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>Spends thousands on full frame gear
>uses top of the line equipment for dog photos
>everyone at the dog park is staring at their ridiculous camera setup trying to figure out if they are a creep or just autistic
>takes such unremarkable photos they don't even bother to get them printed
>"At least it looks better than a cellphone photo"
>wastes time on /pee/ obsessing over purchase
>turns camera sensor size into identity politics
>furiously specubates over the thought of convincing someone to buy the same thing as them
>Only turned on by MTF charts

Honestly insane the amount of time you guys spend thinking about another man's sensor. If you were actually that much of a sensor size queen you would be doing something cool like shooting 8x10.
dyslexia is the first symptom of schizophrenia man. you need to get help.
I think it was meant to be a pun on speculatory masturbation
Jokes on you I only shoot medium format.
Love mft and aps-c
Still think muh ideal bird shooting setup would be a used z7 + Nikon 180-600mm
If money was no option gfx100ii + gf500mm seems like it would be extraordinary
Guys can we bring back mft photo threads, I wanna post some photos and not have shitflinging drown it out to the bump limit again :(
>Specification + masturbation = specubate

Summer 4chan is the worst
I would love an m43 one as well. They get so full of the whiny full frame gear fags I haven't thought about making one in a while
What if I use top of the line 8x10 equipment to take pictures of my dog? Does it balance out?
>hey guys i spent all day thinking of how much i hate full frame
No one asked, nophoto
the level of obsession here is unreal

drama level: teenage girl (on her period)
>complains about others worrying too much about sensor size
>opens a thread soley bitching about sensor size

Never change, /p/
lots of words and no photos faggot
That’s those faggots goal, stifle mft discussion and photoposting
Sad that it seems to be working
Make this into a m43 thread. Start posting pics, nerd.
First the op must mot be the dr chart lunatic or the /an/ zoophile that stalks people (probably the same drama whore op itt) and it must be a photo thread not a g9ii photonstophotos chart thread
Mfturds do that themselves by turning everything into charts and drama about how much they hate their friends from /an/
>panasonic raped my dog!
>dog rape obsession
more transparent than a closeted transphobe
>closeted transphobe
In English, please.
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Hows that re-mortgage treating you?
You are also a nophoto, faggot
I shall be the first yesphoto
Panasonic raped everyone's dog
Car transmissions scare him

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you casually bring up a weird sex thing constantly because it turns you on and accuse random people of sharing your interests like closer cases accuse random people of being gay

normal people dont bring it up to begin with because it disgusts them but you now have a reputation
Sure would be a nice photo if it were taken by a better photographer and not a hobo living in a beaver dam
>log in the way
>diffraction smeared
>totally useless foreground
next time shoot at f5.6 without a foreground other than water. l2landscape.
An iPhone 5 could’ve gotten this same photo.
Nah mate thats clearly in sony xperia territory
Log in foreground reminds me of a shark. 10/10
>hobo living in a beaver dam
I'll have you know it's man made weir
>diffraction smeared
Yes, I left me ND filter at home since this wasn't a planned outing
>log in the way
sure is

Sorry xir, I left my fruit at home

And yet I have contributed more to this thread than either of you, so I don't actually know why you're not the useless faggots
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These are SOOC, so part of me wants to go back and edit RAWs but cbf atm

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You dont need an nd filter

You need to learn to compose a photo. Unfortunately on fool turds most zooms diffraction smear wide open so you need to carry primes that cost more than they do for ff dslrs lmoa
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>if you don't remove the exif data someone is going to have a meltdown

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>if you leave exif: diffraction smeared, shoot f5.6
>if you delete exif: fool turds is this blurry? shit camera “a-actually i user a canon (your honor is safe m’sensor)”
>if you dont take a blurry landscape photo: nice.

If you leave exif: darktable has bad colors, please use lightroom like a normal person
If you delete exif: is this a sony at iso 6400?
I've noticed f/5.6 and lower is decent with the kit lens but only without going above 30mm, but yeah even my APS-C is leaps better with diffraction
Mft start a thread with a photo instead of a chart or a rent free drama episode challenged: failed, dramatically

Most immature, insecure, and unhinged posters on /p/. All 2 of them, vs the 3 people who actually use foothards. Why not make your owm photo thread instead of posting in a mental asylum.
(Sorry for english am indian here to advertise for canon r5ii)
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Posting content in a shitflinging arena is part of the charm of this board. Every former professional photographer known to man crawls out from their basement to tell you there's a log in your shot, kek.

