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This still needs a little work.
film photographers confirmed soulless snapshitters
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Philosophically, having a machine tell you when you are acting too much like a machine is the single most constructive application of AI

Human brains actually have a self-determined level of consciousness, set by how often you are able to collapse probability states and to what degree of finesse, including those of your own thoughts. You need to consciously maintain your free will. If you do not, external measurements of probabilities take precedent and you are victimized by determinism - an NPC. In the future, if your activity patterns start aligning with what an AI (lacking self measurement routines) would do, you could be warned that you are failing to maintain your consciousness and will stop being a free thinker if you do not start working towards greater self awareness.

Rest assured AI will probably never be able to set its own states as a conscious observer. Souls did not evolve in reality. Rather, souls arranged reality so that they would be able to inhabit it, and AI will lack the structures needed for a soul to set states in it until someone tries running it on a sophisticated quantum computer. If souls begin inhabiting AI based on a quantum computer or an organic brain (a weak form of a quantum computer) we're going to see some shit.

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You just know
…that dog is exceptionally well cared for and well behaved
No I was thinking the owner fucks his dog and then proudly posts photos on 4chan for attention even though he is a known dogfucker
I am glad that with each photo posted he brings himself closer to revealing his identity, which at that point will be turned over to the relevant legal authority in his area for hopeful arrest and prosecution of bestiality and animal abuse
I know, you've been saying this on /an/ since I told a zoophile that he should be skinned alive. Then "total zoophile death" and he was off to the races, trying to larp as me, poorly photoshopping shit onto my dog to make her asshole look blown out, etc. That's his idea of "revenge" because I told him bestiality was ontologically evil. He thinks it's possible to frame me as a zoophile and get me arrested.

Or you copied that guy because you want me to respond to your posts. I wouldn't put being an NPC past you.
Hate to break it to you schizo
I don't browse /an/
Never been to the board, not even once
Didn't read the rest of your garbage post
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Right, you just act exactly like them. And organically, I was never called a dogfucker until the pet photo contest got crosslinked from /an/.

It's not like this schizo hasn't been around for a while either.
>poorly photoshopping shit onto my dog to make her asshole look blown out
lol, did he really?
Yeah I don't keep up with every facet of your dogfucker posting life and could care less
You are a drama queen attention whore and dogfucker to boot
the eyes of a victim
Either you are that schizo, or your just happen to have imitated his shtick because you're a retard. There's not a win condition in here. You're unhinged.
Quality analysis, coming from a man who copulates with dogs
>drama queen attention whore
>would have posted photos and fucked off if you weren't constantly acting like a nutjob and accusing people of unforgivable sins and federal crimes
>I'm going to make this mft thread my bitch
Yeah no you disingenuous dogfucking liar
Come on, you wanted to derail the thread to be about you and got what you wanted
Stop complaining you "bitch"
he drove you straight over the edge
all u had to do was post photos too lololololol

you know huskychad shoots mft too right lol?
who is huskychad?
cringe samefagging
It's a meme, you dip
seek help anon
don't fuck dogs to relieve your trauma
not huskychad btw
Best of all, he made the mft thread into bitches. Since he shoots mft too only the chart guy he shit on has a reason to be mad, right? Unless this /an/ stalker is behind the constant meltdown
Every mft thread he posts his shitty dogfucking photos taken with non-mft cameras on purpose to "troll", get negative attention, attention whore, etc.
Fuck off lying faggot
I take some of them with an mft lol

Why do you think I started faking exif
there's a technicality you're missing about "mft" threads. they aren't stated to be threads for talking about mft cameras. they aren't stated to be photo threads. the op, and principle discussion, is always inaccurate dr charts and equivalence delusions. it's not like /fag/ where it's for fuji photos, it's just a gear thread being made outside of /gear/ and is essentially disposable.
>acktually, mft threads have nothing to do with mft
seek help
its true

mft threads are normally very poor in photos and very rich in people trying to convince a schizophrenic idiot that photons to photos charts are labeled based on iso setting, not real iso, and equivalence isn't very important in real life shooting situations

