the light was terrible and I'm a shitter using auto.

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Me reading this thread.

I'm disappointed that I slept on this thread for so long. Hilarious that you actually got him to post pictures.

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File: doggo direction.jpg (1.76 MB, 2000x1333)
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two of the photos were actually shot on mft. i copied all the exif from a ff shot to hide it.

they'll never know.

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you fucking gearfag
File: LREdit (1 of 1)-6.jpg (1.68 MB, 2446x2399)
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1.68 MB JPG
Very funny and an excellent own.

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Exposure Time1/125 sec
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The smaller shittier models are actually not bad, there's no reason to cope and make up DR figures and imaginary equivalence scenarios because the total investment is like $250. They also make excellent spot meters. Forget equivalence SNR autism, fstop is fstop and iso is iso for exposure on every format. Imaging area only changes aesthetics, not exposure.

The only downside besides sorta ass IQ is they're all built like shit and have the UX and AF performance of a nikon coolpix from 2010
Give me one with a pc sync port and a large screen. I can use it to preview my strobe set up for when I'm taking 8x10 shots of my dog(soon).
The original OM-D E-M1 has a PC sync port

Can't fault a man for using auto, I was pleasantly surprised at Panasonic's implementation on a road trip awhile back
pre-fucking or post? I hope you are caught some day and your animals are put down
look at how hard this schizo is seethimg at him. if its the one that’s hated him for years because he told a furfag to kys themselves or the one he pissed off more recently it doesnt matter its based as fuck because of how big of a loser you have to be to seethe like this over so little
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The used ones are like 300 bucks, right?

He is my dogson, and I, his dogfather. Simple as.

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??? Who do you think I am LOL
>ura schizo
>nooo ur the schizo!!
this post seems a little frantic. unhinged, if ye will…
>I'm going to make the mft thread all about me, the dogfucker, teehee
Hey I'm only helping him get what he wanted
yeah, he's starved for attention. spams his socials constantly yet still only has 2 followers KEK
Nigha, he just wanted to cut the chart gearfag shit short, and it works every time. You could do it too. People posting charts? Spam photos.

You’re the one having a meltdown in 5 different threads turning him from a troll to a martyr
bwahaha dang and I was thinking I was slow on the whole Instagram photography game
Inspirational in its own way
>a person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs.
>a person who is killed
Don't get my hopes up kek
>he just wanted to cut the chart gearfag shit short
>only started spamming his garbage a dozen posts after charts stopped being posted
nah, he's just an attention whore
Why would I care about followers? Most of the people who visit my flickr page do not have flickr accounts. They're people I know IRL and half the time it's to get portraits of themselves from private albums

He's also making himself look like another schizo (god forbid it his him) who stalks people on /an/ and posts animal sexual abuse images. Said schizo's motivation for hating people is that the schizo himself is a zoosadist, and all of the people he has it out for are people who told him that it was simply immoral, evil, and never ok.

One of this schizo's memorable quotes is "if you wont tolerate us zoos, i will drive you off the internet" or something like that. He's basically a clown.
sorry for ruining your flat earth session

the only one who wants attention is you, the samefagging schizo who keeps trying to bring me up and pester me in entirely different threads zozzle
Lmfao at the dogfucker trying to repeatedly take credit for mft users posting mft photos in an mft thread
Absolute dogfucker meltdown
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This is the same guy, right?

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Whoever they are, they're definitely a retard. I shoot 35mm film and a 10mp DSLR and they are not even close. Micro four thirds can't come close to 35mm film's rendering either. It's a tight crop on an UWA lens, the bokeh falloff and microcontrast aren't nearly as good.
can't you use any camera and add a sync port with an adapter?

