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File: IMG_2137.jpg (906 KB, 1800x2250)
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Hi, I’ve been really into @wrapped.nil’s photos, he uses a lot of different techniques but somehow his longer exposure street photos have this energy and clarity that I can’t wrap my head around.
It’s like there are clear edges to all of the motion and as someone who’s shot quite a bit at 1/4, 1/8, I can’t say anything I’ve ever shot has looked like this. He’s been doing this for quite some time so it’s not ai, it seems like he largely tries to capture everything in camera from interviews. He’s using an x100v

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Slow shutter and Parkinson's?
It's exposure/HDR stacking with a pan.
Wow, looks so filmic and aesthetic
Nice of you to share this dude’s work OP
Agreed it is more than just slow shutterspeed
>filmic and aesthetic
ok now describe this without using puddingbrained retard buzz words.
>He refused to elaborate further
NTA but he's right actually. I've used this technique many times with cars.
From the man himself:
"What techniques or equipment do you use to capture images?

Camera: fujifilm x100v; as for image processing I use Capture One; as for techniques, I experiment a lot with different things: liquids, ointments, various pieces of plastic and glass. For some photos it’s just a slow shutter, mostly shutter speeds of 1/4 – 1/8, for others I shoot through a piece of plastic or glass coated with different substances, like Vaseline."
Some look like camera rotation mid capture to get swirling, same with jittery panning for the step effect.
Yes I read that article but I don’t think it really explains what’s going on in most of his pics. I’ve seen plenty of longer exposure street photos and they typically look a lot messier, some of these almost look like pixel sorting because the lines are so sharp and it feels like it must be a mix of things. Definitely a slow shutter speed is part of the process but I’m unclear on how he makes them look like this https://www.instagram.com/p/Cuw91SGuVd4/?igsh=Z3JnMTZscmN1eG9i
It looks to me he's panning with the slow shutterspeed to get it, but I haven't tried getting that look before.
I'd try some various things and go from there mang, good luck!
Edited brainrot
He’s also cooking the contrast saturation and black point, and giving it a nice chunky film grain. A lot of this is achievable with just long exposure panning and the raw edits.
Looks like it’s sooc from any canon

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