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do you guys even like photographing?
No, because I don't have the gear I need.
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Love it. Love the fact it encourages me to get out the house and do things. I enjoy keeping memories, be them great shots or not, and I enjoy having whole days set aside to go hiking or attend an event and get some shots. Of course I also have a great appreciation of most things mechanical and electronic and the marvel of ingenuity that goes into them.

Appreciate for a moment all the knowledge, design, materials, and effort from decades past poured into getting you a shiny new snoy toy to fuck the focus up on. It's great.

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I do but I hate people and I hate going outside so I dont shoot a lot
I love photography
Hate the fags on this board
Simple as
i like cameras NOT photography
I just collect cameras/lenses
the singularity of /p/
Right now im struggling to see anything worthwhile shooting in my local area. I forced myself to shoot half a roll yesterday because I had a cabinet queen i had never used but i didnt have much fun.

I need to travel, I love taking vacation shots. For me its not the technical skill that makes my photos, its the memories I preserve and vibes I feel taking and looking at them.
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Same here fren, same here. I can only take so many shots of the front of my house and the neighborhood streets and park. I used to have a group of friends that would get together for things and it was always fun capturing photos from those event, but everyone since is getting married and having kids and moving on with life. Sad. Lately I’ve been taking more photos because I’ve fallen back in with film, but even this is more because I enjoy processing and developing it than enjoying photography as such. We do a lot of dog snapshits.

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There are only so many building corners per square mile
its too hot to take photos. so fucking hot. jesus christ.
Yeah quite a bit.
in my city it gets me in touch with some creative types, a chance to make some extra bobb, and even look at some titties. None of which is really the essence of photography but is nice nonetheless.
While my landscape work is a difficult search for perfection that I can't say I enjoy but feel compelled to do.

I also really like my dark room work. Feels like alchemy.
Put my first roll in my new half frame camera and took pictures like a madman this afternoon while walking around in the city. I'm past 42 exposures already. It's the cheap Arista 200. Shooting like it's digital.
Feels good. The camera's cute. I think that helped a lot. I never shoot this liberally with the SLR.
Maybe also because I spent all day yesterday inside tinkering with cameras and reading about developing chemistry
What did you learn?
Did you get the new pentacks anon? Saw one in stock at my local shop, it was tempting
Im built for heat, its the cold that gets me so ive got the opposite problem lol
Today was a good day, i finished my roll and had a lovely walk in the woods.
I'll develop and post pics somewhere else later today.

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No I just like LARPing as a photographer traveling in 3rd world countries taking pictures of people with gear worth more than their entire village
Yes I do.
I love that I can now look back through all my memories. I love that I now have prints on my walls that I can be proud of.
I love my camera and I love photography.

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