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Sideways infinity sign is really intriguing. 10/10
It's from the middle-east, I notified the local IED squad
>caring this much what others are doing
There are 3 kinds of mft poster

obsessive schizophrenic and sexual deviant with no actual interest in photography, probably from another board
genuinely bad photographer
half decent and probably owns better cameras, no brand loyalty
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>half decent
which hafl though
>bad photo
could always actually offer suggestions
m43 is based. i can fit all my m43 gear on my person without feeling it, if i carry around my ff gear and some vintage lenses i need to be choosy about what im bringing and what im shooting because of how bulky and ass the lenses are.

that said, i still enjoy the experience of using vintage lenses on a ff body way more than i do the clinical experience of using modern lenses on a newer m43 body.
The recent behavior of mftroons here made me do some thinking so I sold my m43 kit last night. It was mostly gathering dust anyways. Whenever the opportunity arises to take it somewhere I take a much larger FF instead or a film camera. The size isn't stylish but oh well, I already lost my virginity years ago.
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>darktable has bad colors, please use lightroom like a normal person
Nah fuck adobe. And my cracked light room classic doesn't open the OM5 raws lmao
Honestly I am more of a filmfag, I just use m43 as what they are. Cheap digital cameras

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Is getting laid a feature exclusive to M43?

Also, why is everyone in this thread one of two kinds of faggots?
>Cope M43 graph huffing nophotos
>Expert FF nigger nophoto

Fucking hell, at least that one guy contributed; its a photo board

And yes, I am also a faggot nophoto
The editing (or lack thereof, looks like just demosaicing+a generic color and curve profile that doesnt match any camera) really adds to the cheap look
>Expert FF nigger
I wouldn't scan my film with less
aps c will prodooce marginally better results than phones, m43s wont, simple as
even m43 mogs phones, but you have to know what you're doing

the only people who think phones are better typically dont know what the fuck they're doing (f/22 high iso harsh daylight snapshit boomers) or only view on phone screens/2mp instasharts.
Lol you think photography isn’t viewed on phones.
Does it really matter what phone viewers think? The majority of them are the epitome of consumer cattle, a self fulfilled prophecy from dystopian fiction. Non-entities of no consequence.

The most important photography is typically presented on a 4k computer screen or projector in sequence with a whole set of photographs.
oh yeah photos are viewed on phones that totally matters to - no one who matters

the real people in my real life get prints. phone viewing is for fake people. get real friends and you'll stop caring about whatever happens on those mental illness generating rectangles. even an instax camera mogs phones, because it makes something real, for real people to share in real life.

m43 and other digishits mog phones for prints btw
The same retards that scream sensor size matters therefore FF>M43 are the ones going "lol MFTurd a phone (with a 1/1.7" sensor at best) could take better photos", completely ignoring the same logic they used earlier that minute. Nobody (sane) argues M43 is superior to FF, APS-C or Medium, and as soon as you want to print things out a phone camera, nomatter how good (unless we're talking that batshit crazy RealMe) will manage quality nearing even an M43.

But hey, M4Turd poor cope get a real blob reeeeee.
>a phone nearing mft
No not really

Mft is shit but not that shit. Is just mft users who are that bad.
Lol I get to do shoots every week and you don’t.
weird larp but ok
>If I can’t have it no one can
Crazy there isn’t a market for you ducks at the park series.
So what you're saying is if I buy a nikom I will be better? D70 here I come
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The camera lenses are maybe 5mm across but they put these gigantic huge covers on them to make it look like they are bigger. They add milometers of thickness to the phone body, uselessly. Then they add so much garbage on top of of Android that it freezes every few minutes and you can't do shit.

Look at all the megapixels there's so many
Bro it's an f/2 lens trust me bro bokeh bro, phone cameras are so legit BRO.

