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you don't need more than aperture priority.
Aperture priority, manual, and auto ISO*

S, P, Auto, and scene modes make absolutely no fucking sense on modern digitals where you can actually use the whole ISO range. They made sense on ancient as fuck canons where auto ISO didn't even work. They made sense on film (what PASM was actually invented for). Not anymore. Putting PASM on a dial is a design sin that should be punished. At least put it on a switch and use the dial for something more productive like a dedicated ISO or exposure comp wheel.
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Functionally retarded take. You're basically admitting you don't understand why you'd use different shutter speeds. However, the core of your argument - that aperture priority is great as for well-lit, general purpose photography - is correct. Therefore you get partial credit, and will not be stabbed randomly on the street in the next 48 hours.

I personally remap everything that isn't fully Manual or Aperture Priorty to a settings preset like a B&W preset, or an ultra vivid preset, because I'd rather click the physical control than go into a second level menu.

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>ISO set to 100
>wheel turned to A
>left hand on aperture ring
Yup, it's photography time
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I like the Shutter & Aperture Priority AE more than A and S modes. I tend to use it instead of those when I need a higher F-number and a specific shutter speed.

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TAv mode is also called "manual with auto ISO"

IIRC the nikon ZF currently has the best implementation of this. If you set the auto ISO max to 200 in the menu, the ISO dial sets the actual auto ISO max.
I always leave it at full range. My cam is quite old so its range is 100-3200
Aperture priority doesn't account for what you're actually capable of doing or what you're shooting, it literally prioritizes aperture above all.
For some reason fags have painted shooting manual as a pretentious meme but its literally all you should be worrying about. If you're even half decent with photography you can instantly change your iso and shutter speed in an instant, allowing yourself to actually control the type of picture you're going for.
>If you set the auto ISO max to 200 in the menu, the ISO dial sets the actual auto ISO max.

That is correct and without a doubt the best way to handle ISO, period.
Exposure compensation needed though
what does setting the ISO on a film camera even do? does it affect the shutter speed or what? 1/60 of a second will still be 1/60th of a second, won't it?
On manual it just affects what the meter tells you to do. On the other modes it affects the non-locked parameter. On A/Av, a faster ISO will give you a faster shutter. On S/Tv, a faster ISO will stop down the lens more. On P a combination of the others.
In addition to >>4337659, the general thing you do is match the "box speed" since film has an ISO rating. So if your film says 400, you set the ISO to 400 on your camera to match the box. In reality doing that doesn't always make sense and you'll see people on /fgt/ recommend pushing or pulling film since you'd shoot above or below box speed on purpose. I'm not huge into film so I'd suggest getting more detailed info from the /fgt/ thread or hope one of those hippies drop in here.
Well you still do need M though. All the rest shouldn't be on a proper camera.
Changes the meter zero point
>you don't need more than aperture priority.
Tell me you're a self-taught rank beginner without telling me you're a self-taught rank beginner.
yeah but p, s, and auto are genuinely useless.
>p mode: oops absolutely fucking retarded settings, SHIFT SHIFT SHIFT
>s mode: i heard you want everything out of focus, or no, how about diffracted, also does not really play nice with auto ISO, because it was invented before auto ISO
>auto: P mode but even less control, here's your f22 1/500 iso 12800 snapshit bro

these modes were literally invented for cameras without adjustable iso. PASM is a feature of 80s film cameras. it's a nonsensical holdover from an entirely different paradigm and doesn't deserve a preset dial. all of these should be user defined modes where the user programs which exposure settings are automated and with what biases, minimums, and maximums.
no bro, you're supposed to be happy with your $3000 professional camera having a whole fucking useless dial lifted from a beginner-friendly prosumer film point and shit from 1985 because one time on kenrockwell.com i read "P mode stands for professional, trust me, i shot my cousins wedding on ultramax 400"
A for when you're shooting things that aren't moving and you want to control depth of field as the variable

S for when you're shooting things that are moving and you want to control motion blur as the variable
>one time on kenrockwell.com i read "P mode stands for professional
Did he really say this?
A for both and turn on auto ISO

it did apply when even dslrs had a usable iso range of like, 4 stops
My camera already has more than enough dials. Even if all that's needed is A, M, and some custom modes getting rid of the rest means there's still going to be a dial there. Or would you rather have to go into a menu to switch between those?