all a sync port does is send the "fire" signal, the same as the hotshoe's rails and center pin
Think so, but it's another thing to lose. I could also just get a 6 inch monitor for my 5dm3 and use that instead of buying a new camera+lens for more money, which I may just do. A 25 pack of 8x10 delta 100 was like 280 dollars, so I don't want to mess it up except for one troll picture.
185 not 280 sorry. It's 280 for 10 sheets of portra 160.
>A 25 pack of 8x10 delta 100 was like 280 dollars, so I don't want to mess it up except for one troll picture.
1. Get a job
2. Stop abusing animals
3. Give yourself up to the authorities
What do you think is the likelihood that bestiality schizo is just chosis? Chosis did like calling people dogfuckers.
Pure projection.
seconding this
Samefagging? It is the same guy. Good to know. He even used his classic tell. Lmao.
You could, but would you want to bring a 5dm3 as a spot meter for 4x5 field work? It's just a meter/preview, not the taking camera

IIRC alex burke uses an e-p1 as a light meter. A hot shoe to pc sync adapter for making sure flash exposure is right is $10, no need to worry about losing it. The only concern of note is whether the lens stops down and opens up enough for you to directly transfer settings without doing EV shift calculations too often, when the only calculations you should have to add would be ones for bellows extension, and whether the FOV offered by whatever lens you tack on is alright if you want to use the camera as an evaluative meter instead of just a spot meter.
A small VND (color cast and sharpness be damned) could compensate for not stopping the lens down past f/16-f/22

mft filter threads are so small the vnd would be like 5 bucks
/mft/ - why are you using a light meter as a camera?
That's a pretty compelling use for an mft. I wouldn't mind using my 5d for stuff around my property/studio, but a lighter, small, and inexpensive camera is definitely a better idea for shooting in the wild.

At home I am using a speedotron 4800 power pack and have 2 2800ws strobe heads for it. Not something you would ever lug far from a studio setting.

Aside from making sure strobes are properly positioned I think a good spot meter would actually be more useful and convenient for shooting LF. It takes a little more effort to do the mental calculations after taking a few readings, but then you're set for determining any sort of zone system/contrast control stuff you may want to do...
Definitely something to think about!

If alex has been doing it basically since he started, it can't be a bad idea. I've used mine as a light meter a few times while testing camera flips for ebay, since it doubles as taking reference photos to make sure a film camera actually works.
the G9II is a superior video machine to the GH5II.
Sell everything else and buy it.
in fact video is the only thing it's good at
I agree! I think you would need to use it differently than a light meter in a few ways that would take some getting used to is all.

It also kinda feels like cheating even though I know it isn't.
on the other hand who makes fully digital spot meters that use an imaging sensor (lasts forever) instead of a weird short lived photocell thing, let alone ones with an evaluative mode, interchangeable FOV, ND filters, and the ability to take a test photo with flash

if you were properly metering with flash you would be using an incident light meter anyways right? this is just for a test shot
Note: evaluative metering tops out at 12-13 EV range
phototgraphy is for boomers who can't move.
My sekonic l608 has a flash sync on it so I can spot meter flashes. It's more complicated, but it does work, and it has 1-4 degree "zoom" on the spot meter.

There's pros and cons to both.
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>The grapes are not just sour. Grapes are for idiots, virgins, and old people. FUCK grapes.
yknow the real dynamic range, how close to black and white the tones can get before clipping, in photos, is not even that bad. mft measured isos go pretty low due to the mislabeling and cropping doesn't actually impact tonal discrimination - photosites do (pixel aperture, full well capacity). cropping just impacts SNR by increasing PSN aka grain. one of the reasons you should ignore p2p unless guessing at your camera's best ISO settings. SNR is not dynamic range. if it is, DR is a moving target set by your personal tolerance for grain. if you like grain, and going past blowout with a little glow looks just a little whiter than white-before-clipping to you, add a few stops to every DR measurement you've ever seen. you could squeeze 16 stops of usable DR out of an x-t3.