Except the retards don't understand that 3mm divide by 2 is still fuck all light entering and being gathered by the sensor. I swear phone companies advertise focal length as an equiv. reading. Exhibit a) 'f/1.9, 24mm (wide), 1/1.56"'. Means basically fuck all even compares to a digishit, let alone an M43
It's not a bunch of people bring them down, its just that one nikon fag that makes like 40 posts an hour, every hour. He forked out for a pen-f and got mad when he couldn't hit focus even with AF, so now he torments others by blaming the gear.
Is this Australia?
I can't think of a single APS-C camera that is better than top of the line offerings from Panasonic or Olympus

They dont care about these and neither should you. They're upgrade bait. Even with the sharpest glass they're mid

Probably could have made something good but they use xtrans sensors so the photos come out looking like overprocessed iphone x pictures. Also their cameras are built like happy meal toys

Good but SOOC colours are weird. Probably just as good as m43 if you're not shooting anything with skin.

Were cool but no lenses
You have never used any of those cameras so why larp that you know something?
You are fucking delusional and have never used a crop sensor camera.
I own all of them, even the samsung
As an APS-C and M43 owner, I'd like to hear your reasoning as to why you think M43 somehow does better. Pure specs belie against that thinking.
Wait actually thats a lie I dont own a crop sensor Nikon, but you cant blame me for that because no one owns one of those
Maybe they have good glass for mft and shit glass for apsc. Glass matters more than sensor size anyways.
>Pure specs belie against that thinking
Yeah, so? Compare samples, not specs.
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>Namefag asks for reasons as to why anon believes X
>anon responds without anything beyond "durr, SpEcS dOnT mAtTeR, sAmPlEs Do"
>proceeds to also not offer any samples

Fucking hell I'm almost sure the namefag was typing in English but retardation wins the day
Bro f2 and 64MP? Your $5k setup is only f2.8 and 33MP bro. Just get a phone bro
Yeah but I realised m43 was better when I compared different bodies with the same EF lenses. Also compared against native EF bodies. I guess you could also just use dpreview studio shot comparison but I don't know what the lens situation is with that. Apparently they just use whatever close to 85mm full frame equivalent in native glass, but they don't actually list which lens was used for each camera so who knows.
If you had your way this board would just be graphs and dpreview comparisons. We should be so thankful that there are not more of your ilk in this world you sickening gargoyle
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You're a retard. I actually want to see some results or actual reasoning instead of just "Trust me bro(tm)"

Seriously. Post a fucking photo backing up the claim. Or don't, and at least explain WHY retard. It's a discussion board and you're screeching about someone actually wanting to discuss things.
>I own all of them, even the samsung
Awesome, you should post comparison images, it's like actual evidence not just a claim
Careful, the trust-me-bro crowd aren't going to like what you just said fren
>m43 thread already less than half a dozen photos and MFT IS BETTER FULL FRAME SUCKS MUH CHARTS MUH GRAMS
Oh huskychad, sugar, we have another one for you to kill.
>i shoot for onlyfans girls in my mind
mft thread
no photos
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>less than half a dozen photos
Pretty sure that one guy posting photos was trying but as usual the site is filled with shitflingers and useless niggers, so here we are. Maybe we should just include M43 photos in... err... other photo threads? Nah, people will just bitch and moan as normal.

Here, have a photo. I don't give a fuck if it's bad, if anything I fit in around here.

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>m43 thread savior
>not shooting m43
many such cases

i think the problem is none of you actually shoot, theres nothing you like taking photos of, you just shop and cope
Oh fuck me, I didn't actually remember that was my Canon lel. Should have just scrubbed the exif and had someone say my photo is bad because M43, where in reality I just had the lens too far open and sharpened it too much to compensate. I liked the composition though so when I have time I'll go back to that spot and retake my shots.

Hell I might even bring my M43 and do a comparison, so when the next nigger filled M43 thread is up I can post ACTUAL evidence based results.
>Spends thousands on full frame gear
You wish that was true, don't you?
He’s a gearfag so money is the #1 thing he obsesses over whether or not he has it

>sAAAr uR a rEtArd wHy arEnt YUo pStinG dPrERveiW comParIsonS

At least give it a second or two before you samefag this hard
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Not only are you wrong, you're blind.

