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in the Hi-Fi world we know lot's of brands that most people never hear about and yet they are the often the best, are there any of those in camera making?
If only Koetsu made lenses.
Or Nikon speakers.
pic unrelated?
probably Hasselblad or some other medium format brands.
(pic obviously related)
PhaseOne cameras and rodenstock and schneider lenses
It's the actual best, noticeably better than everything else. You also can't afford it. They have more industrial and scientific products than consumer products.

You might also know phaseone as the company they bought out: mamiya. Or as the creators of capture one, which still automatically looks more film-like than other raw developers.

Lol no.
you mean heritage brand bought by the chinks? Leica is the closest I guess.
How much do you want to branch out? Strictly camera and lens or we including accessories too? Cause I can think of tripod companies like RRS that normies wouldn’t know
Yeah Stax is the Hassleblad of Audio, sure

But who's the Phase One though of audio?
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>great decades ago
>bought out by china
Who is the SuSE of photography?

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