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File: dobe.png (12 KB, 800x781)
12 KB
I need this mothafucka cracked.
File: money-bitch.jpg (34 KB, 446x324)
34 KB
Here's your key, anon
Is m0nkrus still good or do I have to figure out how genP works?
keep me posted
I ain't payin that bitch adobe
Genp is literally just installing CC, running GenP to patch it, downloading whatever app you want and running GenP again.
Is it safe to install CC if I already have a ton of m0nkrus?
Rawtherapee is good enough. How does using this make the end product better?
Rawtherapee and Darktable both require PhD in signal theory to be used effectively.
I fucking hate these programs. LR was good. Just a simple enough program.
I'm using fast stone image viewer. That is simple too, but no curves to edit, which I miss

I just want a simple editor that wont cost me a liver. Can it be that hard?
Use the software supplied by your camera manufacturer, dummy. It should do everything you need.

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