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been really into the davide sorrenti stuff and the general look of the mid/late 90s cyberish film look. how were these greens/blues achieved? i have a feeling fuji slide film + fluorescent lighting/flash is responsible, but looking for tips
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gen xers really used to think these sickly tranny looking chicks were the hottest thing, can you believe it?
not really, we didn't

na that heroin look was 100% targeted at women trying to sell high fashion clothing which looks better on coathanger type bodies.

This was also the era of mila kunis, britney spears, buffy the vampire slayer etc, their were far hotter women in the media in the late 90s than anything we have today.
vision3 500T obv
they were so popular because they had shock value. but really you jerked off to hotties like pamela anderson, that chick from 90210, etc. those heroin whores were considered freaks
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VPS 6006 aka Kodak Vericolor III
hm maybe Portra 160 is the closest I could get

the remjet seems like too much of a pita for me to deal with at home
Make the wash and it is not a big deal
the Kodak recipe or just baking soda
stop uding caritranny terms you fucking faggot
gen x soft club isn't real, it's just revisionist moodboard done by two foids one of them was genderspecial but didn't even try to not look like a roastie
I think a lot of this is down to white balance.
You can see that the temperature is pretty cold but the tint is leaned into the green.
Black point seems to be brought up a bit as well.
I think that a lot of the colours have been desaturated too, with the exception of red.
It's an interesting look. I have some subway photos that I'll try to replicate it on.

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