>A for both and turn on auto ISO
Doesn't completely replace shutter priority. Sometimes you do want a specific shutter speed.
>specific shutter speed
leave auto iso on and switch to manual

aperture is too important to hand over to a computer with an iq score of -1 and no human appreciation for aesthetics.

on modern ff iso is irrelevant for 100-2200 for high res and 100-6400 for low res
If you're shooting a lens that's good wide open and it gives enough depth of field at that aperture then using shutter priority would be better, then it can stop down if it gets to base ISO.
>auto: P mode but even less control, here's your f22 1/500 iso 12800 snapshit bro

Funny and true post
Shutter priority was invented for fixed ISO mediums, and persevered because the first decade of digital was fraught with usable ISO ranges that went from 100 to 400 and anything higher was beyond most peoples ability to cope with. Compared to those days, we have supercomputers that fly through 100mp raws and medium format digital backs crossed with slow motion movie cameras.

It just doesn't make sense anymore. PASM dials do not make sense anymore. You could achieve what you want much better with a user mode where you set which settings were automated, under which constraints, and which end of the range to prefer.
Dumb take, shutter speed can be used creatively
>Shutter speed can be used creatively
Manual with auto ISO+exposure comp. No reason to leave aperture to a computer these days.
So let's say you're shooting wide open and it goes to base ISO, what then? If you were using shutter priority it would stop the lens down to compensate.
you raise the shutter speed, just like in cases where you might have to adjust the shutter speed while in shutter priority too
or you shoot aperture priority and basically accomplish the same

its crazy to me that people don't think about aperture beyond simply exposurel, it can have such a big visual impact, no need to let the camera also pick that for you
ND filter
And shutter speed also has a visual impact on moving subjects. Stuff like motorsports, if the shutter speed gets too high then it's gonna look like shit.

Exposure varies, otherwise I'd just say shoot in manual with everything locked, and sometimes there just won't be time to slap a filter on
if you already knows its going to be too bright for base ISO and you want wider apertures and slower shutters then mo matter what stupid auto mode you use, you need to put a VND filter on before shooting retard. theres no getting around this. letting shutter priority slap your photos between f2.8 and f22 will make your photos look like shit. use manual with auto iso and a vnd filter if it is stupid bright. this is basic photography.

A mode is for when its bright enough for fast shutters and you generally want fast shutters. manual+auto iso rules everything but hdr shadow push retardation that’s usually done in manual anyways
>if you already knows its going to be too bright for base ISO and you want wider apertures
No, I'm saying the aperture isn't a priority. A motorsport photo at f/2.8 versus f/4 isn't going to look much different, certainly not bad at the tighter aperture. But too fast a shutter speed and you lose the feeling of motion.

>you need to put a VND filter on before shooting retard
Erm, no you don't. You just stop down.

>letting shutter priority slap your photos between f2.8 and f22
I'm talking a few stops difference, not 6
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nah man i keep my shit on BOKEH

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What the fuck does that dial actually do? Is it basically Shutter Priority with the widest aperture set?
It’s stupid right? Basically the same thing you’d expect the moon setting to do. Maybe less leaning to slower speeds or something I guess. I get they’re aiming it at hipsters and zoomettes who are retarded but like come on.
>shutter speed also has a visual impact on moving subjects
That's all the more reason to use M + auto ISO (if you need an auto adjustment), not ss.
Lighting is very static too for motorsports, you shouldn't need to the camera to constantly change settings and a modest auto ISO range can cover the minor discrepancies.
You can get the same results in any of the modes if you know what you're doing, SS is just ends up a beginner version of M for a lot of people.

I don't understand why having the camera change aperture on a whim is preferable to simply having ISO vary 100-400.
>I wonder what I do to make the background blurry like in movies and sheeeeeit
>Ah yes, it's the BOKEH dial
Same energy as:
>I wonder how I can take good photos
>Ah yes, it's the SNOY I bought
>That's all the more reason to use M + auto ISO (if you need an auto adjustment), not ss.
As I said, having manual control of the aperture while wanting to maintain a certain shutter speed means you're buggered if you hit base ISO. Where as using shutter priority the camera will stop the lens down for you.

