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>While traveling out to the desert for a shoot, Monte Ashcroft a world class editorial photographer meets his new muse in Dakota Thompson, a local server at a desolate diner. Their connection is instant and profound, with the exception of one big secret.


What are some notable /p/-approved kinos?
An old photographer told me about a movie where a photographer accidentally took a picture of a murder or something and stuff happens after that. I forget.. It was a while ago.
One Hour Photo
>quadroon mutt
I don’t think so, rabbi.

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That film is fucking terrible and don't you fucking dare pretending you liked it.
The Rear Window?
I liked civil war
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13 Cameras

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I DL'd this the other day and it's main plot point is he does a nude photo shoot with a underage girl then impregnates her and she tries to use it against him to force marriage. It's funny because the actor they got is a MASSIVE homosexual faggot, as in sucks cock and eats ass, not just uncool. So it's so unbelievable. Worth the cringe monologues on tones and lighting though if you like so bad it's good kind of flicks.
What does kino mean?
It's German for cinema.
Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
Upstream Color (2013)
Last year at Marienbad (1961)
Flowers of Shanghai (1998)
>One Hour Photo
Man I haven't seen that movie in like 15 years, one of the wildest Robin Williams roles.
Thanks for the reminder anon.
It's actually Greek, but...

I assume you're a product of the American public education system.
I'm actually Greek lol
Is not
Which is shortened version of
Which is a german word
Stupid fucking faggot
rekt him
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You people are all retards.

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The only good film about a muse is Xanadu and it hard filtered soulless critics
Nobody needs that many cameras, what a gearfaggotry
Did they fix that economy yet
>bunch of lazy Greeks most of which never worked a day in their life
>"fixing" the economy


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