it's actually the lenses, rendering, camera firmware capability, and colors that are slightly worse for photography. and the graininess, but grain != dr no matter how many lines in the grainy sand people draw. i can still tell what's there when SNR drops below the arbitrary db level some nerd set. most people can.
Artistic take. You know nothing of metrology. You probably take photos that "have nice vibes" instead of working on computer vision systems that need to identify things with high confidence, dumb photographer. Never mention our lord and savior the signal to noise ratio chart AGAIN
Applies if you shoot uniwb otherwise the green channel will overflow early
mental midget word salad. serk help
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>serk help
Work on your insults rajesh
no, I don't think I will, Rogerio
>I shoot 35mm film and a 10mp DSLR and they are not even close.
There's technical performance (res, sharpness, detail, color gamut, DR, noise/grain) and artistic performance (look, rendering, contrast, color palette). Artistic performance is basically whatever you want/like. Some people like 110 film shots. But if your 10mp DSLR isn't out performing most 35mm films in terms of technical performance, then you're doing it wrong. A few slow speed slide and B&W films can compete, but by 16mp they're done too.
See, I don't know if there are other Panasonic cameras other than the GH5ii which have in-camera streaming.
I've only done it a few times, I'll admit, but being able to stream direct to YouTube/Twitch from the GH5ii, even on just a hotspotted smartphone, is a surprisingly good feature, that's weirdly complicated to set up.
Point is - the GH5ii is still a very nice camera, even if just as a back up, right?
I've racked up a higher shutter count than I really expected to with the GH5ii. My issue is my PC is outdated and can't process HEVC. So I just used it more a comfortable camera that's at least got nicer SOOC than Olympus in my opinion. OM System is just managed decline at this point. Beyond the 90mm Macro and the refreshed 12-40mm zoom, among other things Olympus started the R&D on, there is nothing OM System has offered that is valuable. The OM-1 Mk II is just a firmware update they couldn't bother to put online, the OM-5 is just an E-M5 with a Micro USB port and the 150-600mm zoom that's basically a repurposed Sigma design has me very much concerned that OM is a zombie.

I have too many primes and zooms to feasibly switch to something like the S5ii, or to a system like Nikon's (which isn't as nice for video).
I'm not sure what I'd want OM to make at this point. Maybe a magnesium alloy body OM-5? The system is pretty complete, there's like 4 different completely viable options for the ~14-40 range and a similar number for ~40-150, and that's not even counting the Panny lenses. Ideally dumbass gearfags like you will meme that it's dead, it'll go out of business, and the prices will nosedive.
>OM-1.2 is a firmware update
Kinda. There are hardware improvements that enabled the firmware improvements (eg buffer size) but other aspects could have been a firmware update.
Who cares what his/your idiotic and tapentless point is when it clearly demonstrates the most mentally ill troll on /p/ samefagging with multiple tells that revealed just how much he has been samefagging. It's almost like you've made a habit of it.
>But if your 10mp DSLR isn't out performing most 35mm films in terms of technical performance...
You have it backwards, jose.

If your 35mm film isn't outdoing a 10mp DSLR in terms of performance you are either shooting expired tx400 or a total nincompoop. Decent 35mm ie: portra 400, slower films shot competently, with quality lenses, has no problems matching 24mp-36mp ff in detail, depending on the specific film stock and whether or not you are using modern lenses. The only difference is you can see grain at that enlargement size, while digital has different levels static noise in all 3 color channels confusing the demosaicing algorithm further. On moire inducing subjects like distant foliage or pine needles on the ground, film will actually outperform higher resolution digital cameras. Film grain isn't even bad. It looks way, way better than digital noise.

If you weren't a bit of a retard you could spin this as a massive budget positive. You could use an awful digital camera like an e-m5ii for snapshits and its pixel shift mode for scanning film (taking a photo of a photo with pixel shift, a sharp macro, and a low ISO wont add any of m43's character to film) and shoot 645 or 6x6 film for the times when you absolutely needed quality to mog every FF digital out there. A decent medium format film camera setup can be had for $300-$600 and it costs you merely $25 to buy and develop a roll of over a dozen super high res photos. But you are a bit of a retard.

