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>photographers use to have to capture critical moments with 100% manual cameras.

How the FUCK did they do it?
f8, flash and be there.

But skill is bad for business. Skill raises wages, skill makes employees valuable, hard to replace, and in possession of some bargaining power. These are the last things a business wants.

That's why modern photography is all about putting as much skill into the camera as possible so you can use an unpaid assistant as a "professional photographer" if you want.
Wrong. In the photo OP posted every other photographer shot their shot as soon as he ran on stage. This dude decided to wait and got a GOAT pic. That takes skill
they didn't in most cases. think about how many historical moments not captured there are, like hitler blowing his brains out or napoleon doing whatever it was he did. thankfully sony started making digital cameras for us
>be there
nigger retard
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Learning how to anticipate is such an important skill that nobody really talks about.

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>have perfect exposure set beforehand
>prefocus on the person on stage
>press shutter when action happens
its easy. but the real answer is:
>use autoexposure because you dont understand light at all
>autofocus on the person on stage (you dont even know what you want in focus)
>hold camera out 1 foot infront of your face with one hand
>evf turns on and screen turns off due to dust, dont even care
>action happens
>you were looking at tiktoks on your phone so you missed it
>its ok you press the shutter and it already recorded 2 seconds of history
>hold shutter as you get 30fps e-shutter raws with absolutely 0 noise due to built in NR
>sd card fills up in 4 seconds as you randomly flail your arm around (but content detection crops the 200mp image down to the subject with clinical rule of thirds being applied)
>camera determines the best photo and auto uploads to instagram on the spot

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