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File: Zorki-4K.jpg (95 KB, 794x659)
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>100 Dollars
What more could you possibly want?
Just tape two together.
The 4k is a good camera but I already own a TRUE and HONEST Contax (Kiev 4)
It takes two lenses to get real 3d pop. I like where your heads at.
For 100 bucks? I'd like at least an M42 slr and an outfit of lenses.
That thing is worth like 20 tops.
8k120fps full sensor readout raw.
>needing more than 12Mpx
lmao'ing at ur life rn
>>4336536 (Me)
(Yes I know 4K isn't even 9Mpx. Let it go.)
too many megapixels is "cold and clinical". YouTube said so.
Just raise the temperature if it's too cold! Haha lol.

The reliability that these Soviet rangefinders seem to lack!

Real 3d pop = slide film viewed directly.
Real 3d pop = stereoscopic camera.

Shoot slide film with it and view it with a sterescopic projector. Duh.

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>Not smell-o-vision
Might be available with the neuralink update in a few years.
For 100 bucks you can have that thing on the left with a 50/1.8 and have AE and Aperture Priority, and it's not made by fucking Communism
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Just found on my local 2nd hand shop for 30€
is this the "better" helios 58mm every hipster is using ??
I might get it..

I have one (and its not missing its grip).
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>prizm logo
>english text
Should be one of the nicer examples, allegedly.
I think the Praktica / Jena lenses outdo it, imo.
Except that isn't 4k...
Red P with 13 shutter blades in chrome and M39 mount is what you want for peak hipster tax.
I told my doctor about my Red P and now he's making me go on dialysis.
Good good...
File: Pentax K1000.jpg (110 KB, 1000x728)
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Oh I don't know, maybe 996 more K?
fuck off retard, you know how to read? Its already 4K SO ITS FUCKING 4000, so ITS FUCKING 3000 BETTER
>Pentax K1000
>1000^2= 1000000
>1000000/4000 = 250
250 times better than your shitty commiera
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holy shit

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File: Kinon K100GB.jpg (38 KB, 499x333)
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>4 bucks
What more could you possibly want?

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