>Lighting is very static too for motorsports
Yeah because outdoor lighting is consistent, in all directions, and all cars reflect the same amount of light

>I don't understand why having the camera change aperture on a whim is preferable to simply having ISO vary 100-400.
Because ISO has a limit
>means you're buggered if you hit base ISO
Only if you've set things poorly, trivial issue to avoid
>Yeah because outdoor lighting is consistent
It actually often is for something like motorsports. Can you post some of your motorsport shots that required rapid exposure adjustments on the fly? You yourself said it was only a few stops either way.
>Because ISO has a limit
Absolutely, is 400/800 too high for you to use?
Just shoot manual then big guy
>You're hitting base ISO
You can scope out the exposure situations before stuff gets going, and should, to know if you're going to need an ND or not. A weak VND like a 1-3 is a very important piece of kit.
>When you hit base ISO
You're trying to avoid this with the VND, but if you're shooting manual with auto ISO and you see the meter tick up a little too much, then click the front wheel to close the aperture yourself if you know you can not tolerate that much overexposure.
>Only if you've set things poorly, trivial issue to avoid
Okay, so you keep your f/2.8 zoom at f/4 so you stay at ISO 400 and above. Or you could just use shutter priority and it can be wide open at get you to base ISO and then stop down if it needs to.
>It actually often is for something like motorsports.
Have you ever been outside? Do you know what clouds do to sunlight?
>Absolutely, is 400/800 too high for you to use?
No I mean a lower limit
>wanting to maintain a certain shutter speed means you're buggered if you hit base ISO
Not if you base the aperture off that base ISO though. Set your desired SS, set your Aperture based off the SS and the base ISO floor, and set your auto ISO range as needed. Wont have to change SS or A. If you're needing to stop down more after hitting ISO floor, that just means you should've been stopped down more in the first place.
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I need the bokeh mode to truly unleash my creativity
>shooting at f1.2 in sunny daylight at 8000 iso with a 10 stop ND filter+UV filter+promist filter be like
But shutter priority can just do that for you, in the brightest situation it will be at your desired shutter speed, base ISO, and then the aperture needed. I don't see why you guys are getting so pissed about using a mode that makes things easier, but not for using aperture priority. The only argument against the use case I'm proposing is if you have a lens that is shit wide open but guess what, there are plenty of lenses that are good wide open.
Kinda need S or M for video.
If you need video, get a camcorder, faggot. You are partly the reason why the industry has been pushing hybridization and making everything shit.
I was under the impression that the pivot to mirrorless just let us pack more videography features into cameras since the tech is there. Might as well use it. Ofc manufacturers shit everything up for money so there's that
You don't maybe. Shoot more.
I basically always shoot wide open when I can on any of my other cameras. So I like the Pentax 17's BOKEH mode.
you don't need more than AUTO.
>turn dial to C1
>settings exactly how I want them for shooting large mammals
yep... it's photographin' time
>turn dial to video mode 4k 60fps
>1/1250th sec
>duct tape camera to forehead
never miss a photo again
>large mammals
You mean whi'pepo?
>Manual with auto ISO+exposure comp.
my shitbox shooter doesn't allow that :(
I get along pretty well with manual but it's not good for quick snapshots
I wish the main dial controled the *minimum* shutter speed when auto ISO is on, not the absolute speed. Minimum shutter is too powerful a feature to bury in the menus. What camera allows this?
There's basically only two apertures that actually get used:
>wide open
>f/8 or whatever the sweet spot of that particular lens is
A mode would be better if you could just press a button and toggle between those.
If you're adjusting based on focal length then Sony can do that automatically, it's 1/focal length by default but you can set it to be faster or slower. If you're wanting to adjust it based on what you need for the shot (whether there's motion or not, how much motion blur you want) then you can at least set it to the quick menu, not sure about putting it on a dial though.
>If you're adjusting based on focal length then Sony can do that automatically, it's 1/focal length by default but you can set it to be faster or slower.
Is it smart enough to add extra stops depending on whether IBIS is turned on or not? One of my true annoyances with my old nikon DSLRs is they are too stupid to take the presence of a VR lens into account for the 'auto' shutter speed
>If you're wanting to adjust it based on what you need for the shot (whether there's motion or not, how much motion blur you want) then you can at least set it to the quick menu, not sure about putting it on a dial though.
was mainly asking about this
>Is it smart enough to add extra stops depending on whether IBIS is turned on or not?
No, and it also annoys me. I always have IBIS turned on so it doesn't matter for that but I have some lenses with IS and some without. I just checked and it actually defaults to a little over 1/focal length which is probably good if IBIS was off (1/160 at 135mm, 1/60 at 55mm, 1/40 at 35mm) and then it adjusts +/- 2 stops in full stop increments. It would be nice if it actually went a little bit slower because even just IBIS would be able to compensate those two stops.
Yeah I used up one of the U1/U2 settings on my d750 for "aperture priority, auto ISO, minimum shutter speed 2 stops slower than auto" for when a VR lens is on and I want to exploit the VR on a non-moving subject without having to fuck around in the menu.
How have they been making these things so long and they still haven't figured out something like this?
most people just shoot manual
>How have they been making these things so long and they still haven't figured out something like this?
They have; they're just waiting to implement it in a successive release so you'll buy it.
I don't need more.

