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File: 17211704432165135.jpg (2.38 MB, 2700x3600)
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2.38 MB JPG
Rate my Nikon FG that’s fully loaded with the intended products!

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Image Width2700
Image Height3600
>hanimex flash
>soligor winder
>sigma zoom
3/10 try again
File: IMG_20240717_014802_894.jpg (154 KB, 1260x1280)
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154 KB JPG
10/10 for bumping off a photo thread. thank you nikonbro. But anyways, camera is awful, post a pic of the desk mat instead.
Nice tranny hands, turbo tranny
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142 KB PNG
i made a better one

Heavy and unbalanced perhaps?
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0/10 for a straight reddit repost
File: 1720379966369123.jpg (3.43 MB, 2682x2014)
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3.43 MB JPG
pffft do you even try

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