I said photo, not some shitty review chart. I mean go take a fucking photo with your camera. It's the entire point of this board. Oh wait, we'd rather whine about gear or pretend you own a camera just to participate
>i can fit all my m43 gear on my person without feeling it
On or in?
After you lost the chart war you are now claiming its unprovable but m43 is better than SOMETHING lmao so desperate and pathetic

These are digi-shits. Get over it! They suck!
Heres ur original post

All specfag user error nonsense. Apsc is better sorry.
I already told you the objective truth, if you want to continue to be black and wrong, it's literally not my problem. Once again you should just put this all in one post instead of samefagging. Plus I recognise your typing "quirks" and your photos are terrible.
>trust me bro
Micro fool turds is exactly twice as bad as apsc

I have a g9ii btw. “8 stop ibis” is not real. Its 4 stop unless you sit down, lean against a wall, and use a small wide angle lens.
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>Objective truth
There are three. Death, Taxes, and the fact that you're coping hard.

Nah, you getting 3 on 1'd homie. It's almost like you're the vocal minority idiot but ofc you're too factually autistic to admit it. Go on. Now reply that we're samefagging again as your only defence because you're getting predictable.
Huskychad save us
>wojak with every post
The fella you're quoting is almost as fat and bald as you

Nah you're just weak, works on my machine
>panasonic feature doesn't work
not a surprise, the only "8 stop ibis" cameras to work are either using 5 stop ibis+lens VR or focus point linked VR. panasonic can't even make autofocus work better than a 1st gen nikon z6 what did you expect.
>told you the objective truth
If it was objective, you wouldn't have to tell us, you could simply show us and the truth would be self evident.
My objective truth is your wrong, so there.
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yeah but have you guys even taken a photo of a giant bepsi bottle

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>Thread Saved
>Straw size not proportional to can size
Damn, I want to believe
>blurry with bad colors
mft is the new 35mm
ff is the new 645
44mm mf digital is the new 6x7
54mm mf digital is the new 4x5

darktable is the new lab scans
lightroom is the new epson
capture one is the new enlarger
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huuuh good point
>mft is the new 35mm
so pure SOUL?

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Only in the hands of someone who realizes its shit, not better, and the entire point of shooting it is worse IQ. Most users are not like this, they are gearfags instead of sovlfags.

Digishits correlate with better quality of work because they’re so bad that they repel schizophrenic gear whores like OP, just like half frame.

It makes perfect sense.
Don't shit on 35mm like that. It's higher resolution on average and has better tonality than anything digital and under 40mp, over the same usable ISO range as high res FF too (50-400, 800 and 1600 are pushing it)
Do not be a retarded gearfag while trying to appear like you aren't a gearfag.

Full frame is literally 35mm
APS-C is literally half frame
Micro four thirds is literally super 16
There are no digital equivalents to 645 or larger, 120 and sheet film still has a unique aesthetic without equal

But all of these are worse. Because film looks better.
>super 16: black swan
>micro four thirds: some youtube clips
Hey what's all the autistic screeching in this thread? Y'all arguing about some pointless bullshit again? Cool.

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That is what you do you on here all day, while dragging social media, lol.
Incoherent post
>There are no digital equivalents to 645
the h6d and phase one xt are still short of 645. you can buy a stripped down sensor-only 54x40 150mp camera for $10k.

its cheaper to just shoot film (and still looks better)
>Honestly insane the amount of time you guys spend thinking about another man's sensor.
>t. made a thread about made up dynamic range figures and "full frame btfo"
>If you were actually that much of a sensor size queen you would be doing something cool like shooting 8x10.
>the ever present micro four thirds cope - "nooo its not the best"
ok but micro four thirds still sucks
let see your photo of a giant soda can then
I bet he doesn't have one. Such a shame. I'm going to find my nearest giant soda can and take a photo just to come back here and find I missed focus
Since this is the Micro 43 thread:

LUMIX G100V with 40-150mm and 12-32mm Panasonic Lenses, 4 Batteries, and Tripod for $425 shipped?

