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Finally...the input we've all been waiting for...

Can we get a source on this claim?
You may not like him or his style but he’s more photographer in his pinky than all of /p/ combined.
Huskychad, corgichad, and german shepgod combined are five times the photographer he is

Fro is basically aps-h compared to each one's full frame. Sorry. Them's the breaks. he might go to sportsball games with expensive lenses but a photo of a dog relaxing on a farm is a lot more compelling and sovlful than an autofocus test snapshit of a highschool womens lacrosse match.
ngl the one of his dog looking at an eagle across the river is worth hanging up in a man cave and so are some of those dead shit macros, but fro doesnt have a single photo that deserves more than a 2.5” inset in the news. until he picks up a film camera. then he’s maybe 90% good. weird how that works!
>until he picks up a film camera. then he’s maybe 90% good
why does this keep happening?

why does film = automatic talent boost?
Frenly reminder not to give the dogfucker (You)s as per his modus operandi he is trying to attention whore and shit up yet another thread
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It's just sad how attention-starved the dogfucker is.
There are no dogfuckers here, just a reminder to take your meds

Based I'd buy that print too.
>until he picks up a film camera
He's the worst photographer on earth with digital but his 4x5 projects are solid. On digital he's a gearfag, on film he's a photograper. Many, many such cases. The more people think about gear the more detached they become from the medium and the worse their art gets.
Truly pathetic, isn't it

On topic of the thread however, I'm surprised the photographers were using the rear lcd screen to compose the shots and not the EVF.
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needed the right angle obviously. modern AF is good enough to get eye in focus without user interaction, so the photographers really only need to worry about framing and timing.
>when you're sperging out so hard, you post exactly when the cooldown timer runs out
ok, but enough about your seething hatred because someone bullied you in a gear thread

everyone uses the rear lcd screen

ansel adams used the rear lcd screen. viewfinders are for blind fucks.
nice breakdown. Jared knows his stuff.
They dont even worry about timing when the camera is shooting 120 fps
If professional photography now means “put as many faggots with $5000 high speed cameras on set as possible” then we’ve essentially replaced photographers with machines and the guy with a camera is just auto mode’s dedicated tard wrangler. this photo was pure luck. no skill. every gwac had the same instructions: fastest shutter speed, f8, max iso 800, af-c ch+++++, point at trump. photos will be cropped for composition later.
>If professional photography now means “put as many faggots with $5000 high speed cameras on set as possible”
Canon 1D and Nikon D# lines have been in use for over two decades, retard. Photojournalism has always been about capturing the moment.
At least a DSLR required some actual skill. The snoy9iii is incomparable.
>unplanned photos capturing a dynamic moment are pure luck
No shit retard
Leica users have excelled with less than 1fps for almost 100 years. How? Skill.
less time/effort wasted on fidding with cameras, more on getting the shot. the antithesis of a gearfag.
you mean culmination
>gearfag: i just need to buy buy BUY BUY! BUY! then i good photo
>non-gearfag: just press the button at the right time
but good thing we have 120fps everything detect autofocus 50mp cameras now so you can whip out your snoykon xt-9ii and take a perfectly focused photo of your cat/dog and crop to compose later
Photography is linked to travel. You can NOT be a good photographer unless you travel.

Gearfaggotry is either business (less training, more disposable employees, same photos) or from being stuck at home.

A good photographer really would have got this shot with a leica and 50mm. A good photographer would also want a massive paycheck to stick around.

The rest of you are homestuck gearfags worrying the 90% of the time you aren’t photoing.
Clearly you are not a good photographer then, rendering your opinion worthless
Sad fact of life

Even if you only shoot portraits, you'll end up traveling to on location shoots and studio space owned by other people. Being "good" in photography is so tied to traveling that it's almost hopeless if you don't actually enjoy travel and prefer to live a more stable, rooted life for longer periods and just relocate every so often.
it's not. It's just filmfag cope because they'll never be able to capture a single powerful, historic, relevant photograph any more
Nobody is paying filmfags to do the "be there" part of f/8 and be there. Rather, they are paying people specifically to keep them away from there, not allowing event entry for anyone with a "professional" (nonphone) camera, etc.

By the time you die, journalism won't be allowed, or trusted, if it doesn't come from a state approved organization. Just think about why sony doesn't allow in-camera authenticity to be used unless you are officially press.

Conspiracies aside this is immediately to protect the profits of said organizations, especially broadcasters.
Yes I'm sure journalistic integrity is the reason why film isn't historically relevant anymore
Kino webm
Harder to use /=/ more skill
It's because of costs and turnaround. Basically money.

With film, you need to maintain SKILLED photographers on staff. You also need skilled darkroom techs just to process film without destroying 36 unique photos at a time. All to get the photos out in maybe a few hours.

