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don't get me wrong, i think there are some truly beautiful photos out there--"street" photos i mean specifically, i guess, but what im about to say transcends that and can be extrapolated to the world of fashion photography and whatever else photography (in those contexts, everything im about to say is probably even more relevant LOL). I even took a lot of photos on a film camera years ago of random shit (some of it even published). But something ive noticed after observing “photographers” online (see picrel):

These HAVE to be some of the most lamebrained, least artistically gifted people who claim to have an artistic gift. Watching picrel’s channel they (besides maybe daniel arnold, but even him) are just some of the most vapid, shallow people imaginable taking photos of le 'interesting' and 'unexpected' instance of 'happenstance'. The artists themselves seem extremely shallow and talentless, and therefore the shit they take is incredibly shallow and its meaning so obvious, so unavoidable. At best, they’re trying to recreate le Gary winogrand or whomever. Anyways, know this is the photography board of 4chan, but I figured I would find some likeminded folks here rather than poasting on reddit where they’d just downvote me into oblivion.

dont let the youtube watchbar fool ya, i watched a lot of these pieces of shit
They channel has gone downhill a bit. The Andre Wagner episode is 10/10. His, along with the earlier episodes, were more about life and just talking about making photos. Didn't even matter if I like the photos in particular or not, the ideas being discussed were larger than that. The recent episodes like that Adali guy is just someone jerking themselves off for 30 minutes...to their mediocre photos.
ill check it out, im still hate watching at the moment but maybe hell be cool
>watching literal who youtubers
you did this to yourself, turbo nigger
i wish it were so simple. but a lot of the people I know who take photos are kinda stupid and untalented, regardless of if theyre a n word or not
>some of it even published
not a single, actual pro photographer needs to say they are "published"
when did i claim i was pro photographer? im literally a layperson and still got photos published. guess it supports my claim that photography is not impressive
It never has been and only midwits ever claimed otherwise. I’m just gonna keep snapshitting for fun is all.
my claim is not only that photography is not impressive, but that because it is not impressive theres a large swath of people that do it "professionally" that are completely untalented, and whos work is insanely redundant in the canon
i'm curious about why you think they are vapid, shallow. can you give an example of a photographer who is deep and thoughtful?
>least artistically gifted people who claim to have an artistic gift
i've seen every walkie talkie and i haven't heard anyone claim they have an artistic gift. i'm also eager to see a photo from someone you consider to be artistically gifted.
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idk man this shit is bad ass, theres lots of photos i think are beautiful. they dont have to be old. this is probably low hanging fruit, but this guy fuckin sucks https://youtu.be/66LLHQLaDJI

also trevor wisecup sucks
idk man i'm not really seeing it. that's a sweet photo and i think that austin guy seems cool. he's got sweet shots too. i'm not sure what the complaint is. trevor, i could see since he puts on a kind of persona which feels contrived sometimes but i don't mind him either really

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