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>I wish they would make slimmer DSLRs
>if you want it to be slimmer, you have to go mirrorless!!!
>meanwhile these exist
Why are people fucking lying to me? They could have made dslrs smaller if they wanted to. Nothing about the mirror box makes a camera big
You know whats really annoying? How simple it would be to make a full frame dslr that is all manual like vintage slr', like think about bow easy that would be! No 10 extra buttons, no extra mechanical parts, no extra software bullshit. It could be easily accomplished as shoving a battery , ap sensor and an sd card into an old slr film housing. Just pop off the back retaininv bracket and boom, all the space you need! But noone does it, maybe its a rlly neiche market, sure. But wouldnt it be actually super cheap to manufacture compared to extra complex systems baked into modern cameras?

Also about what ur saying on the size, i think auto mode has become more complex with tv, av and etc so now naturally cameras got bigger, if that makes sense.
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SLR mirror boxes do make the camera big.
You wouldnt even need any actual proper mechanical moving parts but the actual mirror flipping up as you could have an elctronic shutter . a moving mirror and like 3 twisting buttons has to be cheaper!
>Nothing about the mirror box makes a camera big
post some pentax body pix
>Also about what ur saying on the size, i think auto mode has become more complex with tv, av and etc so now naturally cameras got bigger, if that makes sense.
That doesn't really make any sense. The processors should be getting smaller and more heat efficient, not less.

But you are right, it would have been piss easy to make and still easy for Pentax to simply turn the K1/K3 into a film camera.

that pic is a pentax body
In that camera, the film is shoved all the way to the back, there's nothing in front of it except the winding mechanism and the mirror box. If you managed to shove electronics in there they would be extremely limited. Like leicas can't even autofocus or record video if you wanted them to.

This is where you bitch and moan about bloat and purity but very few people actually want a pure product so supply and demand go down in tandem while prices skyrocket. Like a leica. And quality drops. Like a leica. This is the point where you begin experiencing rusty sensors and constant firmware bugs because almost nobody is doing R&D for what is essentially a luxury toy because guess what, 99% of people concerned with purity and bloat don't get any actual work done. They just jerk off to their camera.
>can't even autofocus or record video if you wanted them to.
i don't. hybridization is the probelm. keep the video shit in faggot camcorders, give us a pure photo machine, damn it!
Read the second part of the post.

Products have to sell to people to fund all the technicians, engineers, and precision manufacturing otherwise you end up with a buggy rustbucket and ttartisan tier lenses selling for rolex prices.
don't care, not my problem, they could do it but they chose to jew us out and not do it.
>Like leicas can't even autofocus or record video if you wanted them to.
I don't want them to. I just want to take photos.

>almost nobody is doing R&D for what is essentially a luxury toy
All the r&d has already been done, there is no need for more r&d. The only thing stopping this is they don't want to.
They could do it but they'd go out of business catering to some retard who already has the exact camera he wants (leica) but can't afford the consequences.

Really, Leica already did exactly what you asked for. You just don't like the consequences. Do you think someone else doing it would turn out differently? It's basic economics. Fewer customers, higher prices, less R&D, lower quality products. You're like a communist.
>that wasn't REAL ideologically pure photography cameras
>All the r&d has already been done, there is no need for more r&d. The only thing stopping this is they don't want to.
No, the R&D is constant. A camera is a complex device. Almost every digital leica has been riddled with firmware bugs and even hardware issues. Buying a used one is a minefield of looking up obscure forum posts and contact leica themselves to determine which serial ranges and models had which problems and what repairs are available. And their lenses? 8/10 are garbage that takes the same photo as a $100 chinese lens. You just aren't aware of this because you're used to videofag and journo snapshitter money funding a horde of engineers who fix more shit before you even get the product and design and manufacture much nicer shit to more exacting tolerances.

Imagine if leica had all the video and protog money flowing in. Maybe they would be able to design an electronically coupled rangefinder that didn't suffer from lens calibration and RF adjustment issues like, 10 years ago.