With the current state of digital you need unpaid interns following the guidelines of a single semi-competent supervisor and your shit's ready to run in minutes.
>it doesn't need more skill its just hard to use
This is a cope if i've ever seen one

You do need more skill to use a SLR, especially if shooting jpeg or slides instead of something easy like raw or negative film
that, and if you show up at a major event with a professional looking film camera you get a
>leave it with us or fuck off
Because security doesn't know camera tech, and the copyright dependent media moguls want those shots to themselves
It's also because history cares about the output more than the process. The important thing isn't that a more skilled camera operator might have been able to get it in a single shot, but rather it's the fact that he didn't.

That's why fools like >>4337902 are prattling along about could've would've should've, but have nothing to show the history books, and nothing to compel people who wouldn't usually care about photography.
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It is quite good since getting to see vid of the closeup SS action would be extremely rare otherwise. The only thing I can't figure out is what the protrusion in front of the 50 f/1.2 GM is. It's not wide enough to be the stock lens hood, and it's way too long to be a filter.
The theoretical skilled camera operator isn't even allowed to be near the stage, man. It doesn't matter.

Sony already telegraphed this hard a few months ago. If you're not ap/getty/etc you are not a history maker. You're not allowed near the stage. Your images are suspect because no C2PA allowed. It doesn't matter what a real photographer would do, you don't work for the ministry of truth. You're not trusted to take the correct photos in these glowo-historical events.

>registered republican, then a democrat all of a sudden
>no family ties
>Let him climb up onto the roof while yo uwatch
>Wait for him to finish missing before terminating him
>Later during the investigation (snore)
>Found a communcations device
>suddenly explosives in his car - that explains it! he wasn't receiving instructions he was an expert bomb maker bro
buddy boy is spraying and praying so hard it reminds me of cinema with actors hitting marks more than photography - just point the camera in the pre determined direction, pan when told, and let the focus puller do his work
imagine the dandruff
that's the most retarded thing I've read today
Because it is actors hitting marks
Anon, C2PA is a spook. It doesn't validate anything relevant, only that the file wasn't altered after its creation (which doesn't matter, because they can generate whatever they want, feed it to the engine and generate a Certified Truth™ file. If you know you know.
c2pa works. for reasons that are beyond your pot addled danish brain but well within mine. also, ovfs are irrelevant because you can use your eyeballs and nothing on earth can resolve sufficiently small lunar details (the LRO can).

theres a reason nikon and sony won’t let us have it, only leica and only with their most expensive M.
Look at his hand holding the snoy. His pinkyfinger can't even graps the grip because it's so small.
What have the japs thought when they made this shit? Have they used small childhands or is the snoy just a camera for women?
cameras should have no grip/blob shit going on by default. it should be a functional addon that includes arca swiss plates for the people who need it. then take that shit off when you’re using small lenses

japans failure is not realizing this. ALL grips should be optional and add functionality. like battery grips. building it in is retarded and anti-user. because selling you 3 cameras (compact, standard, and pro) makes those greedy pedophillic fucktards more money than selling you one compact camera and two different grips that add ideal pro ergos and more controls/storage/battery/ports. asians are not creative. they do not have original ideas. except when it comes to porn, and ripping us the fuck off. then they’re full of life and creativity and those IQ scores are finally on full display.
>do another market segmentation release dumb gaijin will thank us for it wwwwewew
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>cameras should have no grip/blob shit going on by default.
pentax tried this but realized the swappable grips were all shit and battery life took a massive hit.

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Nikon figured out the impossible: turn the battery sideways. A functional grip could then add a second battery inside a meaty front grip and a replacement front dial all connected via baseplate contacts if the zf had them. Change the retro clicky controls to leica SL style custom dials. No more PASM wheels, ever, god please get rid of that awful design. User modes only with drive and af mode switches.

Generalize this design. The vert+standard version of the grip could add 3 batteries, full sized hdmi, more memory, anything that could fit in it.

Such cleverness is too far out for the creativity crushing corporate culture of asia. And then they cant sell you on shit like the r3 and r1.
Cope cryptographylet, C2PA is nothing but the basis of the sleights of hand to come in future psyops.
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Cano used to do this with the film 1s. Wonder why the change to digital?

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They realized they could be scamming people harder
8 AA BATTERIES LMFAO that's why. And speaking of scams, why should I pay more for attachable accessories? DSLR is already too large for compact convenience so I would rather get a non-handicapped body. Have you ever held one of these blobs? They're fucking perfect imo.
>Have you ever held one of these blobs?
No, I don't have arthritis
Something about the relatively petite eos1 with a nifty fifty is just nice, I like using it as a walk around for a roll every now and then. But I do have a 1dsii and og 1d, and they do feel quite satisfying in the hand. Very sturdy, very reassuring. Could beat up a hobo with one if needed, which is the real measure of any camera if you ask me.

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