If they developed more rangefinder style bodies they would be cornering a market that is sucking dick for x100vs but they're stoopid lmao
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>Ideally dumbass gearfags like you will meme that it's dead, it'll go out of business, and the prices will nosedive.
It's not dead, but JIP has no interest in investing into the brand and actually developing new shit.
JIP was the fall guys for when SONY decided it didn't want to deal with laptops anymore, and shifted VAIO onto them. Do you know of anyone who uses a VAIO laptop these days? Oh sure, VAIO still exists as a brand, but it's managed decline.
JIP recently completed its hostile takeover of Toshiba. I remember using Toshiba laptops, watching Toshiba TVs and Toshiba DVD players and VHS machines.
Now? Toshiba makes nuclear reactors, medical X-ray scanners, Li-Ion batteries, surface to air missiles and freight locomotives. That is a brand which is also in managed decline. It won't ever die off completely, but the days of Toshiba, Vaio and now OM being desirable brands are gone.

In part, it would have been kinder if Olympus simply sold its camera division off to some other Japanese conglomerate, like OKI, WACOM, NEC, OMRON, KYOCERA, BROTHER or heck... sell to a joint venture of a bunch of them.

When Olympus did its presentation to reassure people, it hinted at the possibility of new PEN cameras, or exciting new lenses. Neither have materialised, beyond the pre-existing R&D.

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They gave JIP ~$250mil to take the camera division off their hands. That money has just about ran out so the rug will be pulled.
>if it dies, the prices will nosedive
for 2 weeks, and then lofi hiphop street photography youtube will find it and call it film-like
>no meme arrow
t. newfag + election tourist
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he was feeling a bit frantic and spazzy at the time, please understand. and several times his mom asked him why he was hitting the desk and making grunting noises when he was supposed to just be doing homework. it must have been hard to compose well formatted shitposts given the circumstances.

ya'll need to buy a gf1
But what does gf stand for?
For what you'll get if you use it

Any other micro four thirds is a waste of your time, money, and life.
Do you promise???

Is it better than macro four thirds?
What they’ll say is that the lack of bokeh, high DoF makes images that don’t look AI, etc, etc.
The sign to me is the fact the 50-250 f/2.8 disappeared, and like the 100-400, we got what was clearly a rebranded Sigma lens with the 150-600. The fact it uses grip surfaces for the rotation like the 150-400 makes me think that Olympus has a massive backstock of product, same as the EM1.3 ASTRO EDITION that they rolled out.
AI makes deep focus just fine. Low quality makes it easy to hide AI however.
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jipOM sisters.....where do we go from here?
Hahahahahaha, I fucking hope this is real because it actually fits the meme. JIP is a curse upon the industry.
Not unexpected after the brand was bought by an investment firm. It’s a zombie company, except the name to be whored out onto any and everything. I doubt they even have future camera designs planned beyond anything Olympus might have had in the lab.

Sir, a second schizo poster has hit the MFT thread.
Huskychad had some really good photos at least

i like these ones
So attention starved kek
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>You have it backwards, jose.
No, I don't think I do.

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>Decent 35mm ie: portra 400, slower films shot competently, with quality lenses, has no problems matching 24mp-36mp ff in detail,

Left is 6x9 Fuji Velvia on a Howtek drum scanner. Not 35mm. 6x9. So no, 35mm is not going to match "24-36mp ff in detail."

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>while digital has different levels static noise in all 3 color channels confusing the demosaicing algorithm further.
Why can't film fans into Bayer? Bayer sensors have better color accuracy across a wider gamut than any film. You need to go to 4x5 to have the fine tonality and color gradations of FF digital. That's not to say film color cannot be amazing. But color palette...how a film (or photographer in post editing) interprets a scene and the artistic impact of that interpretation...is a separate question from accuracy and gamut.

>On moire inducing subjects like distant foliage or pine needles on the ground, film will actually outperform higher resolution digital cameras.
No. 45-61mp FF out resolves anything in 6x9 except Adox CMS 20, which is no longer available in 6x9. That one film is the only one remaining in 35mm that can stand toe to toe with high rez FF on detail. Not that there were many others in the past. Maybe another one or two B&W films like CMS 20.

>If you weren't a bit of a retard...
Do you even own a camera? Have you ever actually tested high rez FF digital against film on a drum scanner? No? Be quiet.

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