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I use shutter priority a lot in low light, mainly. I either choose 1/focal length, or maybe like 1/125 if there are active subjects. Then I let camera take care of aperture (usually in these situations it's going to go wide open either way, or I'll slap it in M if I need to control depth of field) and auto boost ISO to get the necessary exposure.

When light isn't a constraint, it's basically aperture priority. Although sometimes for street I'll set it to shutter priority at 1/125 and the camera will automatically select the highest aperture at the lowest ISO it can to maximize depth of field considering the situation. Then if I see the aperture going above 13 or so (but I usually try to keep it between f/8 and f/11) it tells me to set my SS higher.

It feels pretty good. Don't worry about the exposure triangle (but keep it in mind so you don't end up with noisy images), set aperture or shutter speed according to conditions, not according to exposure.

> Putting PASM on a dial is a design sin that should be punished. At least put it on a switch and use the dial for something more productive like a dedicated ISO or exposure comp wheel.

You'd like how the Leica X Vario handles this. No PASM dial. Instead you get a shutter speed dial and an aperture dial, each of which has an auto mode. (Setting them both to auto is effectively a program mode, but that makes more sense then making setting them both to auto an invalid combination for no good reason). Then you can choose ISO including Auto ISO.

You can also use the Auto ISO setting to let it choose auto ISO and auto SS, and set the slowest shutter speed (e.g. 1/125) it can select. I don't like to do that because I always forget to change it back then wonder why my ISO is too high in lower light. Neat feature tho.
>Aperture mode
>ISO Auto, max 6400
>Change exposure comp depending on the lighting

its gaming time
>pay for dial larp
>put them all on A because its impossible to reach them without jiggling the camera raound
>enjoy your sony ergos
God bless nikon for at least making the dials usable, even if a drive mode switch should have been under the shutter dial instead of a fucking jpeg setting (every product to have jpeg settings on physical switches has failed)

They make the x-t5 feel like an awkward plastic toy
>pay for dial larp
lol only gear fags like you buy it for that purpose. most people buy it for it's look
before auto iso with min-speed setting you needed more. nowadays it's A all day every day
>I'm not a gearfag because I was being vain instead of autistic
Ironically you are the gearfag. Gearfags are not about using cameras. Gearfags are never about anything personal. Experience, fun, these things don't factor into a gearfags decision, because they can't be evaluated publicly. They are about vanity. Telling other people they have the camera. Telling other people about the video codec they don't need let alone use. Telling other people about how theirs shoots faster or has more megapixels even though they've never been paid, laid, or asked for a print (let alone one larger than 16x20). In your case you are about a spec too. Fashion. You bought your camera so other people could see it. You might think that making it about the way it looks makes you less of a nerd but let's be real, it's steampunk fashion, you're still a fucking nerd.

A non-gearfag buys a camera because they like using it and nothing more.
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No matter what you choose you'll always be picrel

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