then someone posts a bunch of awesome dog photos and this instills so much awe in the denizens of the mft thread that they finally start posting photos.
>I don't like mft threads so I can shit them up and offtopic post because I am a giant flaming faggot
Take meds
>be mfturd
>try and spread flat earth tier lies
>get told off
>double down on being retarded
>oh shit huskychad's backing up his dump truck
>buried in photos
>flat earth chart thread is now a photo thread
>how will the fool framers be btfo by p2p's inaccurate dr figures now!?
>mft thread: not about photos, not about photography, about literal console wars on the basis of misinterpreting roughly made spec charts from some guy's blog
who are you quoting, the voices in your head?
last time he did it they only cried a little and spent the next 2 threads photo posting. the extent of this shitshow is new and apparently involves the cross board “4x5 dude is a zoophile” fag…
Weird how you keep repeating the same false information
You can tell your lies as many times as you want, it doesn't make it the truth
Only a retard like yourself would try to frame posting mft photos in mft threads on a photo board as something negative
Next time, Huskyfucker can make his own dogfucking photo thread instead of hijacking other threads, and admitting to it
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>mft thread
>posting photos

they so mad they in other threads whining about it
>the algorithm thinks film photos are more ai
Lol wut? Is it because of the unrealistic colors and tones? Digital is more real = less ai?
Kinda curious, I wonder if the algo would rate it as more human if the colors were desaturated and image unsharpened
Not curious enough to test it though lol
Remind me, what was the relevant thread when that dogdiddler decided to make the mft thread his "bitch" and offtopic post
If his behavior is acceptable I do not see why any other anon cannot do the same
I agree though it's complete faggotry
It's too bad this board doesn't have unique identifiers for each poster like /pol/, that way it would be easier to hide posters and move on
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Seems like it. The AI meter is usually higher for film. Probably because film is so uncommon that film aesthetics are likely to be AI generated, and an algorithm doesnt actually know what film looks like, just that it doesn't look like confirmed "real" digital photos.

Not more human, more hipster.
Weird, I guess they need a larger dataset
Also curious to see whether these ratings stay stable over time or change as the dataset grows
I assume they pay thirdworlders pennies per hour to eventually go back and rate all the submitted images to improve quality of the algo
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It definitely does not like film
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This was a portrait of a real person, simply shot on film and a very good, ultra sharp no-distortion 50mm prime

The algo HATES film scans. If this is how normal people will determine photo realness does it even matter if we have original negatives?
>chad enters thread
>sees a bunch of bickering about some idiot who takes p2p literally
>"ur data is wrong ur logic is fallible, 100 posts no photos time to fix that"
>posts photos, a mix of ff, film, and mft with faked exif
>thread since then is photos and actual photography talk whenever you can restrain yourself from being schizophrenic
>you cant, you spread your meltdown to several other threads
the only problem here is you desu
so weird you talk about yourself in the third person
no more replies 4 u
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Algo is trash lol, gonna post a couple more to give it more variety
thats right go run off to play with your micro 4/3s lol
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Finally got a human result
So its basically
>is this a landscape or is there a clear subject? ai generated "picture of"
>are the colors unrealistic? ai.

black and white and more abstract elements make it think a human did it
I wounder how soon it gonna be when /p/ goes into autistic schizo spasm episodes when photography as career is comepletly uncompetetive to AI.
Stock and marketing photography has basically been killed by AI already.
The only photography that matters for making money is essentially journalism (actual journalism, events, weddings, sports) and replication of real things (advertising shoots, digitizing) which MUST show the actual product, not a CGI approximation.

You even need real photos to feed the AI. So it's fine.
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>ayy eye itself cant properly detect ai gen images
i bet its standard for a real photo is an iphone selfie
that wasn't film btw, but rather a manually processed raw from my phone
still signals a false positive
Film and digital edited to have wrong colors look the same btw
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Shitty quality b&w film pic is apparently as real as it gets
This website basically calls you out on being unoriginal
they are correct to my eyes
>inb4 get zeiss spectacles
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guess I'm living in a simulation

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