This has the 20.3mp Sensor so it shouldn't be as bad, but it also has a 1/500 mechanical shutter speed so it might suck for fast moving shots.
wasn't that thing more of a vlogging camera?
>1/500 speed
holy shit, that is early Prontor-Compur stuff lmao

I mean if you are going to take photos of static subjects and have an ND filter why not.

But you could probably get something better for the same price, like a GX85
The lumix gf1 is the ONLY fool turds you need
Electronic shutters cope with moving targets way better with smaller sensors like mft. I wouldn't worry about it, though mft isn't the format for action anyway.
i just wouldnt buy lumix number soup ewaaste
Have fun defending your crab bucket anon.
>try and larp as a ????
>get called a larper
>h-help crab bucket
there is no bucket, and you were never climbing out

it's a cave and you're telling stories from its comforting darkness where no one can truly know anything
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Stupid 5mb limit is annoying

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... Why are you taking photos of random children
Anon why are you looking at pictures of other people's children. Kinda gross buddy.
It’s cool you can just tell yourself you don’t want to work with brands and artists.
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god tier amazing photo

test shot
>i work with BRANDS and ARTISTS
no photo, larping, but i'm also extremely racist so i take photos of mountains and weddings instead of gays and globohmo corpos consoomer products

next year i'm going to france to do a shoot with louis cachet
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1.16 MB JPG
Nothing gets my creative juices flowing like m43 does

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Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 8.2.1 (Windows)
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Image Created2023:06:07 20:10:32
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File: me.jpg (39 KB, 1280x720)
39 KB
>Two homos ask me to shoot their wedding
>"Sorry I'm booked"
>fast forward to the day they wanted me to shoot:
>pour another manhattan
>point camera at my cat
i laff every tiem

$160k/yr wedding photographer btw
What happens if the libs win and everyone turns gay though?
Based lmfao
>160k/yr btw

It keeps getting funnier
nikon user detected
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Only if the poofters weren't dark.
Wow that's a captivating shot! Great abstract feeling too it.
File: HappyBirthday.jpg (4.5 MB, 3738x4985)
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4.5 MB JPG

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>That anon who tries to pretend he’s a multimillionaire commercial photographer unprompted but never posts a photo
sad. xbox live defined his entire personality type already. imagine being that… internet tough guy.
Remember the asian kid who tried posing with (just) $1000 in film gear and the student housing his parents paid for? How does photography attract so many posers
I enjoy my Zf more than my GM1. But it's probably because I don't like shooting from a screen and need a viewfinder.

Nothing wrong with MFT but full frame is unironically better in every way other than price.
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1.67 MB JPG

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 8.2.1 (Windows)
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Focal Length (35mm Equiv)54 mm
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Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
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Image Created2024:07:19 20:51:03
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The only anons claiming M43 is superior to anything but a phone are the drooling retards. Unfortunately it seems the per-capita spread of them on this board is higher than we'd like.

I don't even know if price is a fair point. An E-PL10 is like $850 USD with a twin lens kit. Pretty sure the Canon R10 is that much with its kit lens (admittedly only the one). Even the used market seems to even out, with Olympus bodies from like 2015 going for $300, but so are Canon 70D's and Nikon D5300's. SO I conclude that M43 is a fashion statement like buying a mercedes or a hassy
$850 is getting dangerously close to being able to afford a z6ii, xt4, a6600, locally bought a7iii or a7c, basically any FF DSLR except a memed up d850…
And almost any non leica 35mm film camera
And basically every jap medium format slr
And a hasselblad 500cm kit is only $350 asay

A good camera could just be a little OT at McD’s away!
A hasselblad is not a fashion statement. If you want a compact mechanical medium format slr that takes god tier lenses and has a wlvf, you don’t have many other options. Bronica sq/etr cameras are not quite as reliable and the lenses are not so good. Nothing else can even be compared, it all fails on at least one point of
>medium format
>with wlvf
>takes god tier lenses
Including meme bronicas

I conclude that if you don’t have a hasselblad yet there’s something wrong with you. A 500cm with lens ready to shoot is not much, just sell one single 35mm digital camera and you can buy two of them. Maybe your photography isn’t good enough for one yet?

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