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Hey everyone

I’m trying to find the 4k version of the pic above because I want to make a custom poster to hang in my room. It’s just a cool photo, really iconic, and I’m about it.
Now that I got that gay backstory out of the way I come to /p/ and ask because no one else seems to have it. All the news articles have lower quality versions, and moderators have removed it from websites like reddit or imagestock. Search engines just return those same low quality news articles; google/bing doesn’t even try to return a search that is consistent with my query.

Can anyone help me out and provide the 4k photo? If not, can anyone help point me in the direction of where I can find it?

Thanks in advance

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>If not, can anyone help point me in the direction of where I can find it?
There's probably all kinds of variants of it at Arlington, even ones the public hasn't been shown.
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I want it too. I think this one is the best.
Here you go. The only high res version I could find of OP's photo looked upscaled.
Funny, your input didn't make the thread disappear.
Thank you both for your input
I hope to keep this thread alive long enough to get more sources. Its being called one of the most iconic photographs in American history, it seems surprising that there aren’t any high res versions of it for public consumption.
I can understand fair use and copyright but even the Evan Vucci must realize this photo has transcended his right to license it; it’s just too important and iconic.
"the most [xyz] in American history"

Every time one of you unread fucktards who has below negative zero concept of American history say these god damned words, I'm going to abort a baby in your name.
Just use an AI upscaler like Stable Diffusion or Topaz.
I didn’t say it is the most iconic photo in American history, I said it is being called one of the most iconic photos in American history

Quality is reduced too much, they always come out looking different. I really want the OG 4k version, it still seems strange to me that no one can find it.
Maybe Vucci just wants a payout. For him, that’s a really big picture. If he were to create a storefront and sell posters with that picture, in it’s high quality form, he could make a ton of money. Maybe it’s against his contract, maybe he has a personal reason. Idk. I just wish I could get my hands on the OG 4k version
It's a cool photo, but it just doesn't have that je ne sais quoi that past historical photos had.
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Would you say it insists upon itself too much?
because its 100% staged, right down to instructing the photographer to use excessive shutter speeds

historical photos were more authentic
You're telling me Sony controls are too slow to jump to max speed as soon as you see weird stuff happening with the SS?
>weird stuff happening with the SS?
Is that a Canon thing? It's pretty consistent on Sony

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