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File: IMG_0598.jpg (48 KB, 678x452)
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How do you carry your camera in your bag without breaking it?

I have an Olympus Pen Lite E-PL5 and I have a leather case for it that protects it pretty well in my backpack, but I just picked up a used Olympus OM-D E-M10 (the first model) and I can't find any similar cases specific to this model (everything I'm finding is for the later versions of this model and I'm not sure if they're compatible with the original version.

What do you suggest? Or does anyone know if cases for the later versions will still fit this one? I want a case like I use now which is a leather jacket that attaches to the camera via the tripod mount, and then there's a cover to protect the lens which snaps onto the jacket.

(Pic related is from Google, it's not mine)

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Is aliexpress fake PU leather but will still protect the body

That say it's for the mark 4. Will it fit the original model?
Ah fuck me, my bad man. Looks like the Mk II, III, and IV share a case. I can find some listings that don't desginate a Mark but I can't say with a certainty they would fit. I would just order one of those for $10 and take the chance.

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