The thing stopping them from doing this is that it's a waste of money. Someone already gave you exactly what you wanted: leica. They also gave you the consequences of a company passing up so much money to sell a luxury toy to spergs. Sorry you cant handle them, but it turns out the same way every time.
t. retard who can't afford a lecia
Oh and here's the funniest part about leica

They HAVE to make products that go against their ethos, like the q2 (it records 4k lol), the wannabe canikons (sl), and all the panasonic licensing and rebranding. Just to get enough money in their camera division to keep making anything at all without it severely degrading into a mess of half baked shit (again). If it was all nice, pure, non-bloated M's they'd be struggling to sell premium garbage (again)
just shoot film retard, easy
Well yeah, there's another option he already has, there's a century of film cameras laying around, and kodak is still making film for them. Speaking of the leica thing, leica is making a brand new film camera, you know that?

He just doesn't like everything else that comes along with it. He seems to want it to be a cheap and common digital camera. New film Cameras are expensive. Film gets expensive. Ouchie.

He already got exactly what he wanted but "that wasn't real communism" ig
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Worst part is we HAD slim dslr's for a very short time.
what is this? Is it the four thirds cameras? Because those don't count.
What if the next camera if film but with an EVF? So it can be small and you can see the exposure that would come out more reliably but it shoots film. That would be awesome Tee Bee Haitch
Take me FUCKING back bro. 4/3 Olympus was kino and the photos were gorgeous. We have been in hell for 20 years as camera companies keep making new models for GAS obessed retiree boomers and not actual fucking photographers. I hate it!
They do. It's a digital SLR and it could be stretched wider and taller and not be any thicker if you'd like a 35mm sensor
The used market still has those I think.. go get one if you like it.
They do, just wish the body type was more widespread.
It also has no fast primes.
damn the flickr group for this camera have awesome shots in it. wtf happened to m4/3 seems so much worse based on the m43 thread here

The actual film is much thinner than an image sensor and the associated electric components. And then on top of that you have a display on the back. It's as simple as that, DSLRs are thicker from the film plane backwards.
Remove display
Offset electronics to the side of the sensor.
Film usually had foam or a spring pressure plate so it wasn’t purely the thickness of film back there. Put the sensor on like a riser cable the way they do GPUs, eliminate superfluous electronics and get rid of ibis (it’s not a video camera after all), and it should be doable.
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Everyone kneel before your slim king.

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You were saying?
>Makes it thiccer than a dslr
>utterly retarded view of how the world works
>delusions of grandeur
yep, checks out
flickr doesnt represent gear it represents flickr users

ibis is a stills feature. it was invented by pentax and minolta for stills. you want a leica. you can not afford a leica. any leica like will be too expensive for you. get a job.
>flickr doesnt represent gear it represents flickr users
wish some of them would post here. The m43 thread is depressingly bad
the only good photographers who still use that crap would never post in a thread that consistently opens with a flurry of charts
Our local M43 threads are usually made by a mental case that no M43 shooter wants to associate with.
Doubt some impoverished foreigners and boomers who forgot how to upgrade (aka flickr users) know what a 4chan is
>Forgot to upgrade
What is there to upgrade?
Boomers forget HOW to upgrade because over time they lose the novelty craving/fast learning capability of their youth. Not only does it stop appealing to them, it's a more frustrating experience.
>doesnt answer the question
There are a lot of things to upgrade and if you need it explained to you, you're either retarded or waiting to be a lil' shit and say
>nuuuuhhhh you dont NEED it
ignorant of the fact that if you could fucking draw you wouldn't need a camera
>still wont answer the question
You're either smart enough to know, playing games, or it's wasted on you. Simple as. I don't live to spoonfeed you.
The E420 is just a god camera bro its the best.
its all just that nikon baldy that bought a pen-f and returned it cus he cant hit focus on anything starting arguments with himself.
now this is schizophrenia
please touch grass

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