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/p/ - Photography

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File: 715d0L8-HSS._AC_SL1500_.jpg (219 KB, 1458x1296)
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What I am for sis? will this make me take better photos and make friends?
>will this make me take better photos
>and make friends?
yes! :)
Your friends will appreciate the photos you give them.
Instant film is based and is basically the best way to do it without being a hyperfixated autist with a weekly budget of $100 for film alone.

Photos are ephermeral until they're printed, and you're skipping a lot of the middle shit.
>Hit button
>Photo prints
There ya go, you've got a tangible photo to either keep or give to someone with minimal effort.
Instant film in general is nice, but I dislike the blue tint of Instax cameras. The only way to avoid it is buying either a mini99, whose format is way too small, or a polaroid, which is overpriced
I'm just sad the wide 400 sucks, not surprised but disappointed
Didn't know it came out. Doesn't it have the functionality of the mini99 with the coloring options?
File: hedoesntknow.gif (703 KB, 637x358)
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lol, it’s just a 300 with a self timer and updated exterior design
Based camera
>Richfags sethee
>Filmcucks mald
>Brandfags dilate
>>Filmcucks mald
we don't do whatever that word is I'm pretty sure

better photos, maybe not, but it's pretty fun. I love my mini 90 and it's always a good time

nice but also you can use any camera and just use selphy canon printer
What, all seven of you?

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